Bandura Flashcards
What is the aim
Research whether children will inmate aggresiove behaviour displayed by role model
If will inmate aggressive behaviour with absence of model
What is the conclusion
Child learns through observation and imitation of role model even if role model not present
Even when no positive reinforcement or deliberate teaching
Problem with how children may learn violence by depiction in media and in real life
Boys and girls more likely to learn masculine behaviour (physical aggression)
Verbal aggression more likely imitated when same sex model
How does it like to delvelopmental area
How environment around child affect behaviour
= adapt themselves
What is the hypothesis linked to the model
Ppt exposed to aggressive model would be more likely to reproduce similar aggression than those in non aggressive/ control
What is the hypothesis related to level of aggression
Ppt exposed to a non aggressive model would be less aggressive than those who were not exposed to model at all
What is the hypothesis related to sex
Ppt would imitate aggression modelled by same sex model more than those modelled by opposite sex adult
What is the hypothesis related to gender
Boys would be more inclined than girls to inmate aggression
What are the results for inhibiting behaviour
Why was the sample bias?
Cultural bias - American
Age bias- represented younger children only
Social- economic / class bias- nursery at uni