Bacterial Genetics 1 Flashcards
Study of Bacterial Genetics
- study of hereditary and variation of inherited characteristics
- vast majority of bacteria are haploid
- so mutations are not recessive
- but horizontal gene transfer is possible between bacteria
- often used to produce antibiotic resistance
- they have a secondary metabolism which produces antibacterial chemicals
- this gives them a selective advantage as they can use those chemicals to destroy their competition
- evidence of their existence, 3.5bya
- major primary producer of the planetary ocean
- photoautotrophs
- can fix atmospheric nitrogen
- photosynthesise to release energy
- though to have played a major role in the conversion of the early reducing atmosphere to an oxygenic one
-produce organic compounds using CO2 as a carbon source sunlight for energy
Bacteria and Domains
- bacteria make up one of two domains of prokaryotes
- prokaryotes are split into two domains, archaea (archaebacteria) and bacteria (eubacteria)
- all bacteria are prokaryotes but not all prokaryotes are bacteria, some are archaea
-have eukaryotic features e.g. transcription, translation
- arguably the most evolutionary diverse group of free living organisms
- but only a few prokaryotic organisms have ever been manipulate genetically
- much of what is known about prokaryotic genomes is based on extrapolation
Hydrothermal Vents
- possible sites for the origin of life
- spew out H2S and FeS which can both be oxidised to release energy
- 400C
Hydrothermal Vents and Bacteria
- chemoautotrophs
- bacteria at vents oxidise hydrogen sulphide and iron sulphide to release energy
- can be primary producers e.g. by hydrogen sulphide chemosynthesis
-many are archaea
-organisms live in extreme environments:
acidic/alkaline/saline water
found in marshland, sewage, sea water and soil
Methanogenic Archaea
found in animal digestive tract
Are archaea pathogens?
-as of 2007 no clear examples of archaeal pathogens are known
- genus of inherited bacteria
- infects arthropod species including many insects
- able to alter reproductive abilities of host
e. g. male killing, feminisation, parthenogenesis - could be genetically manipulated and used to control pest populations
-killing one sex of a species over another
Exploiting Secondary Metabolism
- exploit bacteria as producers of secondary metabolites as possible precursors for new drugs
- beginning to be able to predict the metabolism of organisms from the sequence of their genes
- using whole pathways to produce products rather than individual genes
- new antibiotic
- found from soil, produced by bacteria
- works well against gram positive bacteria
- difficult to isolate as bacteria were initially unable to survive in a lab environment and had to be domesticated
- minimise effectiveness of bacteria as weapons of mass destruction, to eradicate them or negate their pathogenicity
- using bacteria to digest radioactive waste
- methicillin/multiple resistant staphylococcus aureus
- resistant to B lactern antibiotics
Bacteria That Cause Human Disease
- only a small fraction of bacteria that cause disease in humans
- bacterial infection can be prevented by killing bacteria with heat or vaccination
- if bacterial infection does occur doctors may treat with antibiotics
- but over and improper use of antibiotics leads to the development f strains that are antibiotic resistance e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Methods for Studying Bacterial Genetics
- need visible phenotypes to study genetics but bacteria are only micrometres in length
e. g. use antibiotic resistance
Growing Bacteria
1) start with a suspension of bacterial cells
2) spread onto an agar plate
3) single cells are not visible to the naked eye
4) incubate for 1 to 2 days
5) colonies that are clones of each of the individual cells are now visible on the plate
Streptomycin Resistance
- occurs at a frequency of a one in a million in E.coli
- occurs spontaneously
Antibiotic Resistance and Mutation
-a single point mutation can lead to antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic Resistance and Evolution
-acquisition of antibiotic resistance is often cited as a prime example of evolution
What does a Darwinian Process require?
- self replication/inheritance, some number of the organism must be capable of producing copies of themselves and those copies must also be able to reproduce
- variation, a range of traits and a mechanism for introduction of new traits into the population
- selection, inherited traits must affect the ability of organisms to survive to reproduce
- a process in which a populations inherited traits become more common at the expense of others from generation to generation
- as differences in and between populations accumulate over time specitation can occur
What do bacteria need to grow?
- E.coli and many other bacteria are easy to grow
- many bacteria are able to produce everything they need from a simple sugar, nitrogen source, salts and trace metals
-strains of an organism that can proliferate on a minimal medium, wildtype
Minimal Medium
-only contains a simple carbon source
-mutant strains of an organism that can only proliferate when the medium is supplemented with some specific substance not required by the wildtype
Selecting for Loss of Function Mutants - Isolating Auxotrophs
1) start with a population of bacteria
2) spread on to an agar plate
3) grow to produce colonies of each cell
4) press a velveteen surface on to the master plate, some of the cells from each colony will transfer to the velveteen producing a stamp of the master plate
5) press stamp on to a minimal medium plate
6) leave to grow
7) compare master and minimal medium plates, colonies that can grow on the master plate but not on the minimal medium are the auxotrophs
Genetic Reversion
- a return to a prior state by a second mutation
- the mutation could be the exact opposite of the original mutation
- or a second, different mutation that reverses the effects of the first mutation
- genetic reversion allows auxotrophs to become prototrophs
Lederberg & Tatum Experiment - Method
- started with two auxotrophic strains of bacteria, Strain A required biotin & methionine, Strain B required threonine & leucine & thiamine
- when strain A was plated on a minimal medium, no colonies grew
- when strain B was plated on a minimal medium, no colonies grew
- when strain A and strain B were mixed and plated on a minimal medium, colonies did grow
Lederberg & Tatum Experiment - Conclusion
- when the strains were mixed, cells were produced that were able to grow on a minimal medium
- prototrophic cells were produced from auxotrophic cells
- the reversion frequency is 1 in a million so frequency of spontaneous occurrence of wildtype cells from the mutants would be 1 in 10^18
- in the experiment, wildtype colonies were obtained at a frequency of 1 in 10^6-10^7
- so the results must have been as a result of a sexual process in bacteria and not genetic reversion