Basic Drugs Condensed Flashcards
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
Class: Local Anesthetic (amide)
[20 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.5-1 mg/kg
Use: Local
Meperidine (Demerol)
Class: Opioid
[25 mg/mL]
Dose: 12.5-25 mg
Peak effect: 5-7 min Duration: 2-4 hrs
Use: Treat Shivering
90% hepatic metabolism to normeperidine which is renally eliminated
Side effects: Local/Atropine like side effects
- Block Sodium channels
- Tachycardia, dry mouth, mydriasis
Midozolam (Versed)
Class: Benzodiazepine
[1 mg/mL]
Dose: 1-5 mg (.01-.1 mg/kg) IV, Sedation 0.5-4mg IV load then 1-7mg/hr IV, Induction 0.1-0.2mg/kg, Peds 0.5 mg/kg PO
Onset 30-60 seconds
Peak 3-5 minutes
Duration 15-80 minutes
Elimination half time 1-4hrs
Use: Anti-Anxiety, sedation, induction
Caution: hepatic, pregnant, elderly, > narc effects
Morphine (Morphine)
Class: Opioid
[15 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.1-1 mg/kg
Use: Long Pain Relief (3-4hrs)
Onset: 15-30 min
Caution: < resp, PONV, pruritis (caused by histamine release), Morphine 6-glucaronide metabolite
Naloxone (Narcan)
Class: Opioid Antagonist
[0.4 mg/mL]
Dose: 1 - 4 µg/kg
Use: Narcotic Reversal
Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
Class: Cholinesterase Inhibitor
[1 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.04 -0.07 mg/kg
Use: Relaxant Reversal
Nitroglycerin (Nitroglycerin)
Class: Vasodilator (Nitrate)
[50 mg/mL]
Dose: 50–100 µg
Use: ^ HR, decr BP (treat angina, HTN)
Caution: principally venous dilator
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
Class: Vasopressor
[1 mg/mL]
Dose: 8–16 µg
Use: decr HR, ^^ BP
Ondansetron (Zofran)
Class: Antiemetic
[2 mg/mL]
Dose: 4 mg
Use: Treat N/V
Indication: female, h/o motion sickness, nonsmoker, obesity, >narcotics, gastric distension, surgical procedure
Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)
Class: Vasopressor
[10 mg/mL (dilute –> 100 mcg/ml)]
Dose: 50–100 µg
Use: decr HR, ^ BP
Caution: Reflex Bradycardia
- selective a1-adrenergic receptor agonist
- Contraindications: hypertension and use of MAO inhibitors
Propofol (Diprivan)
Class: Hypnotic
[10 mg/mL]
Dose: Induction: 1–2.5 mg/kg, IV Sedation: 25-200mcg/kg/min, GA TIVA: 100-200mcg/kg/min
Onset–30 seconds
Peak effect 90-100 seconds
Duration–5-10 minutes (dose dependent)
–Distribution half life is 2-8 minutes
–Context sensitive half time of prolonged infusions less than 40 minutes
Caution: burns on injection, expires 6-12 hrs, decr BP, egg allergy
Rocuronium (Zemeron)
Class: Neuromuscular Blocker (NDMB)
[10 mg/mL]
Dose: Intubation 0.6–1.2 mg/kg,
Maint 0.1 mg/kg
Onset: 1-2 min Duration: 20-35 min
Use: Paralysis
Succinylcholine (Anectine)
Class: Neuromuscular Blocker (Depolarizing)
[20 mg/mL]
Dose: 1–2 mg/kg
Onset: 30 sec Duration: 3-5 min
Use: Paralysis, RSI
Caution: Malignant Hyperthermia, Hyperkalemia (^bl. K+)
Atropine (Atropine)
Class: Anticholinergic
[0.4 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.4–0.6 mg (up to 3 mg)
Use: ^^HR, NMB reversal
Vecuronium (Norcuron)
