Bank Set 1 Flashcards
What can aid us in becoming lesser ones?
*** w81 6/1 p. 23 par. 9
So, do we appreciate the importance of Jehovah God’s kingdom? If we do then we will be ready to put its interests first in our lives. Doing so will also help us to conduct ourselves as lesser ones. Why can this be said? Because if we appreciate that the Kingdom work all of us are engaged in is the important thing and not we ourselves, then we will not feel unduly disturbed if we happen to have been overlooked as regards a privilege of service we might have desired. We want to take God’s work, not ourselves, seriously. After all, there are only so many parts on the various congregation meetings, only so many parts on a circuit assembly program, only so many parts on a district convention program. So some of us are bound to be left out. If that should be our lot, let us rejoice with the brothers that do have the privileges rather than envy them. Let us have the mental disposition of the psalmist who said: “For a day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere. I have chosen to stand at the threshold in the house of my God rather than to move around in the tents of wickedness.” Yes, it is far better to be a lesser one in Jehovah’s organization than to be a greater one in Satan’s wicked doomed organization.—Ps. 84:10.
“David became exhausted” - 2 Samuel 21:15
David was nearly killed by Ishbibenob because he went to fight when he was tired. He had the same zeal, courage and love as he did when he fought Goliath but because he was tired he nearly died. Abishai’s words showed that David’s actions while he was tired affected others.
When you are tired, just rest. Take PTA, etc. Don’t go to work as usual and negatively affect others by your actions. The Watchtower has said that when we haven’t had enough sleep we become irritable.
Mild response when questioned
It is often helpful to view the question as a way to learn what he cares about rather than as an attack or a challenge
The Most High is always at the zenith of his ability to give aid and is fully aware of everything that is happening.
Why is the love of money a snare for us?
“It is wrong to profit from the operation of holy spirit” - This is one reason why it’s part of the qualification of elders not to be lovers of money.
1 Thes 5:16 - “Always be rejoicing.”
We are happy as much as we have made up our mind to be. If we don’t understand the actions of others, we label them as bad, thinking that they want to hurt us. But they can hurt us if only we allow it.
1 Thes 5:16 - “Always be rejoicing.”
If you are not happy, who is to blame? Yourself. We have about 50,000 thoughts a day. Do not take every thought serious. Do not to give attention to the negative. It will drive you crazy.
1 Thes 5:16 - “Always be rejoicing.”
Do not distance yourself from those hurting you. But distance yourself from their behavior. People hurting you are actually crying for attention.
1 Thes 5:16 - “Always be rejoicing.”
Always choose to be kind over being right. It is impossible to feel better at the expense of others!
1 Thes 5:16 - “Always be rejoicing.”
Thoughts are a God given gift. Cannot be explained as a result of evolution.
Psalm 19:12-14
We want to be careful and not take offences easily, and act of presumptuousness. Jehovah knows what is in your heart. Nobody else.
Mark 9:33-37
Human inclination of importance to positions of authority. What we have learned should give us big heart with love and faith in Jehovah, but not big head.
Make sure brothers and sisters appreciate you for your down-to-earth qualities.
1 Peter 4:11
If your gift is in speaking you should speak words from God. If your gift is serving, you should serve as from God. Not relying on our own experience. Ask Jehovah for holy spirit.
1 Peter 4:10
We are here to serve, to minister to one another. Help those astray from the organization. Helping those that are depressed. Keep a list of encouraging scriptures.
1 Peter 4:8 - Blank Cheque
Above all things have intense love for one another. Exercise this love like an athlete trains his muscles. Show love to everyone. Bring people together. Open honest and trusting relations with others. Love covers a multitude of sins. We need a blank cheque for all our brothers and sisters to forgive them. Strengthen our love for one another. Offenses will not go away, but love helps us put up with them.
Proverbs 18:13 - Hearing with annoyance
When anyone hears something with annoyance he is, in effect, “replying to a matter before he hears it,” and “that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.”
Whatever comes from the mouth comes from the heart - Matthew 5:18
That is one reason why a person should not say “I’m just talking”. Speech is an exposure of our heart. James 3:6 says the tongue is a fire. Who would want to just play with a fire because he just wants to do so?