basi mat Flashcards
Pelvic Curl
Foundation - Fundamental
Set up: Lying supine in a neutral spine position, legs parallel, knees bent, feet just in front of knees about a fist distance apart, arms by sides pressing down
Inhale to prepare (no movement)
Exhale: Tilt pelvic backwards and upwards using abs to roll up. open up collarbones and make sure knees stay parallel.
Inhale at the top (no movement)
Exhale: Come back down one vertebra at a time, returning to a neutral position on the mat.
* Connect to inner thighs - tennis ball between knees. pull backwards with your knees
* Maximise lumbar flexion as pelvis and spine roll up and down by articulating through each verebra
* Pull stomach muscles in to pull lower back towards floor
* Tempting to flare ribs to get higher. If this happens, lower pelvis and tuck tailbone under to get more length in lower back
Look out for:
Back of neck to stay long
Pelvis tilt should be done by ab engagement not bum squeeze
Avoid ribs flaring
Spine Twist Supine
Foundation - Fundamental
Set up: Lying supine, arms in T position palms facing up (thumbnail to ground to open chest), legs in tabletop position (hips and knees at 90 degrees)
Inhale: lower legs to one side
Exhale: deepen through abs to pull pelvis back to centre
Inhale: over to the other side
* Shoulders remain pressed into mat
* Lower back should maintain contact with the mat, avoiding hyperlordosis. Ribcage needs to draw back.
* Movement comes from hips, not legs.
* Keep Legs glued together and shins parallell with floor
Chest Lift
Foundation - Fundamental
Set up: Lying supine in a neutral spine position, knees bent, feet relaxed, take hads and interlace them underneath bulge of head (not neck).
Inhale to prepare (no movement)
Exhale lift head and chest and curl up to the bottom of your shoulder blades
Inhale at the top
Exhale: lower head and chest to the starting position
* Keep neutral pelvis to allow deep abs to do the work
* Hands on head and elbows in peripheral vision so we feel shoulder blades pulling apart from each other
* Keep the head aligned with the spine when lifting into spinal flexion
Modification to find height: Reach for back of thighs at top and use arms to pull into a deeper flexion.
Chest Lift w/ Rotation
Foundation - Fundamental
Setup: Starting in the lifted Chest Lift position
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: rotate ribcage to one side
Inhale back to center
Exhale: rotate to other side
Inhale back to center
* Keep both shoulder blades off the mat
* Keep elbows wide & in your periphery like you have golf balls under armpits
* Rotate from the ribs and trunk, not neck or elbows
* Keep pelvis stable
* Eyeline just passed your thigh
* Lifting high is more of a priority than depth of rotation
Single Leg Lift
Setup: Lying supine with pelvis neutral, knees bent, feet firmly on the mat, slightly apart, arms by sides
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: Keep angle in knee as I lift my leg to tabletop, keeping toes pointed and hipbones still
Inhale: lower leg and let toes tap ground
Exhale: lift
Inhale: tap
* draw abs in to keep pelvis still
* keep 90 degree angle in knee joint. Place leg a little further than you think to make it harder to abs.
* keep shoulders relax
Leg Changes
Setup: Starting in single leg lift position
Inhale to lift one leg, foot pointed
Exhale to switch, keeping pelvis stable
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* slight posterior tilt of pelvis to keep upper trunk stable (if you see pelvis movement, they arent engaging correctly)
* Keep 90 degree angle in knee joint (place leg a little further than you think to make it harder to abs)
* keep shoulders relax
Rest Position
Foundation - Fundamental
Set up: Kneel with pelvis resting on the heels, trunk relaxed over thighs, arms reaching forward, neck relaxed and forehead on the mat
Breathe freely, relaxing the back and expanding the rib cage with each breath
* Allow the bottom to sink toward the heels
* Visualize the lumbar vertebrae opening out
* Breathe fully and relax deeper with each exhale
Good stretch after back extension
Hundred Prep
Abdominal Work - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine, legs in tabletop, arms overhead, palms facing up
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: to lift arms, head and chest, bringing arms down by your sides
Inhale: to take arms back overhead and head and chest back down
* Avoid overarching back (Tailbone down, pelvis neutral and engage abs)
* Move head and chest as one unit
* Maintain pelvic and lumbar stabilization
* Keep legs still and maintain tabletop position (knees over hips).
* dont bring knees too close as it brings pelvis out of neutral.
