Basic Body Positions and related Anatomy Flashcards
Standard reference for positioning unless another specific position is mentioned?
Anatomical position
Bending motion of an articulation, decreasing the angle between associated bones?
Makes up 5% of body habitus?
Terms denoting towards the head or the upper part of a structure?
Cephalad, Cephalic, Superior
What does the umbilical region contain?
Most of transverse colon
Part of duodenum, jejunum and ileum
Part of the renal pelvisMost of the ureters
What does the lower lumbar/lateral region contain?
Descending colon
Part of jejunum
Most of the left renal body
What are the two organs most dramatically affected by body habitus?
Movement of a part about its central or long axis?
Difference between modified sims’ and sims’ position?
Hands are put infront (Shrimp position)
Makes up 50% of body habitus?
Slender body build and light, bony framework is delicate with a long and narrow thorax. Low lung and a fish hook stomach. Low gall bladder in a medial position, with a redundant colon.
What does the epigastrium region contain?
Most of left lobe of liver, remainder of right lobe Gall bladder Most of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, part of the spleen
Lying on side (right or left lateral) alternative name?
Lateral recumbent
What does the left hypochondriac region contain?
Greater curvature of stomach Remainder of the spleen Tail of pancreas Splenic flexure Part of Left renal body
A turning inward or medial motion of an articulation, sometimes with external tension or stress applied?
Position where patient is lying down with a horizontal x-ray beam?
What does the right iliac/inguinal region contain
Cecum Appendix Terminal end of the ileum Ileocecal valve
A position where the patient is lying on back, facing upwards?
Blowing out of air and then exposure is taken?
Suspended exhalation
An upright position either seated or standing?
Recumbent oblique position where the patient is lying on the LAO side, with the right knee and thigh flexed, and the left arm extended down behind the back?
Sim’s position
Two types of position?
General body position Specific body position
What are the erect positions?
Anterior Posterior Oblique Lateral
Makes up 10% of body habitus?
What does the hypogastric/pubic region contain?
Ileum Flexure of sigmoid colon Rectum Uterus, ovaries, vagina and fallopian tubes Urinary bladder Seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland/Cowper’s gland
Position similar to anatomical position, but with palms facing the body?
Fundamental position
The device that captures the radiographic image?
Image receptor
A turning outward of a lateral motion of an articulation, sometimes with external tension or stress applied?
Taking in of air and holding it, then exposure is taken?
Suspended inhalation
Position where the patient is lying down in any position?
Restricted go the discussion of the pathway or the direction of the central ray?
Radiographic projection
Characterize the extremes in body types?
Hypersthenic & asthenic
Position where the part is angled away from the mid sagittal plane?
Lying face down (prone) alternative name?
Ventral recumbent
What does the right lumbar/lateral region contain?
Ascending colon Most of the right renal body
Determines the relative size, shape, position, muscular tone and mobility of all organs?
Body habitus
Bending motion of an articulation, increasing the angle between associated bones?
Makes up 35% of body habitus?
Position towards the foot?
Turn part away so thumbs are away from the midline?
What does the right hypochondriac region contain?
Most of right lobe of liver Hepatic flexure Part of renal body
Movement of a limb that produces circular motion, circumscribes a small area at its proximal end and a wide area at the distal end?
Enumerate the four quadrants of the abdomen?
Right Upper Quadrant Left Upper Quadrant Left Lower Quadrant Right Lower Quadrant
Refers to a specific body position such as prone, supine, recumbent, erect, or Trendelnburg. Restricted to the discussion of a patients physical position.
Position where the body or ark is turned with the thumb towards the midline?
Less robust body build but the stomach intestines and gall bladder is situated higher in the abdomen.
Position where patient is lying face down with head turned to one side?
Term denoting away from the head or below a structure?
Caudad, Caudal, Inferior
Movement of part towards the body’s MSP
Position where the body is tilted with the head lower than feet?
Trendelenburg position
Position where knees and thighs are abducted and rotated externally, supported by ankle supports.
Lithotomy position
Characterize the more average body types?
Sthenic & hyposthenic
What does the left iliac/inguinal region contain?
Sigmoid colon Jejunum Ileum
Average, athletic build, but modified by elongation of abdomen and thorax.
Movement of part away from the body’s MSP
What are the lying down (prone, supine, or on side)?
Supine Prone Decubitus Recumbent
Patient exhales and then tries to inhale against a closed glottis?
Mueller maneuver
The specific name of a projection or view, usually a name of a person who is recognized as the developer of that view/projection.
Alternative name for prostate gland?
Cowper’s gland
Position where a part is angled towards the mid sagittal plane?
Patient is asked to take a deep breath and while holding the breath in, to bear down as through trying to move the bowels forcing air against the closed glottis?
Valsalva maneuver
Position towards the head?
Lying on back (supine) alternative name?
Dorsal recumbent
Position where the body is tilted with the head is higher than the feet?
Fowler’s position
Accomplished as the patient pinches off the nose, closes the mouth and tries to blow the nose. The cheeks should expand outward as though the patient were blowing up a balloon?
Modified Valsalva maneuver
Body is larger and heavy with a thick, short and wide body framework. Lungs and heart are high. Transverse stomach, with a high lateral gall bladder and a peripheral colon.