Baking and Pastry - Mastering the Art and Craft Flashcards
What are whole grains?
Grains that have not been milled.
Define Green Flour.
Freshly milled flour that is not suitable for the bakeshop. It has immature proteins that tend to absorb more water and are not elastic.
What colour does freshly milled flour appear to be?
What chemicals are sometimes used to replicate the aging and bleaching process in flour?
~ Benzoyl Peroxide
~ Chlorine Dioxide
What is meant by a label on flour that reads “bleached flour”?
This label means that the flour has been chemically aged and bleached.
What are 3 treatments that might be done to flour?
- Aging and Bleaching
- Oxidizing
- Enrichment
What compound is used to oxidize flour? What does it do?
~ Potassium Bromate
~ When potassium bromate is present in flour, product volume increases by 10-15%
True or False - Enriching flour impacts the baking performance of the flour.
What nutrients are added in the flour enrichment process?
~ Thiamine ~ Niacin ~ Riboflavin ~ Iron ~ Folic Acid
List 5 types of flour.
~ All-Purpose Flour ~ Bread Flour ~ Cake Flour ~ Clear Flour ~ Durum Flour ~ High-Gluten Flour ~ Pastry Flour ~ Semolina ~ Whole Wheat Flour
What is All-Purpose Flour?
A combination of hard and soft wheat flour milled from the endosperm of the wheat kernel.
What is the protein content in All-Purpose Flour?
What is Bread Flour?
A patent flour, made of hard wheat flour made from the endosperm.
What is the protein content of Bread Flour?
What is Cake Flour?
Soft wheat flour used for cakes and cookies.
What is the protein content of Cake Flour?
What is Clear Flour?
A hard wheat flour made from the endosperm has a darker colour than bread or high-gluten flour. Clear flour is typically used in rye bread.
What is the protein content of Clear Flour?
What is Durum Flour?
Flour milled from the endosperm of the durum wheat kernel. It is a hard flour used in bread making.
What is the protein content of Durum Flour?
What is High-Gluten Flour?
Flour milled from the entire endosperm. It is used in bagels and hard rolls.
What is the protein content of High-Gluten Flour?
What is Pastry Flour used for?
Pastry Flour is often used for pie crust dough, muffins, and some biscuits, as well as pastries.
What is the protein content of Pastry Flour?
What is Semolina?
A more coarsely ground durum wheat flour, typically used for making pasta.
What is Whole Wheat Flour?
A hard wheat flour milled from the entire wheat kernel, including the bran and germ.
Why does Whole Wheat Flour turn rancid rapidly?
Due to the high-fat content of the germ.
What is the protein content of Whole Wheat Flour?
What is Cracked Wheat?
A coarsely cracked or cut wheat kernel, that includes the bran and germ. It lends texture and flavour to breads.
What is Vital Wheat Gluten?
The insoluble gluten protein extracted from flour during the milling process, which has been dried and ground into a powder.
What is Vital Wheat Gluten used for?
It is used to fortify dough.
List the 4 types of Rye Flour.
- White Rye Flour
- Medium Rye Flour
- Dark Rye Flour
- Pumpernickel
What is the protein content of White Rye Flour?
What is the protein content of Medium Rye Flour?
What is the protein content of Dark Rye Flour?
What portion of the endosperm is Dark Rye Flour milled from?
The outer portion of the endosperm.
What is Pumpernickel?
Pumpernickel, also known as Rye Meal, is a coarse grind made from the entire rye kernel.
List 5 other grains and cereals.
~ Oats ~ Oat Flour ~ Steel-Cut Oats ~ Rolled Oats ~ Instant Oats ~ Buckwheat ~ Spelt ~ Millet ~ Cornmeal ~ Rice ~ Rice Flour
True or False - Oat Flour is gluten-free.
Explain the difference between steel-cut oats, rolled oats, and instant oats.
Steel-Cut Oats - are milled by cracking oat groats into smaller pieces.
Rolled Oats - are made by steaming and flattening oat groats.
Instant Oats - are cracked oat groats that are precooked, dried, and rolled.
Describe Buckwheat.
Buckwheat is a cereal grain that has a distinctive, nutty, whole-grain flavour and a relatively high fat content. It may be roasted or unroasted.
What is Roasted Buckwheat sold as?
True or False - Buckwheat is not a type of wheat.
What is Spelt?
Spelt is a cereal grain that contains less gluten and more protein than wheat.
What is Millet?
A gluten-free seed with a mild flavour.
