Basic/47 crewman Flashcards
how many bilge pumps, water witches, heights, functions and frames to overboard?
7 bilge pumps 13 water witches 5"-sounds alarm 10"-starts auto suction Frames: transom,3,9,11
what are the 8 knots?
square knot-used to tie 2 lines of equal size/length together.
bowline-used to put a temporary eye at the end of a line.
clove hitch-used to secure a heaving line to a tow line, rung or spar.
slip clove hitch-a clove hitch with a quick release.
rolling hitch-used to attach one line to another, where the second line is
under a strain and cant be bent.
timber hitch-used to secure a line to a log,spar,plank,or other rough surfaced object.
double becket bend-used to join lines of unequal size.
half hitch-used to temporarily secure a line to an object such as a ring or eye.
anchor specs: type weight chain length/size anchor reel line type configuration parts of an anchor (4) and define
}Danforth Fortress Fx-37
}19 lbs with 9’ stainless steel 3/8” chain
}attached to 300’of 2 1/4” double braided nylon line.
}from anchor to line: anchor-shackle-9’ of chain-shackle-swivel-shackle-thimble-300’ of line.
}crown-lifts the rear of the flukes and forces into the ground
stock-prevents anchor from rolling
flukes-digs in the bottom providing holding power
shank-aids in setting and weighing anchor.
anchoring terms short stay rode scope fouled/clear
other types of anchors.
short stay- anchor still in the ground line is completely vertical all slack has been taken out.
rode-the length of line ( and chain) from the bow to the anchor.
scope-the overall length of line to be let out based off water depth and weather conditions in the form of ratios.
>heavy weather-7:1
fouled/clear-anchor is caught/clear of debris.
other models of anchors
}navy }bruce
}plow }grapnel
}bruce }mushroom
keel types
bar keel
flat plate keel
bar keel-vertical or upright members which increase strength,protects the boats hull plating if the boat grounds on a hard bottom. reduces rolling. it increases the boats draft extending below the plating.
flat plate keel-has a plate that is perpendicular to the centerline of the hull. a vertical center keel that runs internal to the hull at the centerline typically supports the flat plate keel.
define keel
2 types
which does the 47 have?
keel-the backbone of the boat. it runs fore and aft along the center bottom of the boat.
flat plate
47’-flat plate keel
parts of the fire tetrahedron?
4 parts
define:used to further explain fire combustion and extinguishment. removing one or more of the sides will cause the fire to be extinguished.
Chemical chain reaction
Oxygen Fuel
classes of fire and extinguishing agents used?
class Alpha-common combustable material (wood,paper,plastic) water,co2,pkp
class Bravo-combustable liquids (oil,fuel,lubricants) AFFF-aqueous film forming foam,co2,pkp
class Charlie-energized electrical equipment (switchboards,breakers) co2,pkp
class Delta-combustable metals (mercury) water wide v,sand under the object, jettison
three methods to apply water straight stream wide V-high velocity fog narrow V-low velocity fog flush
- long reach and penetrating power
- can cool a wide surface area
- less cooling surface area
- not a pattern but is used to clear the nozzle of any debris
water tight compartments. (7)
lazarette-transom/fr1 engine rm-fr1/fr5 survivors cmpt-fr5/fr8 auxillary- fr8/fr10 fwd cmpt. fr10/fr15 forepeak- fr15/bow enclosed bridge-fr8/fr10 main deck
coxswain limits
no surf
10 ft seas
30kts wind
heavy weather
8ft surf
20ft seas
50 kts wind
limits of the vessel
47’ mlb max limits
Maximum Personnel (including crew) Maximum Seas
Maximum Breaking (Surf) Seas Maximum Winds
Range (Cruising RPM in Calm Water) Maximum Operating Distance from Shore Maximum RPM
Maximum Speed
Cruising RPM
Cruising Speed
Towing Capacity (with 3 1⁄4” Towline) Towing Capacity (with 2” Towline) Ice Breaking Capability
34 (180 lbs each) 30’
50 KTS
200 NM
50 NM
2100 RPM
25 KTS
1850 RPM
20 KTS
150 Displacement Tons 50 Displacement Tons Light Surface Ice
antenna heights?
planning hull define, examples
the hull skims along the surface of the water under power
speed boats, drop bows, 25’ rbs
semi-displacement hull define, example
partially displaced and partially planning.
