Barber Key Words Flashcards
Abductor digiti minimi
Muscle that separates the finger and toes
Abductor halluces
Muscle that move the big toe away from the other toes
Muscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe away from the midline of the body or of an extremity
Acidic Solutions
A solution that has a pH below 7.0 (Neutral)
A skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions and bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes
Acne vulgaris
also known as acne
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
A disease that breaks down the body’s immune system. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Acquired immunity
Immunity that the body develops after overcoming a disease through inoculation such as the flu vaccination or through exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander, and ragweed
Active electrode
Electrode of an electrotherapy device that is used on the area to be treated
Muscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe inward toward the median axis of the body or of an extremity
Adipose tissue
Technical term for fat; its smoothness and contour to the body
Congenital hypopigmentation, or absence of melanin pigment of the body, including the skin, hair, and eyes
Lack of lipids; Describe skin that does not produce enough sebum, indicated by absence of visible pores
Alkaline solution
The solution that has the PH above 7.0 (neutral)
Also known as bases; compounds that react to form salts
Alkaline substances used to neutralize acids or raise the pH of many hair products
Allergic contact dermatitis
Abbreviated ACD; an allergy to an ingredient or a chemical, usually caused by repeated skin contact with the chemical.
Reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances
Abnormal hair loss
Alopecia areata
Autoimmune disorder that cause the affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a person’s own immune system; usually begins with one of more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp
Alopecia totalis
total hair loss of scalp hair
Alopecia universalis
complete loss of body hair
Alternating current
abbreviated AC; rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite direction; produced by mechanical means and changes direction 60 time per minute
Amino acids
Units that are joined together end to end like pop beads by strong chemical peptide bonds to form the polypeptide chains that comprise proteins
abbreviated A and also known as AMP: unit that measures the strength of an electronic current
cannot survive in the presence of oxygen
anagen phase
also known as the GROWTH phase; phase during which new hair is produced
the study of human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body is organized the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts
androgenic alopecia
hair loss characterized by miniaturizing of terminal hair the is converted to vellus hair; in men, known as Male Pattern Baldness
space between two lines or surfaces that intersect at a given point
angular artery
branch of the facial artery that supplies blood to the side of the nose
deficiency in perspiration or the inability to sweat, often result of damage to autonomic nerves
An ion with a negative electrical charge
positive electrode of an electrotherapy device, usually red and marked with a plus sign (+)
anterior auricular artery
branch of superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the front part of the ear
anterior tibial artery
1 of the pop arteries that supplies blood to the lower leg muscles and to the muscles and skin on the top of the foot
Chemical germicide formulated for use on skin; registered and regulated by the FDA
Largest artery in the body
Highest point on the top of the head
arrector pili muscles
the small, involuntary muscles in the base of the hair follicle (is what causes goosebumps)
Thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the arterioles
Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries
Showing no symptoms or signs of infection
The smallest chemical components (often called particles) of an element
autonomic nervous system
(ANS) the part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles; regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, heart, and breathing
Short rod-shaped bacteria; tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis
One celled microorganism; planet n animals characteristics
Bacterial Spore
Bacteria capable of producing a protective coating to withstand very harsh conditions
Capable of destroying bacteria
equal proportions to create symmetry in hairstyling
Balancing Shampoo
Shampoo design to remove excess oil while preventing hair from drying out
Bang Area
Fringe; triangular section that begins at apex and ends at the front corners
Barrier Function
Complex lipids between cells that keep skin moist by preventing water evaporation, and guard against irritants penetrating the skin surface
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Most common and least severe type of skin cancer; light or pearly nodules
Middle part of the muscle
Haircutting technique using diagonal lines by cutting hair ends with a slight increase or decrease in length
Binary fission
the division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells
Muscle that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm
