Barriers To Participation And Possible Solutions For Under Represented Groups Flashcards
Equality definition
Treating all people the same regardless of artificial barriers, prejudices or preferences
Equal opportunities
The right to access the same opportunities, regardless of factors such as race, age, sex or physical capabilities
Prejudice definition
To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual, often based on inadequate facts
Discrimination definition
Unfair treatment of a person or minority group; to make a distinction and act on a prejudice
Sport England facts
- (adult numbers taking part in sport)
- however…..
- June 2015, adult numbers taking part in sport risen by 1.4 million compared to 2005
- However, 58% of adults were not reporting to be taking part in sport, very worrying stat
Solution for a barrier of lack of time
Add physical activity to a daily routine
Solution for a negative social influence (bad experience) barrier
- Invite family and friends to exercise with you
- Join a group where physical activity plays a big part
Solution for a barrier of lack of motivation
Invite a friend to exercise with you on a regular basis
Solution for lack of skill barrier
Select activities that don’t require skill eg. Jogging
Solution for resources/high participation cost
Select activities which require limited equipment eg. Jogging
Solution for family obligations barrier
Exercise with the children eg. Walk or swim
Disability definition
When a mental, physical or sensory impairment affects performance
Inclusiveness definition
All people should have their needs, abilities and aspirations recognised, understood and met within a supportive environment
Integration definition
Able bodied and disabled people taking part in the same activity at the same time
Segregation definition
People with disabilities participating separately with other disabled performers