Bacterial Cell Structure (External) Flashcards
List the three domains into which living organisms are classified. Are organisms in different domains related? Explain.
eukaryote, archaea, bacteria. the base of each domain diverged from a common ancestor roughly 3 billion years ago.
Describe and compare the basic cellular organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Is one group organized while the other is not? Explain.
prokaryotes do not have membrane-bound organelles, while eukaryotes do (specifically a nucleus, hence the name). both are organised, grocery bag vs. backpack analogy.
In a single sentence, describe the basic structure of the cell membrane. Of what types of molecules is it composed, and how are they arranged?
a polar-permeable phospholipid bilayer interwoven with cholesterol, which acts as a kind of antifreeze, and integral (internal or transmembrane) and peripheral (surface) proteins, used for enzymatic functions, transport, and signalling.
In a single sentence, describe the basic function of the cell membrane.
form the bound between interior and exterior environment by regulating movement into and out of the cell.
Describe the fluid mosaic model of membranes.
a two-dimensional fluid structure of lipids with a mosaic of proteins embedded within.
Describe the semipermeable nature of the cell membrane.
membranes are selectively permeable, they allow certain substances to pass through unrestricted (such as water) and restrict others (such as polysaccharides).
Describe the key ways in which the bacterial cell membrane differs from its eukaryotic counterpart.
cell membranes in eukaryotes and bacteria are fundamentally similar, but differ in phospholipid composition. additionally bacterial membranes generally lack sterols, are more heavily in-folded, and are involved in energy transformations.
one of the proteolytic (breakdown of protein or peptides into amino acids) enzymes found in lysosomes and other body fluids (such as tears, saliva, etc.) that catalyze (breakdown) the protein wall of bacteria, especially gram positive bacteria, making lysozymes a vital part of our first-line defense against bacterial infection.
organelles that contain powerful enzymes to assist in destroying cellular debris and the breakdown of proteins, the last compartment of the endocytic pathway.
Why do you think the cell wall structures of archaea are more diverse than those of bacteria?
archaea inhabit a wide range of extreme environments
What are archaea cell walls made of?
they are very diverse. while none possess peptidoglycan, some possess pseudopeptidoglycan which acts in a similar manner.
gell like layer external to cell wall, found in many bacteria, generally formed of polysaccharides, some are made of polypeptides or a combination of both.
what are the two main forms of glycocalyx?
capsule (which is distinct and gelatinous), and slime layer (which is diffuse and irregular)
key functions of glycocalyx
attachment (enabling bacteria to adhere to surfaces and grow as a biofilm), protection from desiccation, avoid detection by host immune system (camouflages the bacteria cell surface to mimic those of host cells so that bacteria are not immediately detected).
any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other on a surface. these adherent cells are frequently embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (hmmm, like a glycocalyx maybe?).
S strain bacteria
S. pneumoniae colonies that possess a glycocaylax, pathogenic. named for its smooth appearance under a microscope.
R strain bacteria
S. pneumoniae colonies that do not possess a glycocaylax, not pathogenic. named for its rough appearance under a microscope.
in some aquatic bacteria, a tube surrounding a linear chain of cells (like tennis ball tube packaging), serves to attach bacteria to solid objects to favourable substrates while protecting bacteria from predators.
name the types of filamentous appendages
flagella (plural flagellum), fimbriae (plural fimbria), pili (plural pilus)
where would one find a filamentous appendage?
anchored in the plasma membranes of bacterial cells, protruding form the surface, not enclosed by a membrane.
what are filamentous appendages made of?
hollow tubes of repeating proteins
long, hollow tubes of repeating proteins that extend beyond the cell surface, responsible for motility, can be used to identify and characterise some types of bacteria. (singular flagellum).
are bacterial flagella the same or different from eukaryotic flagella?
different in both structure and function, eukaryotic flagellum (or cilia, a similar structure) are covered by membrane whilst bacterial flagellum are not.
what are the basic components of flagella?
filament, hook, basal body
flagella filament
long, hollow shaft of identical globular modules of repeating protein (flagellin), secreted through the hollow core and built up in helical fashion
flagella hook
a bend in the flagella beyond the cell envelope
flagella basal body
the motor of the flagella, embedded in the cell
cell envelope
cell envelope refers to both the cell wall and cell membrane
the main protein that makes up flagella in bacteria
long, hollow tubes of repeating proteins that extend beyond the cell surface, responsible for motility, can be used to identify and characterise some types of bacteria. (plural flagella.
flagella basal body
anchors the filament, composed of multiple proteins, structure differs between bacteria.
can flagellum be used to identify species? why or why not?
yes, because the number and arrangement are variable between species.
what directions can flagellum propel an organism?
forward only (runs), allows for directional changes by rotating in space at random (tumble), but never allows for movement in reverse.
what are polar flagellum?
how fast do bacterial flagellum rotate?
up to 100,00 rpm.
what fuels flagella movement?
electrochemical gradient, either H or Na ions, which flow through the plasma membrane near the basal body.
