Balance of Payments Flashcards
Balance of payments
A record of all transactions between a country’s residents and the rest of the world over time
What is a stock?
- Sold in units called shares.
- A stock is a collection of shares
What is a share?
A unit of ownership, or equity, in a company or a corporation
What is transfer?
Transaction that does not involve an exchange
Debt forgiveness
The voluntary cancellation of all or part of a debt obligation
Type of loan used by big corporations or governments to raise capital by selling IOU to general public
Direct investment
Investment where a resident controls or influences a foreign enterprise.
(Company to Company movement - Investment)
Portfolio investment
A grouping of assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents
Investment grants
Capital transfers made by governments or international organisations to fund specific investment projects
e.g. large construction projects
Payments in Current account
- Goods/Services
- Visibles/Invisibles
Income: These are different forms of income
- Wages (for labor)
- Dividends (for shares)
- Interest (for capital)
- Remittances (sent home from workers abroad)
Current Transfers:
- (Foreign) Aid
Payments in Capital Account
(Capital flows)
- Funds
- Debt (& debt forgiveness)
- Government grants
- Capital
- Non-Financial Assets (e.g. Land, Real Estate, Companies)
Payments in Financial Account
Financial Assets:
- Shares
- Stocks
- Bonds
Reserve Assets (e.g. currencies, gold)
Direct Investment
Portfolio Investment
Definition of Current Account
A measure of the flow of funds from trade in goods and services, income and current transfers
What is Capital Account
- a measure of buying and selling of assets between countries
E.g. of assets:
- Land, Real Estate, Companies
- Capital transfers
- Transactions in non-produced, non-financial assets
E.g. of Non-produced, non-financial assets:
- Natural resources
- Contracts, leases and licenses
- Marketing assets (patents, trademarks, copyrights)
- Drilling rights
Definition of Financial Account
The net change in foreign ownership of domestic financial assets
- Direct Investment
- Portfolio Investment
- Reserve assets
Financial Assets
Non-physical, liquid assets with value from contracts, tradable on financial markets.
Examples of Financial Assets:
- Bank deposits at foreign banks
- Loan to foreigners
- Stocks and shares
- Government bonds
Current Account Balance
Current account = capital account + financial account
Current - (capital + financial) = 0
Why does it balance?
International trade involves goods, services, and resources exchanged for money or financial assets.
What is current account deficit?
- imports, income and transfers going overseas > exports, income and transfers coming in the domestic economy
- Net exports of goods and services + net income from investments + net transfers = Negative