Colonies of bacteria that adhere together and adhere to Enviromental surfaces
nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system (heart n blood vessels) to supply oxygen n nutrients to cells n tissues n remove carbon dioxide n waste from them
Blood Vessels
Tube-like structures that include arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
Blood borne pathogen
Disease-causing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids, such as HIV
Blowdry styling
Technique of drying and styling damp hair in a single operation
Blunt haircut
1 length haircut
Body systems
known as SYSTEMS, groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions. Human body has 11
Part of the central nervous system contained in cranium, largest and most complex nerve tissue
Foul-smelling perspiration, usually in armpits or fit; caused by bacteria
Brushing machine
Rotating electrical appliance w interchangeable brushes that can be attached to a rotating head
Buccal Nerve
Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the mouth
Buccinator muscle
Thin, flat muscles of the cheek between upper and lower jaw that compresses the cheek and expels air between the lips
A large blister containing a watery fluid; similar to vesicle, but larger
Business Plan
written description of your business as you see it today and how it will look in 5 years (detailed yearly)
Business Regulation and laws
any and all locals, state, and federal regulations and laws that u must comply w when u decided to open ur salon or rent a booth
Thickening of the skin caused by continued, repeated pressure on any part of skin, mainly hands n feet
Callus softeners
Product designed to soften n smooth thickened tissue
Term for GREY HAIR, results in loss of hairs natural melanin pigment
tiny thin walled-walled vessels that connect the smaller arteries to the venules, Bring nutrients to the cells n take away waste
Money needed to invest in a business
Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci
Also known as WRIST
Catagen phase
the brief transition phase between the growth and resting phase of the hair follicle. Signals end of the growth phase
Substances that speeds up a chemical reaction
Negative electrode of an electrotherapy device. Usually black and marked with a minus (-)
An ion with a positive electrical charge
Cell membrane
A cell part that that encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
Basic unit of all living things
Central nervous system (CNS)
consist of brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves
Cervical nerves
Branches of the 7th cranial nerve; originate at the spinal cord and affect the side of the neck and the platysma muscle
Cervical vertebrae
the 7 bones of the top of the vertebral column, located in the neck
A color component within the skin such as blood or melanin
lightly raised mark on the skin formed after an injury or lesion of the skin has healed
Circuit breaker
switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit, 1st indication of an overload
Circulatory system
Cardiovascular system or vascular system, body system that controls blood circulation thru the body by means of the heart n blood vessels
clarifying shampoo
shampoo that removes metals from hair, enriches hair, helps maintain moisture, and makes hair more manageable
Collarbone, bone that joins the sternum and scapula
mechanical process(scrubbing) using soap and water to remove all visible dirt n debris. Before disinfecting
Client Base
customers who are loyal to a particular barber
client consultation
communication with client that determines what the clients’ needs are and how to achieve them
closed comedo
Also known as WHITEHEADS, a follicle impacted w dead cells and solidified sebum
Round shaped bacteria that appear alone or in groups. 3 types are, streptococci, staphylococci, diplococci
COHNS elements
5 elements- carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur- that make up the human body
Fibrous protein that gives skin its strength n form
rapid oxidation of a substance accompted by the product of heat n light
a % of revenue the shop takes from each service performed by a barber
common carotid arteries
Main arteries that supply blood to head, face, n neck
Common peroneal nerve
division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg where it divides into 2 branches
Complete electrical circuit
the path of positive and negative electric currents moving from the generating source thru the conductors n back to the generating source
Compound molecules
COMPOUNDS, chemical combination of 2 or more atoms of different elements in a definite fixed proportion (H2o)
Concave profile
Curving inward; Prominet forehead and chin, w other features receded inward
Nozzle attachment of a blow-dryer
chemical agent applied to hair 2 deposit protein n moisture hair; help restore strengths, protect against breakage
conditioning shampoo
moisturizing shampoo, make hair appear smooth n shiny
any material that conducts electricity
PINK EYE; infection of the eye from bacteria or a virus
Connective tissue
tissue that binds together, protects, and supports various parts of the body. bones, cartilage, tendons
Consumption supplies
supplies used in the daily business operation
Contact dermatitis
inflammation of the skin caused by having contact w certain chemicals or substances
contagious disease
