Bases and Matrix Inverses Flashcards
Every consistent system has a unique solution ⇔ …
Columns of the coefficient matrix of size m × n are LI in R^m
Every system is consistent ⇔ …
Columns of the coefficient
matrix span R^m
Theorem 1
Suppose A is a n × n square matrix. Then the following
statements are equivalent: (11)
- rank(A) = n,
- rank(A^T) =n,
- Every Ax = b has a unique solution,
- RREF of A is In,
- ker(A) = {0},
- Col(A) = R^n,
- Row(A) = R^n,
- Columns of A are LI,
- Rows of A are LI,
- Columns of A form a
basis for R^n, - Rows of A form a basis
for R^n.
Theorem 2
The following statements are equivalent for m × n matrix A: (6)
- rank(A) = n,
- Row(A) = R^n,
- Columns of A: LI in R^m,
- ker(A) = {0},
- There exists a n × m matrix B such that BA = In,
- The n × n matrix A^T A is
Theorem 3
The following statements are equivalent for m × n matrix A: (6)
- rank(A) = m,
- Col(A) = R^m,
- Rows of A: LI in R^n,
- Ax = b is consistent for
every b∈R^m. - There exists a n × m matrix B such that AB = Im,
- The m × m matrix AA^T is
Definition (Inverse of a matrix)
A n × n (square) matrix A is invertible if there is a n × n
matrix B such that
AB = In and BA = In,
where B is called the inverse of A (denoted by A^−1).
Inverses are unique (i.e. a matrix has at most one inverse)!
How to find a 2x2 matrix’s inverse.
Suppose A = [a b] [c d] and ad-bc≠0, A^-1 = [d -b] [-c a] 1/(ad-bc)
When is a 2x2 matrix not invertible?
When ad-bc=0
Suppose A is an invertible n × n matrix. Then, any linear system
Ax = b: (2)
- is consistent and,
2. has a unique solution.
Algebraic Properties of Inverses
If k≠0 is a scalar and A, C are n × n invertible matrices, then: (5)
1. A^−1 and (A^−1)^−1 = A, 2. A^k and (A^k)^−1 = (A^−1)^k, 3. A^T and (A^T)^−1 = (A^−1)^T, 4. kA and (kA)^−1 = (k^−1(A^−1), 5. AC and (AC)^−1 = (C^−1)(A^−1), (note the order)
are all invertible matrices. If AC is invertible, then so are A and C.
What is the goal when finding matrix inverses?
To solve the equation AB=In for the unknown matrix B.
What are 2 facts about invertible matrices?
- A n × n matrix A is invertible ⇔ A is row equivalent to In,
- If A is invertible, any sequence of elementary row operations
that reduces A to In also transforms In to A^−1
Matrix Inversion Algorithm (4)
- Form the superaugmented matrix [A|In],
- Start row reducing to reduce A to its RREF,
- If A is row equivalent to In, then [A|In] is row equivalent to [In|A^−1],
- Otherwise, A is not invertible.
What is a fact about invertible matrices and rank?
Suppose A is a n × n matrix with rank(A) = n. Then, A is invertible and A^−1
can be computed by the matrix inversion algorithm, or by row-reducing [A|In] to [In|A^−1].
If rank(A) < n, then A is not invertible.
Big Theorem: Matrix Inverse Theorem
Let A be a n × n matrix. Then, the following statements are
equivalent: (17)
- rank(A) = n,
- Ax = 0 ⇒ x = 0,
- Ax = b is consistent for
every b∈R^n, - Every Ax = b has a unique solution.
- RREF of A is In,
- ker(A) = {0},
- Col(A) = R^n,
- Row(A) = R^n,
- rank(A^T) = n,
- Columns of A are LI,
- Rows of A are LI,
- Columns of A span R^n,
- Rows of A span R^n,
- Columns of A form a
basis for R^n, - Rows of A form a basis
for R^n, - A is invertible,
- A^T is invertible.