Bagatelle sections Flashcards
Explain section A
this is the main theme, played in C major. The theme has a playful character, due to the contrasting articulations, syncopated accents and wide leaps.
Explain section B (melody)
this is the minore section, mostly in A minor (the relative key to C major). The melody is entirely octaves throughout and is much more sustained than the main theme, and uses longer note values with no rests or detached notes.
Explain section B (harmony)
there is a continuous triplet broken chord accompaniment. modulating once to A minor b. 22-29. Before reutning to A minor once again.
explain section C
this is the trio and is mostly in C major. This passage contrasts the main theme. The trio has a rounded binary structure as indicated by the repeats. The first section ends with a brief modulation to G major (b. 55-60) The second section in mostly in C major, apart from the brief shift to C minor (b. 71-74). The rest remains in C major.
Explain last A section
main theme once again in C major. The same as the first section followed by a variation in b. 95-100 when the crotchet chords are played with an alternating rhythm between the hands.
Explain Coda
coda is in C major, based on the second half of the main theme. Only a tonic chord is used from b. 125 onwards.