Basic Flashcards
Three Yeses and Close
“Did I answer all your questions? Were we easy
to get to? Am I the type of person you’d feel
comfortable, you know, having service you?
Great. Then I need your okay here, here and here.”
Referral Close
“Hey, before we get involved with the figures,
who do you know that may be in the market for
a similar purchase that you’re making today?”
Referral Close
“Hey before we get involved with the figures,
okay, before we you know actually customize your
proposition. Who do you know that would be in the
market for a similar product or service that you’re
considering today? Get a name, get a number; get
a name, a phone number, and email address before
you present figures to this customer.”
The Handshake Close
“Hey look, you know John, it serves your needs.
You know you can afford it. You know you’re
going to do it sooner or later. It’s only a matter of
time. Let’s get this done right now.”
The Ben Franklin Close
“You know I understand how hard it is to make
a decision and it is said that Ben Franklin one
of our founding fathers when faced with a
big decision would actually sit down with a
legal pad and write down the pluses and the
minuses, accumulate all that information on a
piece of paper so he could get a true accurate
evaluation of what the right thing to do was.
Pull out a sheet of paper now, so let me ask you
John, what are the positives of this purchase?
And list each positive. Now tell me this, what are
the negatives? Once you have that list, use the
advantages to outweigh the other and close
the deal. I would say this sir, if you have more
minuses than pluses don’t do it and if you have
more pluses than minuses, I would encourage
you to go ahead and make the investment.”
The Second Party Assist Close
“Hey John, if this figure, considering what you
know about the product, and knowing your
brother as you know your brother, what advice
would you give him about the purchase of this
product and the fairness of the figures.”
Do It For Me Close
“Sir, if you can’t do it for you, and you can’t do it
for your wife, let me suggest you do it for me. I
need your OK here and here.”
The Payoff Close
“So you agree to purchase now, assuming we
can pay off the balance owed on your present
lease or mortgage using the company’s rebates
and discounts, our rebates and discounts, or by
getting the lender, I’m writing this all out, to
carry the difference. John’s funds, your funds,
sir, will now be used to reduce the amount
financed on the new purchase. I need your
initials here and here.”
The Eleventh Inning Close
“Hey what figures and what terms would be
necessary for you to say yes to this purchase
right now?”
The Scarcity Close
“As you are aware, there’s a limited availability of
this specific product, the one you want. A huge
demand in the marketplace, and I want to be
certain John, that I’m able to get you what you
want. So look, I need to get this paperwork done,
which means I need your approval here, here,
and here, and I also need to know the delivery
date that I can install, okay. Let’s do this now.”
The Puppy Dog Close
“Hey let me suggest that you go ahead and
take it home tonight. We go ahead and get it
installed. And when you wake up tomorrow,
you decide whether it’s the right thing for you
to have done or not. If you decide it’s not, we
come back and pick it up. Or you can bring it
back. And no problems. At least you will have
had the experience of having it in your home.”
Feel, Felt, Found, Close
“Hey I appreciate the way you feel. I have felt
exactly the same way until I found out that I
don’t have another one coming in. The price
will not get lower. And the bottom line is you
need it, and you need it now man. Let’s go
ahead and do this. I need your full legal name
right here by owner.”
Second Baseman Close
“Will you be helping with the price, the down
payment, the monthly payment, the paperwork,
or John did you want to help with all three?”
“Man I’m not doing anything.”
Good. Then if I can get this done without you
being involved, would you suggest that he do
it or not do it? Or B answer, he could say what?
“Hey I’ll help with everything Grant. Whatever
he needs help with I’ll help him. That’s my
grandson right there.”
Great. Then let’s go over all the numbers so you
know exactly what we’re doing here and go
into your presentation.”
Second Baseman Close II
“So Sherry did you want me to work it out so it’s
affordable using just John’s money that he or
she has alone, or did you want me to plan you
getting financially involved as well?”
The Delay Payment Close
“OK, John, so you will own now, assuming we
can pay off your credit cards, save you make
your current payment, and set it up to where
you don’t have any future payments for not
just this month but next month, not until the
following month. How does that work for you?”
The No-Cosigner Close
“So, John, assuming financing can be provided
in your name with no other signatures necessary
from anyone else, you agree to ownership now
and agree to delivery at the figures disclosed. I
need your approval right here.”