Baptism Flashcards
<p>period of time between the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens and the Rite of Election, when those seeking Baptism are instructed in the faith and grow in readiness for Baptism. It also refers to the entire process of formation in preparation for Baptism</p>
<p>Catholic social teaching</p>
<p>the body of official Church documente written by Church leaders in response to various social, political, and economic issues</p>
<p>an indelible spiritual sign imprinted on the soul in the non-repeatable Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders</p>
<p>common priesthood of the faithful</p>
<p>term used to describe the share that all the faithful have in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ by virtue of being made members of the Body of Christ through their Baptism</p>
<p>God's gracious action that frees humans from sin and bestows his righteousness through their belief in Jesus Christ. It involves the free gift of grace an our willingness to accept this grace. In so doing, we turn away from sin and turn toward God</p>
<p>lex credendi</p>
<p>Latin expression (meaning "law of belief") that refers to the content of authentic Catholic faith</p>
<p>lex orandi</p>
<p>Latin expression (meaning "law of prayer") thats refers to the Church's embodiment of her faith in the official prayer of the Liturgy</p>
<p>the living, teaching office of the Church that gives authentic interpretation of the word of God, whether in Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition</p>
<p>ministerial priesthood of the ordained</p>
<p>expression used to refer to men who receive a special sacramental sharing in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ at the hands of the bishop, and who are thereby committed to a life of service to the Church and the priesthood of the faithful. They are ordained to guide, lead, and build up the Body of Christ in the name of Jesus, the head of the Church</p>
<p>the period of time between Easter and Pentecost when the newly baptized (neophytes) receive post-baptismal instruction and are more fully integrated into the Christian community. </p>
<p>Original sin</p>
<p>decision by the first humans to disobey God's commandment. They followed their wills rather than God, lost the grace of original holiness, and were subjected to death. Through their actions, sin entered the world. Thereafter, all people begin life with a wounded human nature, drawn to selfishness and sin and in need of redemption by Christ. Also describes this state of fallen human nature</p>
<p>symbolic term used to describe the original state of holiness and justice of Adam and Eve before the Fall. It invoved harmony within the human person, between man and woman, and between humanity and all creation. Also refers to heaven</p>
<p>sacred chrism</p>
<p>perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop on Holy Thursday and used to anoint persons who receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders</p>
<p>sanctifying grace</p>
<p>God's divine life within us which makes is his friends</p>
<p>the living and authentic transmission of the teachings of Jesus in the Church</p>