How is Cornmeal made?
By grinding dried corn kernels.
What is the difference between white and brown rice?
White rice has had all the bran removed, whereas brown rice has only some of the bran removed.
List 10 varieties of sugar, syrups, and other sweeteners.
~ Granulated Sugar ~ Superfine Sugar ~ Sanding Sugar ~ Pearl or Decorating Sugar ~ Brown Sugar ~ Turbinado Sugar ~ Confectioners' Sugar ~ Isomalt ~ Corn Syrup ~ Glucose Syrup ~ Molasses ~ Malt Syrup ~ Golden Syrup ~ Honey ~ Maple Syrup ~ Inverted Syrup
What is Granulated Sugar?
Pure refined sucrose made from sugar cane or sugar beets. It has small, evenly sized crystals.
What is Superfine Sugar?
Sucrose in very small crystals that dissolve quickly.
What is Sanding Sugar?
Sugar that has large crystals and is used primarily for decoration.
What is Pearl/Decorating Sugar?
Sugar with large pearl-shaped crystals used for decoration.
What is Brown Sugar?
Granulated Sugar with added molasses.
What is Turbinado Sugar?
A coarse-grained partially refined sugar with a light brown colour and a very mild molasses shape.
What is Confectioners’ Sugar?
Ground granulated sugar with up to 3% cornstarch added to keep it from caking.
Which is finer, 6X or 10X confectioners’ sugar?
What is Isomalt?
A crystalline “sugar-free” sweetener made from sucrose.
What is Corn Syrup produced from?
What is the glucose content of Corn Syrup?
True or False - Corn Syrup resists crystallization.
What is the Dextrose Equivalent of Glucose Syrup?
What is Malt Syrup made from?
Barley and Corn
What is Golden Syrup?
Is processed from sugarcane juice.
List 4 types of gelling agents.
~ Gelatin
~ Pectin
~ Agar-Agar
~ Starches
What is agar-agar derived from?
Sea Vegetables
True or False - Gelatin has stronger gelling properties than agar-agar.
List 5 thickening starches.
~ Arrowroot ~ Potato Starch ~ Cornstarch ~ Tapioca ~ Flour
What is a modified starch?
Starch that have been modified through a process involving acid and hydrolysis. Starches produced in this manner are better for frozen items that will be thawed as they resist separation.
How much milk fat must be in heavy/whipping cream?
At least 35%
What is the milk fat percentage of light cream?
Between 16-32%
What is the milk fat percentage of half-and-half cream?
List 4 examples of fermented and cultured milk products.
~ Buttermilk
~ Yogurt
~ Sour Cream
~ Creme Fraiche
How is Creme Fraiche made?
By adding an acid to cream that has 30% milk fat.
What is the minimum percentage of milk fat that butter must contain?
List 8 Apple Varieties
~ Red Delicious ~ Golden Delicious ~ Granny Smith ~ McIntosh ~ Rome Beauty ~ Winesap ~ Fuji ~ Gala
List 6 Pear Varieties
~ Bartlett ~ Bosc ~ Comice ~ d’Anjou ~ Seckel ~ Asian
List 10 types of berries
~ Blackberries ~ Blueberries ~ Boysenberries ~ Cranberries ~ Currants ~ Elderberries ~ Gooseberries ~ Grapes ~ Raspberries ~ Strawberries
List 6 citrus fruits
~ Grapefruit ~ Kumquats ~ Lemons ~ Meyer Lemons ~ Oranges ~ Limes
What 4 types do oranges come in?
~ Juice
~ Eating
~ Bitter
~ Mandarin
What is a Meyer Lemon?
Meyer Lemons are not true lemons but rather a hybrid that is imported from China. They are a cross between a lemon and an orange. Their flesh is a light orange-yellow colour and the juice is sweeter than a regular lemon.
What are the 4 major types of melons?
~ Cantaloupe
~ Muskmelons
~ Watermelon
~ Winter Melons
What melons are classified as winter melons?
~ Honeydew
~ Casaba
~ Crenshaw
They are characterized by their late harvest.
List 5 stone fruits
~ Peaches ~ Nectarines ~ Apricots ~ Plums ~ Cherries
List 14 Exotic Fruits
~ Bananas ~ Coconuts ~ Figs ~ Guavas ~ Kiwis ~ Lychees ~ Mangoes ~ Papayas ~ Passion Fruits ~ Persimmons ~ Pineapples ~ Plantains ~ Pomegranates ~ Star Fruits