* Peach under chin at the top
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Set up: Lying supine, legs in tabletop position (hips and knees at 90 degrees), arms overhead. Exhale and lift arms, head and chest, straighten legs (to the appropriate height for each individual) and lower arms to the sides of the body, parallel to the mat.
Inhale: Hold it
Arms pump up and down in small movement
Exhale: five pumps
Inhale: five pumps
Final exhale: Lower body, return to start position
* Make breaths deep and long
* Keep pumps of arms small
* Keep lower back pressed into mat,
* Avoid neck tension
Leg Circles
Abdominal Work - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine legs straight, arms by sides, bend one leg and bring it straight up to ceiling w/ foot flexed, other leg pressed into mat w/ foot pointed.
Inhale: to bring leg towards the midline, circle down and around
Exhale: Repeat circle, same direction
Reverse direction after 5 circles. Change leg.
* Inhale for a circle, exhale for a circle
* Leg moves from hip joint
* Use abs to keep pelvis still. It should not leave the floor
* Keep circles in range of pelvic control - make it smaller if needed
Modification - for tight hamstrings, bend knee into tabletop and draw circles with knee.
Double Leg Stretch
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Lying supine w/ legs in tabletop, shins parallel to mat, hands on knees, Exhale lifting head and chest (lower back imprinted)
Inhale: reach arms overhead and straighten legs forward
Exhale: circle arms around and draw legs in towards chest simultaneously, keeping head and chest lifted throughout the exercise
Reach arms as far back as possible
Keep the head aligned with the spine
Maintain consistent height in trunk - shoulder blades off mat
Single Leg Stretch
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Lying supine w/ legs in tabletop, shins parallel to mat, hands on knees, Exhale lifting head and chest (lower back imprinted)
Exhale: straighten one leg, hands on bent knee (outside hand on top)
Inhale: switch legs and hands
Exhale: straighten the other leg, hands on bent knee
Inhale: switch legs
FInal inhale: Bend both legs, return to start position
* Exhale with each straightening
* Keep feet aligned at the same height throughout
* Keep shin of bent leg parallel to the mat
* Maintain stable position of the body w/ your shoulder blades off the mat. Use arms to lift you up off the mat.
Criss Cross
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Lying supine, knees bent, fingers interlaced behind head, shins parallel to mat, head and chest lifted
Exhale: rotate toward the bent knee, other leg straightens
Inhale: cross through center and change legs
Exhale: rotate to the other side
Inhale: cross through center and change legs
* Keep consistent height in trunk throughout
* Keep elbows wide
* Rotate through the waist avoiding lateral flexion (rotating around skewer
Hamstring Pull 1
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
**Setup: **Lie on back, head and chest, lift one leg to TT then the other, send legs up to the sky, hands behind calves, pinkies parallel (bookshape) so elbows reach away from you
Exhale: lower one leg to the mat, bring the other leg toward the chest holding the calf (2 pulses - pull, pull)
Inhale: switch legs
* keep height through chest
* Maintain stability of trunk and pelvis as legs change
* Anchor bottom leg on mat and keep stable (no pulses)
Hamstring Pull 2
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Lie on back, head and chest lifted, fingers interlaced behind head, legs together perpendicular to mat
Exhale: reach one leg to the mat, bring the other leg toward the chest (2 pulses - pull, pull)
Inhale: switch legs
* Keep shoulders relaxed
* Anchor the bottom leg on the mat to keep you stable
* Maintain stability of trunk and pelvis as legs change (lower back stays on mat)
* Keep chest high - shoulder blades off the mat
Focus: stretching of legs and abs holding pelvis stable
Hamstring Pull 3
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Starting in a Hamstring Pull 2 position
Exhale: Lower one leg to the mat, Lift the other leg toward the chest , rotating trunk towards lifted leg, two pulses
Inhale: switch
* Keep elbows wide
* Keep shoulder blades off the mat as you rotate
* Anchor bottom leg on mat to keep stable
* Maintain stability of trunk and pelvis stable as legs change
Roll Up
Abdominal Work - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine, arms reach overhead palms facing each other, legs straight and together, toes pointed. Before we move, we think about dropping lower back to meet floor.
Inhale: lift arms, head and chest into chest lift position, arms parallel to the floor.
Exhale: press lower back into mat, curl pubic bone to nose and peel spine up, keeping arms parallel to floor
Inhale: pause in C-curve position (lower back curve), fingers squeezing together, feet pointed, stomach scooping in.
