It is a collection of methods for planning experiments, obtaining data, and then analyzing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions based on the data.
are the values that the variables can assume.
is a characteristic that is observable or measurable in every unit of the universe.
is the set of all possible values of a
is a subgroup of a population.
-words or codes that represent a class or category.
-express a categorical attribute
-marital status
-Highest educational attainment
Qualitative Variables
-number that represents an amount or a count.
-numerical data and sizes are meaningful and answer
questions such as “how many” or “how much”.
-household size
-number of registered cars
Quantitative Variables
Quantitative: ___________ Variables:
-data that can be counted
-number of days
-Number of siblings
-Usual number of text messages sent in day
-Usual daily allowance in school
Quantitative Discrete Variables
Quantitative: ___________ Variables:
it can assume all values between any two specific values like 0.5, and 1.2. etc. and data that can be measured.
-body temperature
Quantitative Continuous Variables
-Nominal Level
-Ordinal Level
-Interval Level
-Ratio Level
Levels of Measurement
This is characterized by data that consists of names, labels, or categories only.
-most preferred color
-usual sleeping time
-civil status
Nominal Level
This involves data that arranged in some order, but differences between data.
-happiness index for the day
-highest educational attainment
-the rankings of tennis player
-Academic Excellence Awards
Ordinal Level
This is the same at the ordinal level, with an additional property that we can determine meaningful amounts of differences between the data.
-body temperature
-Intelligence Quotient
Interval Level
-This is an interval level modified to include the inherent zero starting point.
-It possesses a meaningful absolute, fixed zero pint and allows all arithmetic operations.
-number of siblings
Ratio Level
Four Basic Methods of Sampling
-Random Sampling
-Systematic Sampling
-Stratified Sampling
-Cluster Sampling