Banos-4 Flashcards
pacientemente (adv)
Él todavía espera pacientemente que su comida llegue.
patiently (adv)
He is still patiently waiting for his food to arrive.
educadamente (adv)
No hubo opción más que pedirles educadamente que se fueran.
politely (adv)
There was no choice but to politely ask them to leave.
intensamente (adv)
Ese cuarto olía intensamente a cigarros y a ropa sucia.
powerfully (adv)
That room smelled powerfully of cigars and dirty clothes.
a disgusto (adj)
Fue entonces tuvieron que aceptar a disgusto.
reluctantly (adj)
That’s when they had to accept reluctantly.
de manera segura
Debes usar el cinturón de seguridad si quieres viajar de manera segura.
You should wear your seat belt if you want to travel safely.
tímidamente (adv)
Él estaba escuchando tímidamentedetrás de la puerta.
shyly (adv)
He was listening shyly behind the door.
silenciosamente (adv)
Mi gato siempre se acerca a sus presas silenciosamente.
silently (adv)
My cat always approaches his preys silently.
estúpidamente (adv)
Estúpidamente me olvidé de desconectar el refrigerador anoche.
stupidly (adv)
I stupidly forgot to unplug the refrigerator last night.
sospechosamente (adv)
El casino y los food trucks están sospechosamente cerca.
suspiciously (adv)
The casino and the food trucks are suspiciously close.
valientemente (adv)
Se comportaron valientemente al no correr de los tanques.
courageously (adv)
They behaved courageouslyby not running from the tanks
audazmente (adv)
Fue una jugada audazmente ejecutada.
boldly (adv)
It was a boldly executed move.
osadamente (adv)
Ellos siguieron caminando osadamente cerca del borde.
daringly (adv)
They kept daringly walking near the edge.
peligrosamente (adv)
Ese vaso está peligrosamente cerca del cable.
dangerously (adv)
That glass is dangerously close to the cable.
ciertamente (adv)
Ciertamente no esperabamos encontrarnos a mi hermana aquí.
certainly (adv)
We certainly didn’t expect to meet my sister here.
dudosamente (adv)
Nos preguntó dudosamentesi aún queríamos la otra mitad.
doubtfully (adv)
He asked doubtfully if we still wanted the other half.
indudablemente (adv)
Estas frutas indudablemente te ayudarán en tu pérdida de peso.
undoubtedly (adv)
These fruits will undoubtedly help you with your weight loss.
elegantemente (adv)
El piso estaba decorado elegantemente con flores.
elegantly (adv)
The floor was elegantlydecorated with flowers.
enormemente (adv)
Los beneficios han incrementado enormemente en los últimos dos años.
enormously (adv)
The benefits have grown enormously over the past two years.
finalmente (adv)
Todos los autos finalmente llegaron a su meta.
eventually (adv)
All of the cars eventually arrived at the goal.
exactamente (adv)
Me gustaría saber cuántas hamburguesas se comió exactamente.
exactly (adv)
I would like to know how many burgers he ate exactly.
fielmente (adv)
Su perro siempre lo espera fielmente.
faithfully (adv)
His dog always waits for him faithfully.
fatalmente (adv)
Se debilitarían fatalmente nuestras defensas si los dejamos pasar.
fatally (adv)
It would fatally weaken our defenses to let them through.
ferozmente (adv)
La leona defendió a sus cachorros ferozmente.
fiercely (adv)
The lioness defended her cubs fiercely.
tontamente (adv)
Parece que fueron tontamente engañados por sus tácticas.
foolishly (adv)
It looks like you were foolishly deceived by his tactics.
afortunadamente (adv)
Afortunadamente, pudimos salir de ahí a tiempo.
fortunately (adv)
Fortunately, we were able to get out of there on time.
desafortunadamente (adv)
Desafortunadamente, no pudimos hacer mucho por los zapatos viejos.
unfortunately (adv)
Unfortunately, there was not much we could do for the old shoes.
generosamente (adv)
Siempre añado la salsa generosamente.
generously (adv)
I always add the gravy generously.
gustosamente (adv)
Gustosamente te ayudaré con tu tarea.
gladly (adv)
I will gladly help you out with your homework.
agraciadamente (adv)
El artista se movió agraciadamente de una cuerda a la otra.
gracefully (adv)
The artist moved gracefully from one rope to the other.
avaramente (adv)
Solía guardar avaramente cada tapa de botella que me encontraba.
greedily (adv)
I used to greedily save every bottle cap I found.
Difícilmente puedo correr hasta el puente, no me pidas que lo cruce.