Exhale: Curl back down, think of sliding tailbone down towards heels, making sure lower back hits first and then upper back as you reach arms back overhead
* Drop ribs - if taking arms overhead causes ribs to flare, raise them up a little.
* make sure shoulder blades stay on back
* Maintain c-curve when rolling up and down
* Shoulders above hips at the top
Modification - if tightness in back doesnt allow for floow connection, use towel or bend knees slihtly to get lower back down and abs lift us
Teaser Prep
Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting upright, arms reaching forward in line with shoulders, legs lifted, knees bent, shins parallel to floor (shoulders down), back in straight extended position - not rounded. Upper back open, lower abs pulling in.
Inhale to prepare
Exhale as you round the spine down as far as you can keep legs steady
Inhale: Roll up, return to starting position
* Do it slowly - no momentum
* Articulate slowly through spine when rolling down and up
* Keep legs steady and draw abs deep
* Utilize back extensors to complete movement
* Modify with hands behind the thighs to give support
Neck Pull
Abdominal Work - Advanced
Set Up: Lie on back, hands interlaced behind head, legs straight and together, toes pointed
Inhale to come up, lifting head and chest
Exhale: roll up and c-curve forward, bringing trunk over the thighs
Inhale: to restack spine and sit tall on your sitbones. On the same breathe hinge back, opening up front of hips and keeping abs engaged and chestbone lifted
Exhale: slide tailbone underneath you and roll back with control to start position
* Squeeze legs together as you come up
* Feel like you are lengthening your skull away from your neck
* Keep elbows wiude in periphery
* Hinge back to diagonal, keeping back extensors engaged prior to rolling down
* Exhale/clear throat to drop ribs and get TVA engaged
Spinal Articulation - Fundamental
**Setup: **Sitting in a balance position with body in a ball shape, place one hand on each shin (close to ankles), feet off mat
Inhale as we roll back
Exhale: roll forward to starting position, without landing feet
* Do not bury head. c-curve comes from lower spine
* Keep ball shape consistent - imagine one ball on your belly and under calfs
* Maintain fluid movement
* Use breath to gain momentum
Spine Stretch
Spinal Articulation - Fundamental
Setup: Sit up as straight as you can, legs straight out in front of you, feet flexed and shoulder width apart, toes toward the ceiling, arms reaching forward parallel to the mat with palms facing each other
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: Tilt from the pelvis as we come off the wall, head first, peeling down vertebra by vertebra. Arms remain out in front in parallel.
Inhale: pause
Exhale: to re-stack the spine to starting position
* Articulate spine as if rolling down and up from a wall
* Aim is to create stretch in lower back
* Scoop abs in and think up and over, as if we’re going over a ball. This helps you get into lower back.
* It’s not about how far forward you go, its about the up and over.
* Don’t bury head - puts pressure on upper back
* Pull shoulders back - don’t let them come forward.
* Keep toes facing the ceiling
Roll Over
Spinal Articulation: Intermediate
Set up: Lie on back, arms by sides of body, legs bent. Find the connection - take an inhale, exhale to feel ribcage anchor to mat and feel abs connect. with those abs, lift one leg to TT then then other, squeeze together and up to the sky. Inhale here.
Exhale: send legs out to 60, pubic bone to nose to maintain stability
Inhale: Take legs back to 90
Exhale: Use abs and push into backs of arms to bring legs up and over so that they are parallel to mat.
Inhale: Flex feet, separate, lower feet to mat but reach sit bones to ceiling
Exhale: Lead with heels as you roll back down vertebra by vertebra to pelvis, point feet, circle legs back together, return to start
* Avoid using momentum to roll over
* Maintain 90 degree angle in hip joints during roll over
* Keep thighs close to chest
* Maintain spinal flexion when rolling over and back down
Open Leg Rocker
Spinal Articulation - Intermediate
Set up: Sitting in a balanced position, one hand on each leg (close to ankles), legs shoulder width apart, back straight, toes pointed
Inhale: Round spine and roll back
Exhale: Roll forward to starting position and hold, lift up through spine and find that upper back at the top
* Keep arms straight throughout (legs can be bent depending on flexbility)
* Find that curl in lower back (lower back bias to posterior tilt) to help initiate roll back
* Utilize back extension to complete movement
* Keep smooth spine when rolling, ennsure head doesnt touch ground
* Last one: stay there - draw abs away, lift chest a little more
Modification - mini rocks or balanced in start position to gain confidence
Control Balance
Spinal Articulation - Advanced
Set Up: Starting with Roll Over (exhale lowering legs awa from you, press lower back into floo and open up hip joint, inhale bring legs back up and then over your head). Anchor feet into the mat, bring arms behind you and hold on to feet (or calves).