47’ mlb
displacement hull define, examples
pushes away displaces water allowing the hull to settle down into the water.
sailboats, most commercial fv, 52mlb
what is light/heavy displacement?
the weight of the boat excluding the weight of the fuel,water,outfit,cargo,crew, and passengers.
the weight of the boat including the weight of the fuel,water,outfit,cargo,crew, and passengers.
stability tree
gravity buoyancy
_____I_____ _____I_____
static dynamic static dynamic
define static and dynamic
two forces that affect vessels stability.
static-weight within the hull(fuel,water,gear)
dynamic-actions outside the hull(wind,waves,swells)
stability define: longitudinal transverse righting moment
longitudinal-fore/aft. prevents it from pitching end over end
transverse-athwartship.stability tends to keep the boat from rolling
righting moment-is the force causing the vessel to react against a roll and to return to an even keel.
47mlb hull specs design material bottom plating side shell chine plates keel plates
design-deep-v planning hull from bow to stern while #rd transom/bow material-5456 marine grade aluminum bottom plating-5/16" side shell-1/4" chine plates-3/8" keel plates-1/2"
- cooling
- smothering
- chain breaking
- oxygen dilution
- reduces the temp below ignition point
- separates it from its oxygen supply
- disrupts the chemical process necessary to sustain a fire
- a smothering process that reduces the amount of oxygen available to a level below that required to sustain combustion.
define stability
the tendency of a vessel to remain upright
center of gravity
the point at which the weight of the boat acts vertically downward
the upward force of water displaced by the hull
when a boat is at rest, the center of buoyancy acting upwards(vertically) is below the center of gravity acting downward. at this point the boat is considered to be in equilibrium.
parts of a keel?
frames-attached to keel which extend athwartship(from one side to the other) the skin of the boat is attached to the frames. the keel and the frames strengthen the hull to resist external forces and distribute the weight.
stem-an extension of the forward end of the keel. there are a common number or shapes, all are normally slanted forward(raked) at an upward angle to reduce water friction.
sternpost- a vertical extention of the aft end of the keel
what is: displacement gross ton net ton dead weight
the weight of a boat , and is measured in long tons(2,240lbs)
the entire cubic capacity of a boat expressed in tons of a 100 cubic feet
the carrying capacity of a boat expressed in tons of 100 cubic feet. it is calculated by measuring the cubic content of the cargo and passenger spaces.
the difference between the light displacement and the max loaded displacement of a boat, and is expressed in long tons or lbs.
responsibilities of a boat crewmen.
helm lookout towing watch anchor watch rig towing and mooring lines act as a surface swimmer administer first aid damage control
personal locator beacon (PLB) stats
epirb route
406mhz- 3nm
epirb->cospas->noaa->mission control->rescue coordination center->local search and rescue->d-13->sector columbia river->station.
towing terms define yawing in step catenary
yawing-disabled veers from one side to the other, which may cause one or both boats to capsize
in step-the proper distance between the towed boat and the towing boat to maintain control and prevent breaking the tow line.
catenary-a dip or downward sag that forms in the middle of the towline as it is lengthened.
47 boat specs hull length overall beam overall freeboard -bow -recess -aft draft
hull length-48'11" beam-15' bow-6'8" recess-2'2" aft-7'1" draft-4'6" at the shaft strut ext.
what are the parts that make the doors/hatches watertight?
rubber gasket
knife edge
qawtd- have a handle or wheel that operate all the dogs at once
what is the 47s mission and primary mission?
designed to perform mission activities in adverse weather and sea conditions.
primary mission is to perform surf/heavy weather, sar,but its designed to support muli-mission operations.
what are the 47 mlb through hull fittings?
where are they located
port/stbd rudder posts->transom-fr1 port/stbd shaft stut ext.->fr1-2 port/stbd propeller shaft->fr3-4 port/stbd r/w suction->fr4-5 depth sounder/speed log->fr7-8 hvac suction->fr9-10 port/stbd shaft seals->fr5-6
47 mlb engine stats machinery
red gear
fuel tank capacity
2ea (Detroit diesel ddec 4 6v92ta)->6v(6 cyl) 92(cubic inches) ta(turbo after cooled) 435 bhp@ 2200 rpm
reintjes wvs 234 up 2:1 reduction
twin fixed pitch 4 blade 28” diameter x 36” pitch(shaft aquanet)
usable fuel->353gal
how many on the 47 mlb?