I can hardlyrun until the bridge, don’t ask me to cross it.
apresuradamente (adv)
Los socorristas corrieron apresuradamente hacia las víctimas.
hastily (adv)
First helpers ran hastily towards the victims.
aparte de (prep)
Aparte de para acumular polvo, esa vieja bici es inútil.
aside from (prep)
Aside from collecting dust, this old bike is useless.
sin embargo (adv)
Sin embargo, nos las arreglamos para recuperarnos.
nevertheless (adv)
We managed to recover nevertheless.
hacia (prep)
Estoy seguro de que caminamos hacia un mejor futuro.
towards (prep)
I am sure we are walking towards a better future.
honestamente (adv)
Honestamente no sé cuando llega mi hermano.
honestly (adv)
I honestly don’t know when my brother arrives.
inadecuadamente (adv)
Pienso que esos asuntos fueron manejados inadecuadamente.
inadequately (adv)
I believe those issues were inadequatelyhandled.
ingeniosamente (adv)
El discurso estaba ingeniosamente preparado para que la gente se riera.
ingeniously (adv)
The speech was ingeniously prepared to make people laugh.
ingenuamente (adv)
El conejo siguió al lobo ingenuamente por el bosque.
naively (adv)
The rabbit followed the wolf naivelythrough the woods.
inocentemente (adv)
Llegué aquí inocentemente pensando que iba a recibir helado.
innocently (adv)
I arrived here innocently thinking I was going to get free ice cream.
irritablemente (adv)
Él gritó irritablemente hasta que todos se callaron.
irritably (adv)
He shouted irritably until everyone was quiet.
alegremente (adv)
La señora le dió la bienvenida amablemente.
joyously (adv)
The lady welcomed him joyously.
felizmente (adv)
Nos gustaría brindar felizmente por este nuevo logro.
joyfully (adv)
We would like to toast joyfully for this new achievement.
justamente (adv)
Me alegra decir que esta ciudad era justamente alabada.
justly (adv)
I’m glad to say that this city was justly praised.
vagamente (adv)
Pronto me di cuenta de que la pasta estaba cocinada vagamente.
lazily (adv)
Soon I realized the pasta was lazily cooked.
apenas (adv)
Bailé tanto anoche que apenaspuedo caminar.
barely (adv)
I danced so much last night that I can barely walk.
holgadamente (adv)
La serpiente cuelga holgadamente del camión.
loosely (adv)
The snake hangs loosely from the trunk.
locamente (adv)
¿Mencioné que estoy locamente enamorada de mi gato?
madly (adv)
Did I mention that I am madly in love with my cat?
mortalmente (adv)
El Presidente estaba herido mortalmente para cuando llegamos allá.
mortally (adv)
The President was mortally wounded by the time we got there.
abiertamente (adv)
Nunca hablo de mi familia abiertamente.
openly (adv)
I never speak about my family openly.
dolorosamente (adv)
La bala pasó dolorosamente cerca de mi cuello.
painfully (adv)
The bullet passed through painfully close to my neck.
deficientemente (adv)
La casa estaba construida deficientemente y no pudo aguantar la tormenta.
poorly (adv)
The house was poorly built and could not stand the storm.
prontamente (adv)
Esas pizzas deben entregarse prontamente.
promptly (adv)
Those pizzas should be delivered promptly.
puntualmente (adv)
Siempre llego a mis reuniones puntualmente.
punctually (adv)
I always arrive at my meetings punctually.
silenciosamente (adv)
Me tuve que mover silenciosamente de una casa a la otra.
quietly (adv)
I had to move quietly from one house to the other.
velozmente (adv)
Condujimos velozmente por montañas y bosques.
rapidly (adv)
We drove rapidly across mountains and woods.
raramente (adv)
Raramente pido crema con mi café.
rarely (adv)
I rarely order cream with my coffee.
realmente (adv)
Realmente pienso que deberíamos acampar acá.
really (adv)
I really think we should set camp here.
temerariamente (adv)
Él vino aquí temerariamente rugiendo su motor.
recklessly (adv)
He came here recklessly roaring his motor.
repetidamente (adv)
Le hemos dicho repetidamente que no venga tarde.
repeatedly (adv)
We have told him repeatedly not to come late.
aproximadamente (adv)
Aproximadamente la mitad de la población acá usa anteojos.
roughly (adv)
Roughly half of the population here use glasses.
groseramente (adv)
Me preguntó groseramente cuándo volvería.
rudely (adv)
He rudely asked me when I would come back.
tristemente (adv)
Tristemente las bayas se han podrido y no las podemos comer.
sadly (adv)
Sadly the berries have withered and we cannot eat them.
egoístamente (adv)
Tú estabas egoístamente atraído por el dinero.
selfishly (adv)
You were selfishly drawn to the money.
sensatamente (adv)
Debería considerar las cosas sensatamente.
sensibly (adv)
He should consider things sensibly.
seriamente (adv)
Estoy pensando seriamente en ir a dar un paseo.
seriously (adv)
I’m seriously thinking about going for a ride.
abruptamente (adv)
Terminó abruptamente diciendo que necesitaba ir a otro lugar.
sharply (adv)
He finished sharplysaying he needed to go somewhere else.
