Baptism Flashcards
who is to administer baptism?
1) a minister ordinarily serving as a pastor
2) ministers serving in some other capacity such as a chaplain, if authorized by appropriate governing body
who authorizes the service of baptism?
who admits persons to be baptized?
the session
scots confession
meaning (4)
specifics (4)
1. makes visible distinction of his people (circ. passover)
2. assurance of covenant promise
3. of union with JC, engrafted into JC
4. not just naked bare signs
1. lawful ministers only administer
2. elements and manner appt. by G - dont add anything, don’t only use cup
3. recipient must understand
4. applies to children of faithful
heid cat
1) external washing assures JC’s sacrifice for me
2) washed with blood = forgiveness of sins
3) washed with spirit = renewed by HS for sanct, great comm.
2 helvetic conf
1) instituted by G, JBap, apostles, great commission, one baptism in the Church
2) once is enough, perpetual sealing of our adoption
3) enrolled, enetered, received into covenant and family of G
4) called child of god, cleansed from sin, granted grace for new life - calls to mind and renews G’s grace to humankind
5) external assurance of inward grace
6) child baptism right
west conf
- admission into visible church
- sign/seal of cov of grace, ingrafting into JC, regeneration, remission of sins, new life in JC
- lawful minister in name of trinity
- should not be neglected but doesn’t mean not saved if dont or that all bap means regenerated
- efficacy of bap tied to HS the grace appointed by G
conf of 1967
- marks receiving of same spirit by all God’s people
- commits all xns to die each day to sin and live for righteousnes
- church responsible for training baptized and nurturing them in xn life (esp infants)
dir of worship bap points (8)
- sign and seal of incorp into christ
- participate in Christ’s death and resurrection
- HS binds church in covenant to creator and lord
- like circumcision, sign of inclusion
- bond of unity for one church
- enacts and seals what Word proclaims
- efficacy of baptism
- responsibility of baptsim
= SPBIUWER = Santa puts balls in underwear with each reindeer
- sign and seal
of incorporation into Christ
a. JC bap to identify with sinners then annointed for his mission
b. great comm calls others to do the same
- participate in JC’s death and resurrection
die to sin, raised to life in JC
Romans 6:3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
Conf 5.185
- HS binds church in covenant to its creator and lord
water symbolizes creation, flood, exodus
covenant with noah, israel, prophets - new covenant with JC as living water - sign and seal of God’s grace and covenant in JC
- inclusion - sign of, like circ. signifies (7):
- faithfulness of G
- washing of sin (heb 10:22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. conf 4.069)
- rebirth
- putting on fresh garment of JC
- sealed by God’s spirit
- adopted into covenant family
- resurrection and illumination in JC
- unity for the one church, bond of
no barriers
- Word proclaimed, enacts and sealed:
God’s redeeming grace offered to all
a call to respond = repentence, faithfulness, discipleship
efficacy of baptism (7)
- only once, ack grace of bap at Lord’s supper and other bap
- signifies beginning of life with JC not completion
- god’s faithfulness needs no renewal, human does
- done without undo haste or delay
- child - witness to G’s faithfulness; adult - enter covenant upon own faith response to G
- all done with water in name of trinity recog by PCUSA
session, church, parents - see W-2.3
form of service for baptism (7)
W 3.3
- usually done during SLD during the sealing section - words said about biblical meaning of baptism, the responsibility of the baptized/parents, and the church
- commitments and vows
a. faith
b. renounce evil
c. intention to be an active participant in the church
d. provide christian nurture for the child
e. congregation: vows faith, support, nurture - prayer - thanks, praise, HS present in baptism
- water - common to locale, pour, sprinkle, immerse, visibly and generously
- words - in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit
- other actions: laying hands, anointing, presentation - explianed and not overshadow baptism itself
- declaration and welcome
Polly Was Going In Style
- participation in Christ’s death and resurrection- rom 6:3, 5.185
- washed by pure water of baptism - heb 10:22, 4.069
- Gift of the Holy Spirit - mark 1:8 I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.’ 5.187, 9.51
- Incorporated into the body of Christ - eph 4:4-6 4There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. 9.51
- Sign of the kingdom - royal priesthood 1 peter 2:9 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. 5.169