4 bitts
4 chocks
1 cleat
bull nose
p6 pump stats gpm hp fuel tank size run time length of suction hose discharge hose length how long will it run with fuel tank removed color of attachment point for suction color of attachment point for discharge instruction card languages
gpm-250gpm at 12ft suction
hp-6.5hp honda
fuel tank size-2.5 gal
run time-4.5hr runtime
length of suction hose-15ft black hose with strainer
discharge hose length-20ft blue
how long will it run with fuel tank removed-approx 45-60sec
color of attachment point for suction-yellow
color of attachment point for discharge-green
instruction card languages-english, Spanish, french, mandarin-Chinese
double braided line define
made of two hollow braided ropes, one inside the other. the core is made of a large single yarns, but in a tight braid that compresses and holds the core. this line is only made from synthetics, and about 50% of the strength is in the core.
polypropylene line
natural fiber line
poly-a synthetic fiber with about half the strength of nylon, 25% lighter then nylon making it easier to handle, and it floats in water.
nylon-a synthetic fiber of great strength, elasticity, and resistance to weather. it comes in twisted, braided, and plaited can be used for almost any purpose where its slippery surface and elasticity is not a disadvantage.
nat. fiber-line made from organic material, specifically plant fiber. used for tying off fenders, securing chaffing gear, and doping other small projects where line strength is not a major concern
what does becce stand for?
what are the major becces crewman are participants in? x4
what are the other becces crewman are participants in? x8
basic engineering casualty control exercise
major: fire in engine room collision with submerged object hard grounding loss of gps
other loss of steering (hyd/elec) loss of l/o pressure loss of f/o pressure loss of control of engine rpm high water temp reduction gear failure low voltage/loss of electrical charge
plain laid line
made of 3 strands, right or left laid. most common is right laid
what is SINS?
what does it include? (5 parts)
scalable integrated navigation system
- 1933c/nt radar/video plotter
- pg1000 heading sensor
- gp-37 waas/dgps navigator
- rd-30 multi-display unit
- 235dt-sse depth sounder
prolonged blast
short blast
4-6 sec
1 sec
5 short blasts
sound signals for #i intend to leave you on my port side
$i intend to leave you on my starboard side
1 short blast
$2 short blast
what is an extinguishing agent?
name 4 agents
breaking one of the elements in the fire tetrahedron
chain breaking
oxygen dilution
sound signal for
vessel underway
underway not making way
underway making way
one prolong two short
two prolong
one prolong
3 bell strikes, 5 sec rapid ringing, 3 bell strikes
mk-127a1 parachute illumination signal
650-700 before igniting white stare flare burns for 36 sec 125,000 candle pwr decends 10-15ft per sec.
type 1 pfd
one piece reversible
international orange
11-20 pounds of buoyancy
designed to turn an unconscious person face up
signal mirror
distress signal
30” lanyard, seen from great distances, instructions on back
heard from 1100 yards/1000 meters, wind may carry sound
50 flashes per min. 100,000 candle pwr, can be seen from 5 mi, 9hrs cont. and 18hr intermittent
type 2 pfd
near shore buoyant vest
adult->90+ lbs=15.5lbs of buoyancy
child->50-90lbs=11lbs of buoyancy
infant->30-50lbs=7lbs of buoyancy
will turn some unconscious people face up
mk-124 smoke illumination signal
lanyard length and attached knot
orange smoke
red flare two raised bands
burns approx. 20 sec
lanyard -72” surgeons knot
all other pyro is 36” bowline overhand knot
mk-79 signal kit
seven screw in mk-80 cartridges (bandolier) one pencil type mk-31 projector red star flare 250-650ft min 4.5 sec burn 12,000 candle pwr in an aquapac wait 30 sec if a misfire
when is the orange neoprene to be worn?
when are helmets to be worn?
when do you not use a pyro vest?
entering water below 50deg in front left pocket
should just where it in all evolutions
engine rm/fire fighting
17 distress signals
and inland
flames on a vessel red star shells continuous fog horn gun shots at 1 min intervals waving of arms mayday november over charlie flags orange background with black square over black ball radio telegraph radio telephone plb dye in the water square flag over ball sos parachute red flare smoke
inland flashing white light 50-70 times a min
survival knife
can be used for signaling blunt end smooth edge hook for cutting line serratted edge 12 teeth both sides
personal locator beacon
406mhz->3mi 90 min accuracy
121.5mhz->15mi uscg does not officially use
24hrs of continuous use
type 3 pfd
15.5 lbs of buoyancy
boat crews for high speeds greater than 30knots
type 4
type 5
buoyant cushions
ring buoys orange and white in color
anti-exposure coveralls (22-45lbs of buoyancy)
adult cardio pulmonary resuscitation (cpr)
compression depth?
age->8+ yrs old
depth->1.5-2” at 100 compressions a min
how quickly can death occur after respiratory failure?
what events can cause someone to stop breathing? (7)
death -6 min.
near drowning suffocation electrocution poison gas heart attack drug overdose choking
contents of the blood borne pathogen kits?
