______ are accessory digestive organs, responsible for mastication, or the mechanical digestion in the mouth
________ initiates the breakdown of starch
Salivary Amylase
______ breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids.
Lingual lipase
Cheeks (buccal) form the lateral walls of the oral cavity. They are covered externally by skin and internally by a mucous membrane, which consists of
non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
_____ are fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth.
Lips (labial / facial)
What part of the mouth?
Contains orbicularis oris muscle and are covered externally by skin and internally by a mucous membrane, which consists of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
Lips (labial / facial)
Hard Palate
keratinized or non-keratinized
soft palate
keratinized or non-keratinized
________ is an accessory digestive organ composed of skeletal muscle covered with mucous membrane. Together with its associated muscles, it forms the floor of the
oral cavity.
The dorsal surface of the tongue contains the taste-buds and is covered (keratinized/nonkeritanized) stratified squamous epithelium
_______ or gums, is a keratinized epithelial tissue that covers the alveolar processes, and extend slightly into each socket.
________ form a triangle of tissue called the
interdental papilla, filling in the space (embrasure) between each tooth coronal to the base of the gums.
The gingiva
What are the three main regions of a tooth
Neck (cervical)
Root (radicular)
Crown (coronal)
is the visible region of the tooth above the level of the gums.
Crown (coronal)
is the region of the tooth which encompasses the junction of the crown and root near the gum line. It contains the Cementumal Enamel Junction (CEJ) where the Enamel and Cementum meet.
Neck (cervical)
is the region of the tooth that is embedded in the socket. It can have one, two, three, or more roots and is termed single-rooted, bifurcated, trifurcated, and
multi-rooted respectfully.
Root (radicular)
is the tissue of the tooth that covers the crown, and consists primarily of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. It is harder than bone because of its even higher content of calcium salts (about 95% dry weight).
______ is the hardest enamelsubstance in the body.
_______ is the tissue that forms the majority of the tooth. It consists of a calcified connective tissue that gives the tooth its basic shape and rigidity. It is harder than bone because of its higher content of calcium salts (70% dry weight).
_______ is a connective tissue of the tooth located within the pulp cavity containing blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels.
______ is a tissue of the attachment apparatus which covers the dentin of the roots.
It is a bone-like substance, which attaches the root to the periodontal ligament.
_______ are a tissue of the attachment apparatus which lines the tooth sockets and consists of dense fibrous connective tissue that anchors the teeth to the
socket walls. They are innervated and provide proprioception.
Periodontal ligaments
is a tissue of the attachment apparatus which is the thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets (alveoli) on bones that hold teeth in the maxilla and
Alveolar process
What are the three tissues of the tooth
Type of tooth
______ are closest to the midline, are chisel-shaped and adapted for cutting into food. They have one root.
Type of tooth
_______ are the next teeth from the midline, and have a pointed surface called a cusp. They are used to tear and shred food. They have one root.
Canines (cuspids)
Type of tooth
are the next teeth from the midline from the canines, which have two cusps and one to two roots, and are used for crushing and grinding.
Premolars (bicuspids)
Type of tooth
_____ are the most posterior teeth, and have four to five cusps and two to three (or more) roots. They are used for crushing and grinding.
The most posterior molars, are also named
wisdom teeth
The adult mouth has how many teeth?
How are they numbered?
The number 1 tooth is what?
top-right most posterior molar
What are the 3 parts of the pulp
lymphatic vessels
blood vessels
The cementum can regenerate
What part of the tooth are innervated and provide proprioception?
Periodontal ligaments
What are the three parts of the attachment apparatus?
Periodontal ligaments
Alveolar process
What is tooth #17?
bottom-left most posterior molar
What are the muscles of mastication
Medial pterygoid
Lateral Pterygoid
What muscle of mstication opens the jaw’
Lateral pterygoid
What are the branches of the trigeminal nerve?
V1 - Ophthalmic
v2 - Maxillary
v - 3 MAndibular
What are the 4 alveolar nerves?
(1) Anterior Superior Alveolar (ASA)
(2) Middle Superior Alveolar (MSA)
(3) Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA)
(4) Inferior Alveolar (IA
Mesial =
towards midline
Lingual =
toward tongue
Buccal =
= toward cheek
Labial =
toward lips
Palatal =
toward palate
Occlusal =
biting surface of molars and premolars
Incisal =
biting surface of laterals and canines
Interproximal =
in between