Baroque Era Flashcards
means to recite - sets the stage for emotion; a narrative song that describes some action, thought, or emotion; follows the natural flow of the language, and is more a speaking composition than a singing composition
Secco Recitative
No r.m.t. recitative which features a sparse accompaniment and moves with great freedom; the accompaniment will typically be a keyboard instrument or basso continuo
accompanied recitative
recitative accompanied by the whole orchestra; sounds like aria, but still in recitative
a song/tune; will be about the emotion; more opera-like; sung by a single voice with or without accompaniment
a fairly large company of singers who perform together, usually in parts
basso continuo
consisting of a bass part that runs continuously throughout a work
ground bass
repeated pattern in bass line that never changes and never stops
absolute rulers having absolute power over absolutely every aspect of life.
age of science
An intellectual and scientific movement of 18th century Europe which was characterized by a rational and scientific approach to religious, social, political, and economic issues.
baroque dulaism
age of absolutism/science, nothing vs everything, extravagant vs structure
Relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail
baroque era
1600-1750; this time period is called the age of absolutism and the age of science. “baroque” term is only used for art, architecture and music.
Serene Republic; homogenous, homophonic sound; “old” –> most sacred music comes from here
opera invented around 1600 as a reaction against madrigalism. Believed that only 1 person should direct emotion of a sung word
a drama set to music
opera seria
serious opera on an ancient greek/roman story
opera buffa
comic opera
functional harmony
harmony that serves the function of supporting the tonal center
triads in context
all of the harmonies that are available within the context of one key
well-tempered tuning
the system of tuning devised in baroque era that allowed keyboard and lute player to play at every major and minor key without being re-tuned (g# and a flat are the same)
pure intonation
The original system of tuning based on Pythagorean Theorem and Golden Mean. g# is not the same as A flat.
largest musical ensemble with strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion
when take an instrument from its level to a higher, unexpected level
multi-movement work for orchestra and one solo instrument.
concerto grosso
for 2 or more solo instruments to play against an orchestra/larger ensemble.
piece of music in orchestra that keeps returning (doesn’t come back entirely in the middle, so it is diagrammed as lower-case ‘r’)
broken chord
everyone drops out, and one instrument does an improv solo
double stop
2 or more notes on several different strings
dance suite
collection of misc. stylized dances
a sacred drama set to music
german word for “hymn”
miniaturized oratorio made to fit in the Lutheran church service
a polyphonic baroque composition whereby a voice is passed around in staggered entrances
grouped chorale
breaks within the chorale
continuous chorale
no breaks within the chorale
figured bass
the bass part that is marked so as to indicate the harmonies that should go with each note (with triads in context)
last great madrigalist, first great opera composer
well tempered clavier
collection in 2 volumes of the preludes and fugues composed by Bach for clavichord or harpsichord. There is a Prelude and Fugue written in each of the 12 major and minor keys. This was done to demonstrate the importance of equal temperament for tuning.
church, court and opera house
the 3 places where baroque composers/artists made their living.
basic baroque orchestra
only strings and lute playing
festive baroque orchestra
brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments are added to the basic baroque orchestra.
how loud or how soft the music is and how these changes occur - musical term and is subjective.