Balance of payments Flashcards
Define balance of payments
- record of a country’s international transactions
- % residents and rest of the world
- over a period of time
- records flow of gds and svcs
- credit and debit
- foreign exchange frm foreigners
- exports
- unilateral transfers frm foreigners
- capital inflows (FDI)
- payments to foreigners
- imports
- unilateral transfers to foreigners
- capital outflows
Structure of BOP (CFC)
- Current a/c
- Financial a/c
- Capital a/c
Current a/c
- total value of exports and imports of currently produced gds and svcs
- incomes
- current transfers
1. Visible a/c (Balance of trade in gds)
2. Invisible a/c
Visible a/c (Current a/c)
- records the total value of exports and imports
- merchandise gds
- Visible balance: net exports
- Surplus when total value of exports > imports
Invisible a/c (Current a/c)
i. Balance of trade in svcs
ii. Incomes
iii. Current transfers
Balance of trade in svcs (Invisible current a/c)
- total value of exports and imports of svcs
- ie. transportation, tourism, purchasing an airline ticket frm a foreign airline considered import of svc
Incomes (Invisible current a/c)
- all inflows into a country of factor payments (wrip)
Current transfers (Invisible current a/c)
- payments made to another country
- nothing received in return
- ie. SG gov put tgt an assistance package for China when COIVD was first detected
Current a/c surplus
- total value of exports of gds and svcs, current transfers, incomes received > total value of imports of gds & svcs, current transfers, incomes paid out
Financial a/c (D.R.O.P)
- Direct investment
- Reserve assets
- Official borrowing
- Portfolio investment
Direct investment (Financial a/c)
- transactions that involve the creation of real physical assets
- ie. setting up Jap factory in Sg – FDI into sg
- inflow of funds in the capital and financial a/c – credit
- vice versa for debit (outflow of funds when sg invests in another country)
Portfolio investment (Financial a/c)
- purchase or sale of bonds
- ie. if sg resident buys shares in an overseas company – outflow in the financial a/c of Sg’s BOP – debit item
Reserve assets (Financial a/c)
- refers to foreign currency reserves that central bank can buy or sell
- to influence the value of the country’s currency
Official borrowing (Financial a/c)
- refers to gov borrowing from abroad
- inflow of funds due to borrowing (foreign gov debt) appear as credit
- outflow of funds due to loaning – debit
- negative value – country is a net lender (outflow > inflow)
Financial surplus/deficit
- Surplus: (total value of financial) inflow >outflow
- Deficit: outflow> inflow
Interdependence btwn the a/c
current a/c + (capital a/c + financial a/c + errors and omissions) = 0
Why the current a/c and financial a/c are interdependent
Current a/c deficit:
- M > X
- consuming at a pt outside the ppc curve
- must be balanced with financial a/c surplus
- source of funds to buy imports