full length impervious open gown full sheild protector mask with wrap around splash guard visor pa-high risk powder-free latex gloves pak- impervious boot/shoe covers anti-microbial hand wipe biohazard waste bag
artificial respiration define
cardiac compression define
resuscitation define
starting normal respiratory function includes rescue breathing mouth/mouth, mouth/nose, mouth/stoma
to restore normal blood flow to the brain
general term used to cover all measures taken to restore life or conciousness to an individual.
signs of anaphylactic shock
skin color eyes pulse respiration consciousness internal
appearance of hives
blotchy swelling of the skin
pale or blue
tongue,mouth, lips tingleing
increased pulse or weak with low blood pressure
wheezing or difficulty breathing, chest tightness.lump in throat
light-headedness or fainting
nausea vomiting abdominal cramps diarrhea.
crewman first aid responsibilities
coast guard authorization
asses the scene consider your level of training protect self from injury/infection keep calm act quickly call station/group for ems
authorizes crew members to render first aid consistent with their training, in their role as emergency assistance regardless of their first aid qual.
define stroke?
any bleeding or clotting affecting the blood vessels of the brain.
major: unconciousness shock confussion dizziness numbness seizures impaired vision
minor: headache facial droop difficulty speaking difficulty using limb
define a heart attack?
a medical emergency,significant danger of going into cardiopulmonary arrest.
severe crushing pain under breast bone, arms, neck, and jaw
profuse sweating
shortness of breath
extremely anxious
bluish discoloration lips, fingernails, and skin
what is a pressure point?
where are they?
head jaw middle line of neck behind collar bone under the upper arm inside arm wrist and forearm thigh behind knee top of the foot
an area of the body where a major artery flows over a bony prominence. by applying pressure to these areas blood flow is further reduced.
temporal facial carotid subclavian axillary brachial radial ulnar femoral popliteal dorsalis pedis
best method to apply direct pressure for bleeding?
how many pints of blood is in the human body?
using a gloved palm direct pressure to the wound, raise wound over the heart
10 pints
define 2nd deg. burns?
partial thickness burn
extends through the outer layers involving the inner layer of skin, skin will still regenerate. blisters,severe pain redness
immerse in cold water only wrap sterile dressing.
define 1st deg burn?
superficial burn
mild form of burn, outer layer of skin mild pain tender redness.
immerse in cold water cover with sterile dressing.
define 3rd deg burn?
full thickness burn
destroys inner and outer layers of skin severe pain, nerve endings may be destroyed, colors white-black, many months to heal, scarring, skin grafts
cover burn(infection) treat for shock,no food/water, check vitals every 5 min. notify ems
define simple closed fracture?
define compound open fracture?
no open wound but bone may be broken or cracked, special care must be taken to prevent it from worsening.
broken open wound, bone may be protruding .
name 8 symptoms of shock?
05 signs of shock?
restlessness fainting thirst nausea weakness anxious fright dizziness
signs: pulse weak/rapid breathing shallow/rapid skin cold/clammy pupils dilated state of consciousness (may be deceiving) to unconsciousness
define shock
shock syndrome
events that cause shock? 08
depressed physiological or mental state
symptoms that occur together can change throughout the an injury, unique to each person.
trauma allergic reaction hypothermia drugs toxins heart attack illnesses emotional
time heals all traumas. except in damaged heads.
7 symptoms of anaphylactic shock?
itchy skin hives flushing swelling lips tongue feet throat hands wheezing shortness of breath coughing nausea vomiting abdominal cramps diarrhea headache alt. mental status loss of consciousness
three types of bleeding?
arterial-from arteries a bright red gushes in a jet
venous-from veins is dark red steady flow
capillary-damaged capillaries(smaller veins) bright red oozes from wound
initial patience assessment
what should you be looking for?
number of patients general condition of patients mechanism (type of injury) patients level of consciousness causes or symptoms of shock
initial treatment for shock?
continuing treatment for shock?
limit activity, lay them down be alert for signs of shock
check for medic alert or information tags
medical history
notify station for ems
provide treatment is advised or trained
no head injury or breathing issues place patient on back and raise lower extremities 8-10 inches
cpr if necessary
keep warm unless hot, no food/drink
treatment for heart attack?
comfortable position administer oxygen if trained keep them quiet and at rest any medications? reassure help is coming transport quick/safe
what is the process to contain bleeding?
bandage direct pressure elevate above heart pressure point tourniquet
treatment for a stroke?
activate ems
get medical assist treat as for shock
if breathing is difficult keep an open airway provide rescue breaths if needed