Bad Girls - vocab Flashcards
learn the vocabulary of "Bad Girls - Tennis"
Even (adj)
[ ee-vuhn ]
- Equal; ровно; egal ; =
2. Number that can be divided by 2 (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc.); четный; par
Even they
[ ee-vuhn they ]
they too; they as well; даже они; chiar și ei
[ hoh-lee ]
divine, spiritual, saintly, godly ; святой ; sfânt
[ trans-pair-uhnt ]
admitting the passage of light through interstices; прозрачный: transparent
[ in-ten-shuhn ]
attitude toward the effect of one’s actions; намерение; intenție
[ eynt ]
- is not/ am not/ are not
2. have not/ has not/ do not/ does not/ did not
[ uh-pair-uhnt ]
open to view; visible; obvious; видно; очевидно; ;aparent
[ ten-der ]
soft or delicate; нежный ; delicat
To fall
[ fawl ]
to drop or descend under the force of gravity ; падать a cădea
[ uh-pahrt ]
into pieces or parts; separated; отдельно; separat
To fall apart
[ fawl uh-pahrt ]
to become disorganized and ineffective; растеряться; a se destrăma
[ nahyt ]
the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise; ночь; noapte
To transform
[ trans-fawrm ]
to change in form, appearance, or structure; трансформировать; a transforma
By John Smith
[ bahy John Smith ]
John Smith’s work; сделано Джоном Смитом; de John Smith
By tomorrow
[ bahy tuh-mawr-oh ]
before tomorrow comes; До завтра; până mâini
By next week
[ bahy nekst week]
before two weeks pass; До следующей недели; până săptămâna viitoare
By next day
[ bahy nekst dey ]
before tomorrow; до завтра; până mâini
[ bawrn ]
brought by birth; рождённый; născut
[ ree-bawrn ]
a new or second birth; перерождённый; renăscut
[ fiz-i-kuhl ]
relating to that which is material; физический; fizic
[ shoh ]
a theatrical production, performance; шоу; spectacol
To show
[ shoh ]
to be seen; be or become visible; показывать; a arăta
[ spir-i-choo-uhl ]
relating to spirits; спиритуальный; spiritual
[ thair ]
- in/ at that place; там ; acolo
- used to introduce a sentence in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement
There is no milk; There he is!
To need
[ need ]
to have need of; require; нуждаться/быть обязанным чему то; a trebui/ avea nevoie de
[ need ]
a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation; нужда/ nevoie
[ awl-weyz ]
every time; forever; at any time; всегда; mereu
To divide
[ dih-vahyd ]
- to separate into parts, groups, sections, etc
- if you divide 20 by 2 it will be equal to 10
делить; a împărți
[ dih-vahy-did ]
- separated; shared
- 50 divided by 2 is 25
разделены; împărțit
[ fruhm ]
- coming from California
- from 1 to 10
- 30 mins from now
- To be excluded from the family chat
от; с ; из ; din ; de la
[ awl ]
the whole (can be about quantity, duration, etc.)
all the soup, all the way, all day)
весь; всё ; tot/toate
To hide
[ hahyd ]
To try to not be seen; prevent being discovered; прятать ; a ascunde
[ trooth ]
conformity with fact or reality; accepted fact; правда; adevăr
To find
[ fahynd ]
to discover; to meet; найти ; a găsi;
[ nev-er ]
not ever; никогда ; niciodată
[ pees ]
a state of mutual harmony ; мир ; pace
[ mahynd ]
the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities, like the ones that thinks, feels, judges etc
разум, minte
[ troo ]
real; genuine; правда ; adevărat
[ ser-uh-moh-nee ]
formal activities; церемония ; ceremonie
To choose
[ chooz ]
to select from a number of possibilities; to decide ;выбирать ; a alege
[ ma-truh-moh-nee ]
the state of being married; брак; căsătorie
[ sheym ]
the painful feeling of dishonor, ridiculousness, disgrace ; стыд; rușine
[ uh-sheymd ]
feeling shame; distressed or embarrassed by feelings of guilt; стыдящийся; rușinat
[ bair ]
carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae; медведь ; urs
To bear
[ bair ]
to hold up; support; to hold or remain firm under; нести ; a suporta
[ kahynd ]
indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane; добрый ; bun/drăguț
A kind of
[ kahynd of ]
a group united by common traits or interests ;тип ; fel, gen
what kind of car do you like?
[ peyn ]
physical suffering or distress; боль ; durere