- Know the premise of CPTED
“The proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime and to an improvement in the quality of life”
- What is the 3-D concept of CPTED?
Designated, definitions and designs.
All human space has some designated purpose.
All human space has social, cultural, legal, or physical definitions (see slide for rest of it)
- Be able to identify examples of CPTED strategies.
Answer is: Clear t4ansistion zones, safe activities in unsafe activities. Clear boarder definitions.
- Is perception of crime unimportant when designing our environment?
Answer? False
- What are some example of an organized Crime Prevention options?
Answer: Security, neighborhood watch
- CPTED strategies are intended to focus on the behavior and perceptions of which of the groups?
Answer : normal user abnormal user and observer user.
- CPTED stands for
Answer: Crime prevention th rough environmental design
- ____________________coined the phrase CPTED?
Answer: C. Ray Jeffrey
- “Eyes on the street” is a term that was used by ____________
Jane Jacobs
- What is Natural Surveillance?
Answer: where people and their activities are naturally (readily) observered.
- What is the use of sidewalks, paving materials, lighting, landscaping, fencing, public art, and colorful design elements to guide or allow access to the site?
Answer: access control
- What is the use of pavement treatments, landscaping, art, signage, screening, and fences to define and outline ownership of property?
Answer: Territorial reinforcement
- What are Transition zones?
Answer: public, semi public and private
- What areas are they used to separate?
Answer: public, semi public and private areas
- Under the CPTED model what is design defined?
Includes physical, social management, and directives that seek to affect positively. Human behavior as people interact with their environment.
Normal users (outnumber 100 to 1 of abnormal users)
Abnormal users
- Under the CPTED model what is environment defined?
Answer: people and social surroundings
- In CPTED, windows on the exterior of a building are an example of what?
Answer natural surrounding
- When CPTED strategies cannot be applied, should physical security applications be taken into consideration?
Answer: True
- What are the three crime prevention options typically available to control criminal behavior?
Answer: organized, mechanical and natural