communicable disease; spread from 1 person to another
presence of blood or other infectious materials on an item
convex profile
curving outward; receding forehead n chin
ownership structure controlled by 1 or more stockholders
Corrugator muscle
muscle located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi muscle that draws the eyebrow down n wrinkles the forehead
Middle layer of hair
distended capillaries caused by weaking capillary walls
tuft of hair that stands straight up
An Oval, bony case that protects the brain
area of the head between the apex n back of the parietal ridge
dead cells that form over a wound or blemish
To harden
cutting line
angle at which the fingers r held when cutting
closed abnormally developed sac that contains fluid
watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of a cell, needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair
removal of blood n all other potentially infectious material on an item
deionized water
water that has had impurities removed
Deep peroneal nerve
supplies impulses to the front of the leg and also the muscle n skin on top of the foot
Depressor labii inferioris muscle
muscle surrounding the lower lip
dermal papillare
small cone shaped elevations at the base of the hair follicle
inflammatory condition of the skin
Underlying inner layer of the skin
digital nerve
sensory- motor nerve, supplies impulses to the fingers
spherical bacteria that grows in pairs; pneumonia
direct current
DC; constant, even-flowing current that travels in one direction only. produced by chemical means
EPA aprroved chemical product that will destroy most bacteria, fungi, and viruses on a surface
chemical process that destroys most harmful organisms on surfaces
where n how hair is moved over the head
disulfide bond
strong chemical side bonds formed when the sulfur atoms combine
dorsal nerve
nerve that extends up from the toes and foot
dorsalis pedis artery
artery that supplies blood to foot
abnormal colorations of the skin that accompany skin disorders
inflammatory disease of the skin; scaling, itchy
protein base similar to collagen that form elastic tissue
electric current
flow of electricity along a conductor
movement of electrons from one atom to another along a conductor
PROBE; applicator for directing electric current from an electrotherapy device to the skin
removal of hair by means of electric current
electromagnetic spectrum
name given to all of the forms of energy or radiation that exist
subatomic particles w negative charge
use of electrical current to treat the skin
simplest form of chemical matter, cant be simplified further
elemental molecule
molecule containing 2 or more atoms of the same element
eleventh cranial nerve
motor nerve that controls motion of the neck n shoulders
oil or fatty ingredients that prevent moisture from leaving the skin
unstable physical mixture of 2 or more immiscible substances
ingredient to bring together 2 or more incompatible materials
endocrine gland
glands such as the thyroid, release hormonal secretions into the bloodstream
endocrine system
body system that affects growth, development ,sexual functions n health of the entire body
Enzyme peels
chemical exfoliant that dissolves keratin protein
epicardial aponeurosis
tendon that connects the occipitalis and frontalis muscles
muscle that covers top of skull, connects occipitalis n frontalis
outermost n thinnest layer of the skin; 5 layers
substance used to remove hair by pulling it out of the follicle
skin sore or abrasion from scratching
facial artery
supplies blood to lower region of face
facial skeleton
framework of the face; 14 bones
fifth cranial nerve
chief sensory nerve of the face, motor nerve of the muscle for chewing
crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis
extensor muscle of the wrist, flexes the wrist
folliculitis barbae
barbers itch, ingrown hair from shaving
general mass of outline of a hairstyle
fragilitas crinium
four corners
points on the head that signal a change in shape of the head
frontal artery
supplies blood to the forehead n eyelids
frontal bone
bone that forms the forehead
front portion of the epicranius. raise eyebrows n wrinkles in the forehead
single celled organisms that grow in irregular masses
capable of destroying fungi
BOIL; acute, localized bacterial infection
prevents excessive current from passing thru a circuit
galvanic current
constant n direct current, having positive n negative pole
organs that remove n release certain elements from the blood to convert them into new compounds
graduated haircut
slow or immediate buildup of weight
elevation that occurs when a section is lifted above 0 degrees
completes an electrical circuit and carries current away safely
hair bulb
lowest part of a hair strand, forms lowest part of the hair root
hair cuticle
outermost layer of hair
hair elasticity
ability of the hair to stretch n return to original length
hair density
number of individual hair strands
hair follicle
tube like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contain the hair root
hair porosity
ability of the hair to absorb moisture
hair root
the part of the hair located below the epidermis
hair shaft
The portion of hair that projects above the epidermis
hair stream
hair flowing in the same direction
hair texture
thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand