Baddeley&Hitch Working Memory Model Flashcards
descibe + outline WMM A01
wmm intoduced to challnege multi memory store model by Atskin& Shirffrin
wmm cognitive model of stm consists of 3 main components
- central executive
- visuospatial sketchpad
- phological loop ( articulatory control system& phonological store)
pt 2 central executive (CE) A01
in charge of everything
- determines where everything in brain is allocated through “slave systems”
- limited capacity
supporting CE A03
using MRI scans the prefrontal cortex was activated when verbal and spatial tasks were performed simultaneously
but not when performed separately, suggesting the brain area indicates the working of the CE.
counter argument CE A03
little direct evidence for how central executive works as it has never been measured
visuospatial sketchpad A01
where we create mental images to store and remember visual info
visual or spatial info temporarily stored here
supporting for visuospatial sketchpad
KF case study
involved in bike accident and suffered brain damage
KF had poor stm memory for auditory info but fine for visual info
- suggests there are seperate stm components for visual and verbal info
counter for visuospatial sketchpad A03
brain damage could prove not reliable
low external validity
phonological loop 01
auditory info stored
- limited capacity
evidence for phonological loop A03
kf study again
episodic buffer A01
added by baddeley in 2000
sends info into ltm
processes info that doesnt fit into other stores
strengths baddeley tasks
- one task occupied CE
- other task occupied articulatory loop alone or both
- found ppts found it difficult performing two visual tasks than one visual and one verbal
suggests 2 systems and are separates demonstrates CE is a part of WMM
CA for central executive
cognitive psychologists say it is unclear and not fully developed
little evidence as it has never been measured
ENDEL AND TULVING (1985) suggested it was too simplistic and
LTM was too simplistic and in reality it is much more complex suggested idea of
-episodic memory
-semantic memory
-procedral memory
strength A03
PET scans have shown that different areas of the brain are used whilst undertaking visual and verbal tasks which may correspond to the visuospatial sketchpad and phonological loop of WMM
strength A03 word length effect
supports phonlogical loop
people found it more diffcult to remember longer words
shows limited space in articulatory loop holds info for 2 secs