L-ring, MS-ring, P-ring (flagella basal body rings)
Gram-positive organisms have two of these basal body rings, one in the peptidoglycan layer and one in the plasma membrane. Gram-negative organisms have four such rings: the L ring associates with the lipopolysaccharides, the P ring associates with peptidoglycan layer, the M ring is embedded in the plasma membrane, and the S ring is directly attached to the plasma membrane. The flagellum filament ends with a capping protein.
how fast can flagella propel bacteria?
up to 60 cell lengths per second.
how do bacteria alternate between forward propulsion (runs) and rotation (tumbles)?
alternating the rotation of their flagella.
how do bacteria “choose” where to travel?
through suppression of the rotation of the cell (favouring forward movement) when travelling in the direction of an attractant.
what do you call movement in response to a chemical stimulus?
bacterial movement in response to a chemical stimulus.
how is chemotaxis accomplished?
through receptors on the surface of the cell that can detect chemicals and their concentrations.
what do cells do to bacterial flagella when cell surface receptors detect an attractant increasing in concentration?
suppress the direction of spin that would result in the rotation of the cell.
what do cells do to bacterial flagella when cell surface receptors detect an attractant decreasing in concentration?
allow the direction of spin that would result in the rotation of the cell.
bacterial movement in response to light stimulus.
bacterial movement in response to oxygen concentration.
bacterial movement in response to a Earth’s magnetic field.
what do you call movement in response to a light stimulus?
what do you call movement in response to oxygen concentration?
what do you call movement in response to a magnetic field?
do flagellum have any use other than movement?
aside from movement, flagellum also allow for burrowing, attachment, protein injection
how does yersina pestis inject proteins into host cells?
using a modified flagellum that is non-motile and acts as a hypodermic needle. pestis pumps YOPS though the modified flagellum instead of flagellin.
Yersinia Outer ProteinS, proteins injected though modified flagellum used to infect immune cells of hosts.
numerous sticky, rod-like hollow protein extensions.
how are fimbriae different from flagella?
shorter, not made of flagellin, often hundreds per cell.
purposes of fimbriae
adhere to bacteria (as in a biofilm) or other surfaces (host infection); communication in biofilms.
specialised type of fimbriae (ex. a sex pilus), generally few per cell at most.
sex pilus
a hollow protein tube that tranferrs DNA from one bacterium to another (conjugation).
a temporary cytoplasmic bridge between bacteria that transfers single-stranded DNA one way from one bacteria to another, which serves to increase genetic variation in a population.
difference between pili and flagella
pili are shorter and thinner
peritrichous bacteria
flagella projecting in all directions (like E. coli)
amphitrichous bacteria
amphitrichous bacteria have a single flagellum on each of two opposite ends (only one flagellum operates at a time, allowing the bacteria to reverse course rapidly by switching which flagellum is active)
lophotrichous bacteria
lophotrichous bacteria have multiple flagella located at the same spot on the bacteria’s surfaces which act in concert to drive the bacteria in a single direction. In many cases, the bases of multiple flagella are surrounded by a specialized region of the cell membrane, the so-called polar organelle
monotrichous becteria
monotrichous bacteria have a single flagellum
integral proteins (cell envelope)
in a cell membrane, refers to proteins inserted in the membrane (including trans-membrane proteins)
peripheral proteins (cell envelope)
in a cell membrane, refers to proteins associated with the membrane surface
functions of proteins in a membrane
used for transport, as enzymes, for signalling
what genus of bacteria generally possess sterols in their phospholipid membrane?
name two examples of sterols in a cell membrane
cholesterol, ergosterol
describe the difference between bacterial and eukaryotic phospholipid composition
bacterial phospholipids generally have different chemical groups (such as sugars) attached to the phosphate, which are immunologically important
bacteria outfoldings common in eukaryotic membranes, contrasts with bacterial infolds.