Me dijo soñolientamente que dejara de tocar el piano.
She sleepily told me to stop playing the piano.
solemnemente (adv)
El Gobernador ganó las elecciones solemnemente.
solemnly (adv)
The Governor won the elections solemnly.
furtivamente (adv)
Nos escapamos furtivamente por la puerta de atrás.
stealthily (adv)
We escaped stealthily through the back door.
directamente (adv)
Deberíamos ir directamente a lo importante.
straightly (adv)
We should move straightly to the important part.
directamente (adv)
No quiero estar directamente involucrado con la organización
directly (adv)
I don’t want to be directly involved with the organization.
estrictamente (adv)
Juro que hablamos estrictamente de negocios.
strictly (adv)
I swear we spoked strictly about business.
exitosamente (adv)
Has terminado exitosamente tus lecciones de manejo.
successfully (adv)
You have successfully completed your driving lessons.
repentinamente (adv)
No puedo creer que hayas decidido cambiar de ciudad tan repentinamente.
suddenly (adv)
I can’t believe you have decided to change cities so suddenly.
con prontitud
Él terminó el examen con prontitud.
He swiftly finished the exam.
tiernamente (adv)
Abrazó a su cachorro tan tiernamente que casi lloro.
tenderly (adv)
She hugged her puppy so tenderly I almost cried.
tensamente (adv)
Esperan tensamente que el terremoto golpee en cualquier momento.
tensely (adv)
They are waiting tensely for the earthquake to hit anytime.
atentamente (adv)
Consideró atentamente cambiar posiciones.
thoughtfully (adv)
He considered thoughtfullyto switch positions.
completamente (adv)
Revisamos el apartamento completamente.
thoroughly (adv)
We searched the apartment thoroughly.
estrechamente (adv)
Los engranajes en esta máquina están estrechamente conectados.
tightly (adv)
The gears in this machine are tightly connected.
verdaderamente (adv)
Estoy verdaderamentecomprometido con esta causa.
truly (adv)
I am truly committed to this cause.
sinceramente (adv)
Sinceramente me disculpo si te he causado algún problema.
sincerely (adv)
I sincerely apologize if I have caused you any trouble.
inesperadamente (adv)
Se apresuró al cuarto inesperadamente pero encontró todo en orden.
unexpectedly (adv)
He rushed to the room unexpectedly but found everything in order.
victoriosamente (adv)
Gritó victoriosamente que había ganado el premio.
victoriously (adv)
He shouted victoriously that he had won the prize.
violentamente (adv)
Salí agitando la puerta violentamente.
violently (adv)
I went out smashing the door violently.
vorazmente (adv)
Él devoró vorazmentetodo lo que había en la mesa.
vivaciously (adv)
He vivaciously devoured everything that was on the table.
calurosamente (adv)
Mi familia me dio la bienvenida calurosamente.
warmly (adv)
My family welcomed me warmly.
débilmente (adv)
Ella siguió golpeando débilmente hasta que alguien la escuchó.
weakly (adv)
She kept knocking weakly until someone heard her.
cansadamente (adv)
Finalmente llegó cansadamente a la costa luego de nadir por ocho horas.
wearily (adv)
She finally arrived wearily to the coast after swimming for eight hours.
sabiamente (adv)
Él te advirtió sabiamente de que no fueras a ese restaurant.
wisely (adv)
He wisely warned you not to go to that restaurant.
quizás (adv)
Pensé que quizás podríamos ir por una calle diferente.
maybe (adv)
I thought maybe we could go through a different street.
probablemente (adv)
Probablemente encontraremos muchas olas en esa playa.
probably (adv)
We will probably find a lot of waves in that beach.
posiblemente (adv)
Posiblemente podríamos terminar como millonarios.
possibly (adv)
We could possibly end up as millionaires.
finalmente (adv)
Su meta era finalmente conquistar la Tierra.
ultimately (adv)
His goal was to ultimately conquer the Earth.
últimamente (adv)
He estado teniendo pesadillas últimamente.
lately (adv)
I have been having nightmares lately.
afortunadamente (adv)
Afortunadamente encontré un refugio cerca del puente.
luckily (adv)
Luckily I found shelter near the bridge.
en cualquier momento (adv)
El profesor debe llegar en cualquier momento.
anytime (adv)
The teacher should be here any time.
ser (n)
Necesitas tener talento para poder ser un artista.
to be (n)
You need to have talent in order to be an artist.
haber (n)
Haber pintado una pared no te hace un pintor.
to have (n)
To have painted a wall does not make you a painter.