Baroque Exam Flashcards
When was the Baroque Era?
about 1600-1750
Who were the most influential baroque composers?
Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, and Telemann
What was Bach known for?
Great organist and composer
Much better known during his lifetime as a great organist
What is an overture?
An instrumental section played at the start of the opera to set the tone
What is recitative?
A sung part intended to get through dialogue and move plot along
What is an aria?
A highly emotional piece sung by one character. Usually carefully crafted and written to demonstrate the performer’s acting/singing skills
What is an opera?
A dramatic musical
play, acting, sets, costumes all set to music
What voices or instruments are in an opera?
orchestra and singers
What is a dance suite?
A collection of dances in varying tempos and meters
What is a concerto?
A piece for soloists with large ensemble (usually orchestra)
What is a concerto grosso?
A type of concerto for several soloists with orchestra
What is a fugue?
A polyphonic composition in which voices enter in imitation, each voice echoes previous voices and then going off on its own
Often written for keyboard instruments
What were common instruments in the baroque era?
harpsichord, strings, trumpet, oboe, flue, horn, organ
What was not a part of the Baroque era?