3 Primary areas of law
Powers of the 3 branches (leg, exec, jud)
Relationship btwn states and fed gov (Federalism)
Relationship btwn gov and individuals - 50% of qs
3 questions
- Who: who are the parties, who is taking the action, who’s objection?
- What type of conlaw problem: powers, individaul liberties?
- How is this problem resolved. How is it analyzed?
Powers question or rights question
Powers of the executive branch
Domestic Authority:
1. Appoint high level officers with Senate approval
2. Pardon federal offenses
3. Veto bills
Power over External Affairs:
1. Can act militarily but cannot declare war.
2. Represents US in foreign relations
3. Enter into treaties with 2/3 Senate approval.
If Executive treaty is IN CONFLICT with federal law….
Last in time prevails.
Executive agreements are signed by…
the president and a head of a foreign country. Do NOT need Senate approval and federal law trumps executive agreements.
Legislative branch
Only has powers in Article I.
Taxing and Spending Powers
Legislative branch - Taxing and Spending Powers
Congress can pass laws under taxing power as long as: Reasonable relationship to revenue production or be within Congress’s regulatory power
Spending power - Congress can pass laws to spend money: On any public purpose for on the general welfare.
But congress does not have police powers - cannot pass laws based on the general welfare.
Taxing and spending power are limited by individual rights.
Congress legislative autbhority under its police power
Unless the facts involve DC, a US TERRITORY, or THE MILITARY, any answer that says congress has legislative authority under its police powers is WRONG.
Legislative Branch - Commerce Power
Congress’s power to regulate all foreign and interstate Commerce.
Congress can also regulate the channels of interstate commerce like roads and bridges.
Congress can also regulate the instrumentalities of interstate commerce like trucks, trains, and planes.
…EVEN IF the channels and instrumentalities are WHOLLY INTRASTATE.
Congress can regulate INTRASTATE economic activity if the economic activity has a substantial effect on interstate commerce in the aggregate. (farmers growing food and weed, just not possession of a gun in a school zone).
Congress has plenary power to regulate…
interstate commerce, that is COMMERCE BETWEEN STATES. So unlike states, congress can allow stagtes to discriminate against out of state businesses.
Judicial branch
Constitutional limitations are the justiciability doctrines
Justiciability doctrines
Fed courts need a CASE OR CONTROVERSY to rule on.
Case has to be RIPE and NOT MOOT.
Plaintiff ahs to have STANDING.
11th amendment prohibits FED courts from hearing a private party or foreign government’s claim against a state.
Powers of states and municipalities
All powers not expressly conferred on the fedral gov, are reserved for the states (including local govs).
Only states and local govs have general police powers, meaning they can pass laws to advance the general welfare.
Q3: How are states/municipalities police powers restricted?
DORMANT Commerce Clause.
Privileges and Immunities Clause, Article IV