Exhale: Hands to hold one foot and extend other leg up toward the ceiling (2 pulses - push, push)
Inhale: switch legs
Exhale: extend the opposite leg up toward the ceiling (2 pulses)
Inhale: switch legs
* Maintain gap between chest and chin to protect neck
* Use arms to hold resting leg and push vertical leg as much as possible so back of leg is doing the work
* Keep weight on shoulder girdle and minimize weight on the cervical spine
* Keep pelvis and trunk still as legs change
Jack Knife
Spinal Articulation - Advanced
Set Up: Lie on back, arms by the sides of the body, exhale as you drop legs straight on a diagonal line, opening hip angle
Inhale: to 90
Exhale: roll up and over
Inhale: tip toes to ground, then swiftly lift up through back to bring legs toward ceiling, body reaching a vertical position
Exhale: slowly roll down vertebra by vertebra, return to starting position
* Roll down with the feet opposite the face
* Control spinal flexion when rolling over and rolling down
* Utilize extensors of hip, shoulders and back to achieve vertical position
* Press triceps down to find stability
Spinal Articulation
Set Up: Sit up tall, find external rotation of thighs and then cross one leg over the other. Toes pointed. Arms straight and reaching forward, palms facing each other. Find deep forward fold.
Inhale: to roll down to where back meets mat, find that moment of balance where legs naturally hover off the mat
Exhale: press arms into mat to lift up and over
Inhale: Switch legs keeping toes pointed
Exhale: keep chest close to thighs and fingers reach forward as you roll back up to teaser position, keep legs crossed
Inhale: Circle arms up and around, interlace fingers behind back, knuckles to ground (shoulder stretch)
Exhale: Lower legs with control, circle arms around and fold forward, returning to start position
* Keep movement fluid
* Maximise stretch for shoulders and chest
* Watch shoulders dont lift to ears
* Keep chest close to thighs and finger tips reaching forward as you roll forward
* Keep toes pointed
Roll back, arms press down, legs do over, swtich, roll back (chest to thighs), reach finger tips forward, find teaser, reach behind, stretch shoudlers, lower legs and fold forwards.
Spinal Articulation - Intermediate
Set Up: Make sure you have space in front and behind you. Sit in balanced position, trunk in c-curve, cross legs tightly in, toes pointed, hands over top of feet (thumbs underfoot, fingers on top)
Inhale to prepare
Exhale to roll back
Inhale to straighten legs overhead, switch them and bend knees in
Exhale to roll all the way forward over feet, push knuckles into ground and curl abs up towards sky, place top of head on mat
Inhale to sit back on sit bones, returning to start position
* Tummy pulls away from thighs
* Rest on shoulder blades to do the switch
* Maintain consistent c-curve position, maximise lumbar spine flex
* Push hands into mat when rolling over legs
* Place head lightly on mat
only rolling exercise that begins with an exhale
Seal Puppy
Spinal Articulation - Intermediate
Setup: Sitting in a balanced position with body in a ball shape, legs bent, arms wrapped under legs, toes pointed, palms on top of feet
Inhale: roll back, clap feet together 3 times
Exhale: roll up to starting position, clap feet together 3 times
* Keep eyes forward
* Maintain scapular stabilization
* Maintain consistent curve of the spine
* Only roll onto shoulders, avoid neck
Cat Stretch
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Kneeling in a quadruped position, neutral spine, hands under shoulders, knees under hips
Exhale: round spine (flexion), return to neutral spine position
Inhale: extend spine, return to neutral position
* Focus flexion in the lumbar spine
* Focus extension in the thoracic spine
* Keep pelvic lumbar rgion stable during thoracic extension
* Maintain scapular stabilization throughout
Front Support
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Setup: Kneeling in a quadruped position, hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Think about hands pressing down, shoulder blades pressing back, back of head pressing to ceiling. Extend one leg back and tuck toes under making leg strong. Curl Pubic Bone to nose and send other leg back.
Exhale: bend one leg towards chest, just beyond 90
Inhale: straighten leg back, return to start position
Exhale: bend opposite leg towards chest
Inhale: return to start
* Keep the body in a straight diagonal line.
* Back of head to sky, breastbone forward, abdominals lifted to avoid sinking into lower back
* Focus on hip disassociation
Back Support
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Setup: Sitting, arms straight and extended back with fingertips facing feet, legs straight out in front, toes pointed, hip width apart
Exhale: Lift pelvis off the mat, body in a straight line
Inhale: Hinge at the hip joint to lower pelvis back down, without touching mat
* Press pelvis up
* Avoid flaring ribs - hold with lower abs so you don’t arch back
* Keep chest lifted as you lower hips back down
* Face fingers out to the sides or make a fist if wrists hurt
* Make sure hands are not too close to you that you can get good lift out of chest
Leg Pull Back
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Set Up: Starting in Back Support position. Exhale press into legs to lift pelvis diagonal line. Inhale to prepare
Exhale: Lift leg toward ceiling. Other leg stays strong using hamstrings, glutes and quads to help you
Inhale: Lower leg, return to starting position
Change leg after 5 repetitions
**Cues: **
* Keep lifting chest to sky
* Keep head in line with spine
* Hinge from hip when lifting and lowering leg
* Press into supporting leg to help you
Modification - if there is pain in knee, modify by bending the supporting knee
Leg Pull Front
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Set up: Start in Front Support position, one leg lifted slightly off the mat, toes pointed
Inhale to prepare
Exhale: Lift leg off the mat, extension coming from the hip
Inhale: Lower leg, touch mat lightly
Change leg after 5 repetitions
* Maintain a plank position with the body - watch lower back and avoid it going into extension - curl pubic home to nose (posterior tilt)
* Lift legs high as you can control
* Maintain scapular stabilization & keep breastbone forward
* Keep toes pointed
* Ensure hip isn’t rotating as it lifts
Modification - go on lower arms if too challenging for arms. can also do it kneeling on one leg
Shoulder Bridge Prep
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Intermediate
Set up: Starting in up phase of Pelvic Curl (lie on back, knees bent, feet fist distance apart. Inhale to pre. Exhale to slowly lift up one vertebra at a time. Tuck tailbone under to lengthen lower back.)
Exhale: Transfer weight to left leg and lift right leg in tabletop towards chest , toes pointed, maintaining consistent angle of knee. Should feel left side of body (hamstrings and glutes) working to stabilise the body.
Inhale: Keeping the angle of the leg, tip toes to mat, Keep hips square and tuck pubic bone towards nose
Exhale lift
Change after 5 reps
* Avoid splaying of legs
* Keep hips even - don’t let them twist
* Think pubic bone to nose as leg does down to maintain strong back
* Keep 90 degree angle in knee consistent
* Maintain hip extension with supporting leg
* Tuck tailbone in pelvic curl position to get more length in lower back
Shoulder Bridge
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced
Set up: Starting in Up phase of Pelvic Curl, lift one leg, knee bent at 90 degrees, straighten leg toward sky
Exhale: Lower leg straight down as low as you can go (generally in line with thigh). Point toes
Inhale: Flex foot and lift it back to sky
Exhale lower
* works abs and hip extensors - if you dont do it correctly, it just gets lower back
* Maintain posterior tilt as this activates hip extensors
* Watch for 1 hip dipping lower - engage abs to keep aligned
* Stretch back of straight leg during lift phase
* Stretch front of straight leg during lowering phase
* Maintain consistent height between pelvis and mat
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced
Set Up: Starting in the Roll Over position (lie on back, feet on floor, palms pressing into mat, lift legs to TT and up to sky, exhale to 60, inhale to 90, exhale use abs and arms to pelvic curl up and over), bend knees to face and drop heels to bum making tight shape. Hands to pelvis (palms up) and gently tilt pelvis up and over onto hands (want anterior tilt, making shelf). From there, reach legs straight up to the sky (further than you think), legs pressing together, toes pointed
Exhale: open the legs to a scissors position. Right leg towards you, left leg reaches away from you. 2 pulses.
Inhale: switch
*To get out of it - bring legs over head, bend knees and release arms by sides, lengthen legs and roll down, keeping legs close to face
* Hold the pelvis stable in the hands
* Think more about the leg moving away from you - tilt forward and reach it away.
* Keep legs straight
* Keep the arms parallel to each other
* Maintain an arch shape with the spine
* Keep legs close to face on roll down
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced
Set Up: Starting in the scissor position (lift one leg at a time to TT, reach legs to 60 and inhale to 90. Exhale up and over, bend knees towards face, heels drop towards bum, pelvis rests in hands - think up and over to create tilt in lower back, legs in scissors position.
Exhale: lower one leg toward the mat and bend knee
Inhale: flex hip of bent knee bringing leg toward chest, extend opposite leg toward ceiling and then toward mat, alternate legs in a circular pattern
*Reverse direction after 5 complete cycles with both legs (i.e. front leg bends, back leg pulls straight forward)
To get out - bring legs overhead, arms by your side, roll down through spine
* Lift pelvis up and over into hands - find the anterior tilt and then lift legs to sky
* Maintain an arch shape with spine
* Back of arms help - push into them
* Try to touch mat with toes
* As one leg bends, the other stays straight
* Keep movement fluid and legs elongated
* Keep legs parallel avoiding external rotation of the hips
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced
Set Up: Start on all fours. Cue into front support (step one leg back, tuck toes under, breast, breastbone reaches forward, back of neck to sky, step other leg back, find strong plank by engaging abs and bias to posterior tilt. Think of lifting chest away from floor whilst drawing elbows back and breastbone is forward).
Inhale: elbows bend back and lower chest to the ground
Exhale: straighten arms and push the floor away x2, send bum to sky and take one big step back towards feet with one hand then the other (arms straight), transfer weight to feet and roll yourself up.
Inhale: Pause at the top (open collarbones)
Exhale: Roll down, one hand reaches forward with a big step, then other (keeping arms and legs straight) and then find plank.
* Tip yourself forward from standing position as you only get 2 steps
* Keep elbows close to sides of body when bending
* Keep wide across shoulders
* Make sure pelvis doesnt drop - bias towards posterior tilt
* Lower as far as you can whilst maintaining stability of scapula
* Plank cue - elbows squeeze back and keep breastbone away from floor
Teaser 1
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced (abs)
Set Up: Balancing just off-sit bones, bring one leg at a time to TT. Lift breastbone and reach arms and legs away from each other into a V-position (legs straight and together on a diagonal line, arms overhead, palms facing each other, back flat.)
Exhale: as you start to roll down through spine, arms come forward. Once lower back hits mat, take arms, head and chest overhead, keep legs still.
Inhale: arms, head, chest come forward, returning to starting position
* In V - lift breastbone and draw abs back
* Keep legs suspended at a consistent angle using open hip flexors
* Posterior tilt of pelvis so you feel lower back hit the ground before ribs
* Articulate through the spine when rolling down and up
* Use arms to help you get back up
* Look where you are going
Teaser 2
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced (abs)
Set Up: Balancing just off-sit bones, bring one leg at a time to TT. Lift breastbone and reach arms and legs away from each other into a V-position (legs straight and together on a diagonal line, arms overhead, palms facing each other, back flat.)
Inhale: to lower (the legs away from you)
Exhale: to lift (them back up)
* Maintain a stable trunk throughout
* Keep upper body as still as possible
* Keep shoulders relaxed
* Keep the movement of the legs controlled
Teaser 3
Bridging / Full Body Integration - Advanced (abs)
Set Up: Balancing just off-sit bones, bring one leg at a time to TT. Lift breastbone and reach arms and legs away from each other into a V-position (legs straight and together on a diagonal line, arms overhead, palms facing each other, back flat.)
Exhale: lower trunk and legs at the same time til they hover off the mat, toes in line with eyes, arms reach overhead.
Inhale: Arms come foward as head and chest lift (toes in line with eyes) and find teaser at the top.
* Make sure back does not start to arch
* Lower legs to just above mat (within range of control so that back does not start to arch)
* Articulate through the spine when rolling down and rolling up
* Use eyes to guide where you are going - toes and eyes stay on same line
After - butterfly knees and bend forward
Side Lifts
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Fundamental
Setup: Lying on side (legs slightly forward), bottom arm straight with head resting on it, pelvis perpendicular to the mat, legs pressing together, top arm straight placed on the side of the body or on the mat with the elbow bent
Exhale: lift both legs
Inhale: lower legs without allowing the feet to touch the mat
Bias work toward the abdominals
Keep legs slightly forward of the center line
Avoid excessive use of the lower back extensors
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Intermediate
Sitting upright, legs straight, feet dorsi flexed and shoulder width apart, toes toward the ceiling, arms in a T position
Inhale: rotate trunk
Exhale: reach forward as back arm internally rotates, and front hand reaches past the outside of foot
Inhale: extend the spine, come up to the longitudinal axis
Exhale: return to starting position
(Alternate sides)
Rotate around the longitudinal axis
Keep head facing leg when reaching
Spine Twist
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lat Flex / Rotation - Intermediate
Sitting upright, legs straight and together, feet dorsi flexed, toes toward the ceiling, arms in T position, palms facing up (Keep ribs in!)
Exhale: rotate trunk to one side (2 pulses)
Inhale: return to center
Alternate sides
Keep ribs in!!
Move the head with the trunk
Keep pelvis and legs still throughout
Initiate movement from the waist and not the shoulders
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lat Flex / Rotation - Intermediate
Lying supine, arms at sides or in T position, legs straight perpendicular to the mat
Inhale: shift both legs to one side
Exhale: circle legs down and around to the opposite side and back to the starting position (pelvis rocks side to side)
(Alternate direction)
Keep feet together and aligned
Initiate the movement from the waist
Bend the knees if there is too much strain on the lower back or hip flexors
Side Kick
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Side Kick
Mat - Lateral Flexion / Rot - Intermediate
Set up: Lying on side, leaning on elbow, hands behind head, trunk lifted, both legs straight and aligned with body, top legs slightly above hip height
Exhale: Swing top leg forward, two oilseed, dorsi flexing foot
Inhale: Swing top leg back, two pulses, plantar flexing foot
Muscle Focus: Abs, Back extensors
Cues: Maintain neutral pelvis
Do not sink into shoulder
Side Kick Kneeling
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flex / Rotation - Advanced
Set Up:
Kneeling on one knee, hand under shoulder, top leg lifted up to hip height or higher, top hand behind head
Exhale: swing leg forward dorsi flexing foot, two pulses
Inhale: swing leg back plantar flexing foot, two pulses
Muscle Focus:
Hip abductors
Shoulder stabilizers
Do not sink into shoulder
Maintain trunk and pelvic stabilization
Keep height of “swinging” leg consistent
Side Bend
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flex / Rotation - Advanced
Set Up:
Sitting sideways, weight on one side of the pelvis and on the supporting arm, legs slightly bent, top leg in front of bottom leg, top arm resting at the side
Inhale: lift pelvis away from the mat straighten legs, raise top arm to shoulder height, body in a diagonal line
Exhale: lift pelvis higher toward the ceiling transferring the top arm overhead
Inhale: return to the previous inhale position
Exhale: lower the body to the starting position
Muscle Focus: Ab obliques
Scapula down, elbow support
Keep the legs together
Avoid thrusting the ribs forward and upward
Maximize the activation of the lateral flexors, avoiding relying on the legs to lift the body in the initial phase
Corkscrew Advanced
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lat. Flex / Rotation - Advanced
Set Up:
Starting in Roll Over position
Inhale: shift both legs to one side
Exhale: roll down on side of trunk, circle legs around to opposite side, roll over on side of trunk, return to starting position
Alternate Sides
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal with oblique emphasis
Move pelvis and legs as one unit
Rotate trunk keeping shoulders table
Avoid lumbar hyperextension as legs swing around
Hip Circles Prep
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flex / Rotation - Advanced
Set Up:
Sitting in a V position, arms extended back with fingers facing away from the body, legs on a diagonal line (Neutral or Posterior tilt)
Inhale: shift both legs to one side
Exhale: circle legs down and around to the opposite side, return to the starting position
Five in one direction, change directions
Muscle Focus: Abdominal obliques
Back extensors
Keep shoulder girdle still
Avoid hyperextension of the lumbar spine
Shift the pelvis from side to side through the waist
Shift legs and pelvis together as one unit
Hip Circles
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flex / Rot - Master
Set Up: Balancing in a V position, legs straight and together on a diagonal line, back flat, arms reaching forward (slight posterior tilt)
Inhale: rotate upper trunk and pelvis in opposite directions, arms together with trunk and legs together with pelvis
Exhale: circle the legs down and around, arms up and around to opposite sides at the same time, return to the starting position
Five in one direction, five in opposite direction
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal with oblique emphasis
Avoid hyperextension of the lumbar spine as the legs circle around
Coordinate the movement of the lower body moving in one direction and the upper body moving in the opposite direction
Move legs and pelvis as one unit, arms and trunk as one unit (head can move with upper odd or remain centered)
Lateral Flexion/Rotation
Mat - Lateral Flex / Rot - Advanced
Set Up:
Sitting sideways, weight on one side of the pelvis and on the supporting arm, legs slightly bent, top leg in front of bottom leg, top arm resting at the side (back foot doesn’t have much weight on it).
