Bacterial Urethritis/Cervicitis and Sequalae Flashcards
What 3 bugs account for 60-80% of the cases of STIs with primary symptoms of dysuria and penile/vaginal exudation?
Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct), Neisseria gonorrhoaea (gonococcus or GC), and Ureaplasma urelyticum
How is Lab Dx of Ct or GC usually made?
NAATs on urine or exudates for Ct and GC
How are Ct and GC treated? What is common with them? and what does this mean for patients?
Proper diagnosis and antibiotics; subclinical/unapparent infections are common; they spread infections to sexual contacts
What is the most serious sequelae of Ct and GC?
Lower genital tract infections that spread to the upper genital tract which leads to pelfic inflammatory dz and lead to sterility and ectopic pregnancy
Can the newborn be infected during birth with Ct and GC?
Yes, resulting in conjunctivitis and or pneumonia (Ct)
Are multiple episodes of Ct and GC common?
Is infection with multiple STDs at the same time common?
If someone is infected with GC, what are the chances they are also infected with Ct?
What kind of parasite is Ct?
Obligate intracellular (gram negative bacterium that is deficient in peptidoglycan) that can be grown in tissue culture but not artificial medium
What is the developmental cycle of Ct?
It is a distinctive intracellular developmental cycle that consists of two alternating forms: A small, metabolically inert but infectious elementary body (EB) and a larger dividing reticulate body (RB)
Where does the RB of Ct grow?
Within a membrane-bound vacuole (inclusion body) in the cytoplasm of mucosal epithelial cells
In a productive Ct infection, what happens to the host cell?
It dies by lysis which releases EBs to infect nearby cells or to be sexually transmitted to a new host
Because Ct reside in an isosmotic intracellular environment, what class of drugs are ineffective?
B-lactam antibiotics
What is the primary virulence factor of Ct (besides the ability to grow inside eukaryotic cells)?
Their ability to cause inflammation
Does GC have a capsule?
No capsule
What is shed during GC infections?
LPS, it invokes an inflammatory response
What is achieved by at least two mechanisms involving pili and their outer membrane surface proteins in GC?
Antigenic variation
What is the pilus variation a result of?
Insertion of parts of various silent peptide-encoding loci into an expression locus which results in huge variety of antigens; can occur multiple times during course of single infections
Are GCs extracellular parasites?
Yes, they are killed when phagocytksed by PMNs
What do GCs secrete?
An IgA1ase
Do Ct or GC invoke a protective immune response?
No, people do not become resistant