Barron's 3500 List 11 Flashcards
<p>N. mass of material sticking together. In such a conglomeration of miscellaneous statistics, it was impossible to find a single area of analysis.</p>
<p>ADJ. in agreement; corresponding. In formulating a hypothasis, we must keep it congruent with what we know of the real world; it cannot disagree with our experience.</p>
<p>V. surmise; guess. Although there was no official count, the organizers conjectured that more than 10,000 marchers took part in the March for Peace. also N.</p>
<p>ADJ. pertaining to marriage. Their dreams of conjugal bliss were shattered as soon as their temperaments clashed.</p>
<p>V. summon a devil; practice magic; imagine or invent. Sorcerers conjure devils to appear. Magicians conjure white rabbits out of hats. Political candidates conjure up images of reformed cities and a world at peace.</p>
<p>N. assistance; pretense of ignorance of sth. wrong; permission to offend. With the connivance of his friends, he plotted to embarrass the teacher. connive, V.</p>
<p>N. person competent to act as a judge of art, etc.; a lover of an art. She had developed into a connoisseur of fine china.</p>
<p>N. suggested or implied meaning of an expression. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the connotations of the words they use.</p>
<p>ADJ. pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state. In his telegram, he wished the newlyweds a lifetime of connubial bliss.</p>
<p>ADJ. scrupulous; careful. A conscientious editor, she checked every definition for its accuracy.</p>
<p>V. dedicate; sanctify. We shall consecrate our lives to this noble purpose.</p>
<p>N. general agreement. Every time the garden club members had nearly reached a consensus about what to plant, Mistress Mary, quite contrary, disagreed.</p>
<p>ADJ. pompous; important; self-important. Convinced of his own importance, the actor strutted about the dressing room with a consequential air.</p>
<p>N. school of the fine arts (esp. music or drama). A gifted violinist, Marya was selected to study at the consevatory.</p>
<p>V. deliver officially; entrust; set apart. The court consigned the child to her paternal grandmother's care. consignment, N.</p>
<p>N. absence of contradicitons; dependability; uniformity; degree of thickness. Holmes judged puddings and explanations on their consistency: he liked his puddings wihout lumps and his explanations without improbabilities.</p>
<p>V. lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort. When her father died, Marius did his best to console Cosette.</p>
<p>N. unification; process of becoming firmer or stronger. The recent consolidation of several small airlines into one major company has left observers of the industry wondering whether room still exist for the 'little guy' in aviation. consolidate, V.</p>
<p>N. harmony; agreement. Her agitation seemed out of consonance with her usual calm.</p>
<p>V. associate with. We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort. N. husband or wife. The search for a consort for the young Queen Victoria ended happily.</p>
<p>ADJ. easily seen; noticeable; striking. Janet was conspicuous both for her red hair and for her height.</p>
<p>N. treacherous plot. Brutus and Cassius joined in the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar. conspire, V.</p>
<p>N. supporter. The congressman received hundreds of letters from angry constituents after the Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass.</p>
<p>N. compulsion; repression of feelings. There was a feeling of constraint in the room because no one dared to criticize the speaker. constrain, V.</p>
<p>V. explain; interpret. If I construe your remarks correctly, you disagree with the theory already advanced.</p>
<p>ADJ. complete. I have never seen anyone who makes as many stupid errors as you do; what a consummate idiot you are! also V.</p>
<p>N. infection. Fearing contagion, they took great steps to prevent the spread of the disease.</p>
<p>V. pollute. The sewage system of the city so contaminated the water that swimming was forbidden.</p>
<p>N. person belong to the same period. Though Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot were contemporaries, the two novelists depicted their Victorian world in markedly different ways. also ADJ.</p>
<p>N. scorn; disdain. The heavyweight boxer looked on ordinary people with contempt, scorning them as weaklings who couldn't hurt a fly. We thought it was contemptible of him to be contemptuous of people for being weak.</p>
<p>V. struggle; compete; assert earnestly. Sociologist Harry Edwards contends that young black athletes are exploited by some college recruiters.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>contention</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>N. claim; thesis. It is our contention that, if you follow our tactics, you will boost your score on the SAT. contend, V.</p>
<p>ADJ. quarrelsome. Disagreeing violently with the referees' ruling, the coach became so contentious that they threw him out of the game.</p>
<p>V. dispute. The defeated candidate attempted to contest the election results. N.</p>
<p>N. writings preceding and following the passage quoted. Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not convey the massage the author intended.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>contiguous</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. adjacent to; touching upon. The two countries are contiguous for a few miles; then they are separated by the gulf.</p>
<p>N. self-restraint; sexual chastity. At the convent, Connie vowed to lead a life of continence. The question was, could Connie be content with always being continent?</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>contingent</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. depend on, conditional. Caroline’s father informed her that any raise in her allowance was contingent on the quality of her final grades. contingency, N. N. groups that makes up part of a gathering. The NY contingent of delegates at the Democratic National Convention was a boisterous, sometimes rowdy lot.</p>
<p>N. twisting; distortion. As the effect of the opiate wore away, the contortions of the patient became more violent and demostrated how much pain she was enduring.</p>
<p>N. ADJ. illegal trade; smuggling. The Coast Guard tries to prevent traffic in contraband goods.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>contract</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>V. compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease. Warm metal expands; cold metal contracts.</p>
<p>V. contradict; oppose; infringe on or transgress. Mr.Barrett did not expect his frail daughter Elizabeth to contravene his will by eloping with Robert Browning.</p>
<p>ADJ. penitent. Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence. contrition, N.</p>
<p>ADJ. forced; artificial; not spontaneous. Feeling ill at ease with his new in-laws, James made a few contrived attempts at conversation and then retreated into silence.</p>
<p>V. oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict. The witness's testimony was so cleat and her reputation for honesty so well-established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to controvert what she said.</p>
<p>N. riddle. During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>convene</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>V. assemble. Because much needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special sessions by January 15.</p>
<p>N. social or moral custom; established practice. Flying in the face of convention, George Sand shocked the society by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes. N.</p>
<p>ADJ. ordinary; typical. His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife's eccentric family.</p>
<p>V. approach; tend to meet; come together. African- American men from all over the United States converged on Washington to take part in the historic Million Men march.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>conversant</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. familiar with. The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.</p>
<p>N. opposite. The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation. V. chat; talk informally. Eva was all ears while Lulu and Lola conversed. Wasn't it rude of her to eavesdrop on their conversation? conversation, N.</p>
<p>N. one who has adopted a different religion or opinion. On his trip to Japan, though the President spoke at length about the virtues of American automobiles, he made few converts to his beliefs. also V.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>convex</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. curving outward. He polished the convex lens of his telescope.</p>
<p>V. vehicle; transfer. During the transit strike, commuters used various kinds of conveyances.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>conviction</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>N. judgment that sb. is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief. Even her conviction for murder did not shake Peter’s conviction that Harriet was innocent of the crime.</p>
<p>ADJ. festive; gay; characterized by joviality. The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.</p>
<p>V. call together. Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. convocation, V.</p>
<p>ADJ. coiled around; involved; intricate. The new tax regulations are so convoluted that even accountants have trouble following their twists and turns.</p>
<p>ADJ. plentiful. She had copious reasons for rejecting the proposal.</p>
<p>N. flirt. Because she refused to give him an answer to his proposal of marriage, he called her a coquette. also V.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>cordial</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. gracious; heartfelt. Our hosts greeted us at the airport with a cordial welcome and a hearty hug.</p>
<p>N. extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress. The police cordon was so tight that the criminals could not leave the area. also V.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>cornucopia</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>N. horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance. The encyclopedia salesman claimed the new edition was a veritable cornucopia of information, an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the entire family.</p>
<p>N. consequence; accompaniment. Brotherly love is a complex emotion, with sibling rivalry its natural corollary.</p>
<p>N. ceremony of crowning a queen or king. When the witches told Macbeth he would be king, they failed to warn him he would lose his crown soon after his coronation.</p>
<p>ADJ. bodily; material. The doctor had no patience with spiritual matters: his job was to attend to his patients' corporeal problems, not to minister to their souls.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>corpulent</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. very fat. The corpulent man resolved to reduce. corpulence, N.</p>
<p>N. mutual relationship. He sought to determine the correlation that existed between ability in algebra and ability to interpret reading exercises. correlate, V., N.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>corroborate</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>V. confirm; support. Though Huck was quite willing to corroborate Tom’s story, Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them.</p>
<p>V. destroy by chemical action. The girders supporting the bridge corroded so gradually that no one suspected any danger until the bridge suddenlly collapsed. corrosion, N. corrosive, ADJ.</p>
<p>ADJ. wrinkled; ridged. She wished she could smooth away the wrinkles from his corrugated brow.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>cosmic</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>ADJ. pertaining to the universe; vast. Cosmic rays derive their name from the fact that they bombard the earth’s atmosphere from outer space. cosmos, N.</p>
<p>ADJ. sophisticated. Her years in the capital had transformed her into a cosmopolitan woman highly aware of international affairs.</p>
<p>N. group that meets socially; select circle. After his book has been published, he was invited to join the literary coterie that lunched daily at the hotel.</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>countenance</p>
<p class=”large” style=”text-align:center”;>V. approve; tolerate. He refused to countenance such rude behavior on their part.</p>
<p>N. face. When Jose saw his new born daughter, a proud smile spread across his countenance.</p>
<p>V. cancel; revoke. The general countermanded the orders issued in his absence.</p>