Class: Neuromuscular Blocker (NDMB)
[10 mg/mL - powder reconst to 1 mg/ml]
Dose: Intubation 0.08–0.12 mg/kg
Maint 0.01 mg/kg
Use: Paralysis
Diphenylhydramine (Benadryl)
Class: Antihistamine
[25 mg/mL]
Dose: 12.5–50 mg
Use: Treat Allergy
Cisatracurium (Nimbex)
Class: Neuromuscular Blocker (NDMB)
[2 mg/mL] 20 mg vial
Dose: 0.1–0.15 mg/kg
Use: Paralysis
Indicated for: Renal
Droperidol (Inapsine)
Class: Antiemetic
[2.5 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.625 mg
Use: Treat N/V
Caution: Parkinsons, prolonged QT interval, abnormal EKG
Ephedrine (Ephedrine)
Class: Vasopressor
[50 mg/mL –> 5mg/ml]
Dose: 5–20 mg
Onset: ~1 min, Duration: 3-5 min
Use: ^ HR / ^BP (indirect action)
Caution: tachyphylaxis
Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
Class: Vasopressor
[16 µg/ml syringe]
Dose: 8–16 µg
Use: ^^HR / ^^BP
- Activates both a and b receptors; higher affinity for B
- Route: IM or IV
- Duration: half-life of less than one minute
- Tx: cardiac arrest, acute bronchospasm and shock
- profound bronchodilation as well as powerful increases in cardiac output, blood glucose levels and blood pressure
Esmolol (Brevibloc)
Class: Beta Blocker (cardioselective)
[10 mg/mL]
Dose: 0.2-0.5 mg/kg (initial dose 10 mg)
Use: decr decr HR
Onset: 5 min Duration: 10–30 min
Etomidate (Amidate)
Class: Hypnotic
[2 mg/mL] (35% glycol)
Dose: 0.2–0.3 mg/kg
Onset – 30 sec, 1 minute peak, 3-5 minutes duration, Elimination half time 2.6 hours
Use: Induction
Indication: Cardiovascular stability
Caution: PONV, burns on injection
Fentanyl (Sublimaze)
Class: Opioid
[50 µg/mL]
Dose: 1–2 µg/kg (low)
2-20 µg/kg (moderate) 1-2 µg/kg/hr Infusion
Onset 3-5 min Duration 30-60 min
Use: Pain Relief
Caution: 100x > morphine, versed incr
Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
Class: Anticholinergic
[0.2 mg/mL]
Dose 0.01 mg/kg (0.2 mg/1 mg neostig (1ml/ml))
Use: ^ HR
Indication: Used w/ neostig b/c same onset/duration
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
Class: Opioid
[2 mg/mL]
Dose 0.5–2 mg
Use: Long Pain Relief
Ketamine (Ketalar)
Class: Hypnotic
[50 mg/mL]
Dose: 1–2 mg/kg IV, Onset: 30-60 sec, Duration: 5-10 min
4-8 mg/kg IM, Onset: 2-4 min, Duration: 12-25 min
Use: induction, ANALGESIA, No Vent Depression
Caution: Emergence delirium, ICP, BP, HR &CMRO2 increase
Metabolites: Norketamine
Ketorolac (Toradol)
Class: NSAID
COX-2 selective
[30 mg/mL]
Dose: 15–60 mg
Use: Pain Relief
Avoid in: ketoROLAC (Renal, Old, Liver, Asthma, Coagulopathic)
Also not in spinal or for no oozing
Creatinine level required: <1?
Labetalol (Normodyne)
Class: Beta Blocker (mixed a1, b1, b2)
[5 mg/mL]
Dose: 5–10 mg (0.1-.25 mg/kg)
Use: decr HR / decr BP
Metoprolol (Lopressor)
Class: Beta1- blocker
[5 mg (1 mg/mL)]
Dose: 1–2 mg
Onset: 10 minutes Duration: hours
Use: decr decr HR
Onset: 1–2 minutes
Peak: 20–30 minutes
duration: 6–10 hours
elimination halftime 21–37 hours
Brand-name: romazicon
Class: benzodiazepine antagonist
Function: reversal of benzodiazepines
Dose: .1–.2 mg IV repeated up to 3 mg
Duration: one hour