Barre VI Flashcards
Plié Traditional
To bend
Pressure down and pulling up
To render the joints soft and pliable
2 grand plie in 2nd, 1st, 5th front and 5th back
Battements tendu and degage traditional
Beating stretched and disengaged
Stretch and strengthen muscles
Force instep outwards
Slide and return foot in the same straight line
Render instead supple
Strengthen toes and prepare for elevation in jumps
16 and 16
Withdrawn movement
Done for pirouettes get foot up quickly
Also for pointework
Ronds de Jambe a terre traditional
Circle of the leg on the ground
Enable you to turn leg well outward
Keep pointe of toe well back and heel forward
Control hip joints
same as grade IV
Grand battements en croix
Large beatings in the pattern of a cross
4 en croix, arms stays 2nd
Make hips free and easy
Lift from hamstrings
Increase flexibility of hip joint
to melt
Smoothly blended, continuous and coordinated movement in which both knees stretch simultaneously
Working foot lifts up and out
45 degrees
Battements frappé traditional
Beatings stretched
Strengthen instep and toes
Strengthen muscles for jumps
16 single, 16 dbl in releve
Fouetté a terre
Whip on the ground
start r foot front, front/back
Working foot sweeps sharply along the floor
Bend knee maintain thigh height and sharply brush the tip of the fully stretched foot along the floor
Ronds de Jambe en l air
Circle of the leg in the air
45 degrees
Develop suppleness in the knees while controlling the thigh.
Bend and extend the knee so that the Tip of the foot traces An ellipsoid past the supporting calf
Point at which foot skims calf depends on proportions of individuals dancers leg
Developing movement
Adage quality continuous unfold with pressure, soft lift to knee
Show better quality
Developing movement
Adage quality continuous unfold with pressure, soft lift to knee
Jete of Adage
throwing adage
spring quality
Battements balance
Beatings balanced
7 and 1/2 close 1st
How high??
Plie Additional
To bend
Pressure down and pulling up
To render the joints soft and pliable
demi, releve, grand in 2nd, 1st, 4th, 5th front
for balance finish, arms may stay front, come down or rise en haut
Additional Exercise for Battements Dégagé
Beating Disengaged
Render instead supple
Strengthen toes and prepare for elevation in jumps
same pattern as addt’l tendu
Battements Jete
beatings thrown
45 degrees
Additional exercise for Ronds de jambe a terre
circle of the leg on the ground
Enable you to turn leg well outward
Keep pointe of toe well back and heel forward
Control hip joints
lift to 90 degrees on the
Battement Frappe Additional
beatings stretched
Strengthen instep and toes
Strengthen muscles for jumps
balance at end, arms 5th front or en bas
Petit Battements Additional
Small beatings
To perfect entechats and movements in batterie
finish bird arabesque
Ronds de jambe en lair Additional
Circle of the leg in the air
45 degrees or higher, height of initial extension must be maintained
Develop suppleness in the knees while controlling the thigh.
Bend and extend the knee so that the Tip of the foot traces An ellipsoid past the supporting calf
Point at which foot skims calf depends on proportions of individuals dancers leg
Grand battement and battement balance traditional exercise
Large beatings and beatings balanced
2 each way, arms 2nd, 8 bat ball, finish 2nd arabesque
Make hips free and easy
Lift from hamstrings
Increase flexibility of hip joint
Grand battement and battement balance additional exercise
Large beatings and beatings balanced
Make hips free and easy
Lift from hamstrings
Increase flexibility of hip joint