Inhale: lift pelvis, straighten legs and raise arm to shoulder height, body on a diagonal line
Exhale: take pelvis as high as possible, rotate trunk and reach arm forward of body, shoulders under pelvis
Inhale: return to previous inhale position
Exhale: lower the body to the starting position
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal obliques
Keep legs together
Maintain scapular stabilization
Maximize activation of lateral flexors and avoid using legs excessively to lift body in initial phase
Thread the needle
Back Extension
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Fundamental
Setup: Lying prone, forehead on the mat, arms by sides, palms pressing against legs
Exhale: lift head and chest slightly off the mat (not too high, just upper trunk)
Inhale: lower body without touching the mat
Keep head aligned with spine
Keep legs together and relaxed
Maintain abdominal support throughout
Pubic bone down, but not clenched
Single Leg Kick
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Intermediate
Lying prone, fingers interlaced, elbows under shoulders, chest lifted, back extended, abdominals engaged, legs straight and lifted off the mat
Exhale: Bend one leg (2 pulses), repeat with opposite leg
Inhale: Bend one leg (2 pulses), repeat with opposite leg
Maintain scapulae depression
Keep pubic symphysis lifting upward
Keep both legs off the mat throughout
Double Leg Kick
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Intermediate
Set up: Lying prone, legs straight and together, fingers interlaced behind back, arms relaxed, cheek resting on mat
Exhale: Bend both legs together, three pulses
Inhale: Extend back, bring head to center, straightening arms and legs, followed by lowering body, resting opposite cheek on mat
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Cues: alternate sides with head in down phase
Reach elbows to mat during down phase
Keep knees lifted slightly off mat throughout
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Intermediate
Set up: Lying prone, arms reaching forward, chest lifted, arms and legs off mat
Inhale: Alternate lifting right arm and left leg, left arm and right leg (5 changes)
Exhale: Alternate lifting left arm and right leg, right arm and left leg (5 changes)
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Cues: Avoid shoulder elevation
Maintain trunk stabilization
Focus on cross-pattern coordination
Rocking Prep
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Intermediate
Set Up: Lying prone, knees bent (not too wide), thighs lifted off mat, holding feet or ankles
Inhale: Lift Head, trunk, and legs toward ceiling
Exhale: Lower body down, return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Cues: Reach feet toward the ceiling
Keep head aligned with spine
Extend back and stretch chest simultaneously
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Advanced
Set Up:
Lying prone, knees bent, thighs lifted off the mat, holding feet or ankles, body in Rocking Prep position
Movement: TINY MOTION!
Exhale: rock forward extending the hips further while lifting the feet toward the ceiling
Inhale: rock back extending the trunk further
Muscle Focus:
Back extensors
Hip extensors
Emphasize the hip extensor work
Keep the head aligned with the spine
Avoid rocking head back and forth
Swan Dive Prep
Back Extension
Mat - Back Extension - Advanced
Set Up:
Lying prone, elbows close to sides of body, palms pressing into mat
Inhale: extend elbows and the back
Exhale: bend the elbows and lower the body down as the legs lift off the mat
Muscle Focus: Back extensors
Hold the body in arch shape throughout
Maintain elbow contact with the mat as long as possible
Keep elbows close to the sides of the body, avoiding scapular elevation
Swan Dive w/ Catch
Back Extension
Swan Dive
Back Extension
Gluteal Side Lying Series:
Side Leg Lifts
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Side Lying Series:
Forward w/ Drops
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Side Lying Series:
Forward + Lift
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Side Lying Series:
Adductor Lift
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Kneeling Series:
Hip Extension Straight Leg
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Kneeling Series:
Hip Extension Bent Leg
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Gluteal Kneeling Series:
Hip Extension Bent Knee
Leg Work - Ankle Weights
Sitting Series:
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Sitting Series:
Below Knees
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Sitting Series:
Above Knees
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Prone Series:
Ankles Knees Bent
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Prone Series:
Ankles Knees Straight
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Prone Series:
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Supine Series:
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Supine Series:
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Supine Series:
Leg Work - Magic Circle
Arms Series:
Arms Overhead
Arm Work - Magic Circle
Arms Series:
Arms Bent
Arm Work - Magic Circle
Arms Series:
Arms Straight
Arm Work - Magic Circle
Arms Series:
Single Arm Side Press
Arm Work - Magic Circle
Arms Series:
Single Arm Bicep
Swan 1
Arm Work - Comprehensive Back Extension
Swan 2
Arm Work - Comprehensive Back Extension
Chest Lift w/ Magic Circle
Arm Work - Comprehensive Abdominal Work