Bacterial Cell Differentiation Flashcards
What are the 4 categories for how bacteria cells can adapt to the environment?
- Stress survival:
>Conversion of cells into resting cells with low metabolic activity and high resistance to stress (e.g. Bacillus endospores). - Physiological specialization:
>Occurrence and formation of cells that possess physiological features complementary to the normal vegetative cells (e.g. myxobacterial fruiting bodies, cyanobacteria heterocysts). - Cell dispersal:
>Production of cells that either actively use flagella or surface-associated motility or passively by wind, water or animals (e.g. Caulobacter swarmer cells). - Symbiotic relationship:
>Interaction with other cells can lead to the establishment of a symbiotic relationship (e.g. Rhizobium nodulation).
What are Myxobacteria known for?
A group of gram-negative bacteria that are characterized by their complex social behaviour and ability to form multicellular structures
What is Myxococcus xanthus?
A Myxobacteria apart of the Proteobacteria class
What features define Myxococcus xanthus in the proteobacteria class?
Complex-life-style, social behaviours and large genomes
What are 4 defining characteristics of myxobacteria?
- Gliding motility:
>Myxobacteria are able to move across surfaces using a type of motility called gliding. Unlike many other bacteria that move using flagella, myxobacteria do not have flagella and instead use other mechanisms to propel themselves along surfaces. - Social behaviour:
>Myxobacteria are known for their complex social behaviour, which includes the ability to communicate with one another using chemical signals, coordinate their movements and behaviours, and form multicellular structures. - Fruiting body formation:
>Myxobacteria are able to form multicellular structures called fruiting bodies, which are composed of groups of cells that differentiate into specialized cell types. Fruiting bodies are thought to help myxobacteria survive in harsh environments by allowing them to form spores that can withstand adverse conditions. - Metabolic diversity:
>Myxobacteria are able to use a wide range of metabolic pathways to obtain energy, including aerobic and anaerobic respiration, fermentation, and chemosynthesis.
What are the 3 cell fates during development differentiation in Myxococcus xanthus while forming fruiting bodies?
- 80% of cell undergo autolysis to form Non-motile spherical cells
>Autolysis liberates nutrients so some of these cells can eventually differentiate into spores. - 15% of cells differentiate into spores
>Myxospores: dormant, highly resistant cells that are formed from the non-motile spherical cells within the fruiting body. Myxospores are highly resistant to environmental stresses, such as desiccation and UV radiation, and can remain viable for long periods of time. When environmental conditions become favourable, myxospores can germinate and give rise to new vegetative cells. - 5% of cells differentiate into rod-shaped motile cells
>Cells that stay vegetative but hardly divide. They are usually interpreted as “scout cells” that can quickly initiate swarm develop (quick germination) when the cells encounter nutrients.
Describe the C-signaling hypothesis for fruiting body formation in Myxococcus xanthus in 5 steps
1: Nutrient depletion leads to the production of A-signal, which triggers cell aggregation to form mounds.
2: As cells aggregate, they start producing CsgA protein.
3: CsgA is then processed by proteases to release a short C-terminal peptide, called C-signal.
4: The C-signal sticks out through the surface of the cell membrane and interacts with other cells in the mound, causing cells to align themselves.
5: The aligned cells then differentiate into either: non-motile spherical cells, spores, rod-shaped motile cells (mature into fruiting bodies).
Describe the DAG hypothesis for fruiting body formation in Myxococcus xanthus in 5 steps
1: Nutrient depletion leads to the production of A-signal, which triggers cell aggregation to form mounds.
2: As cells aggregate, they start producing CsgA and SocA enzymes.
3: CsgA and SocA oxidize DAG (1,2-diacylglycerol) to produce a chemical signal, or C-signal.
4: The C-signal then interacts with other cells in the mound, causing cells to align themselves.
5: The aligned cells then differentiate into either: non-motile spherical cells, spores, rod-shaped motile cells (mature into fruiting bodies)
What state are Myxococcus xanthus found in in nutrient rich environments?
Cells glide move around soil via gliding motility as a swarm and hunt for bacterial prey.
How do Myxobacteria prevent formation of fruiting bodies with other species and ensure that other species of Myxobacteria don’t enter their fruiting body and steal nutrients?
By Kin recognition
How do Myxococcus xanthus establish Kin recognition?
By TraA recognition system:
> TraA is a recognition protein that interacts with a carbohydrate (glycan) receptor on the adjacent cells
There is high difference of the TraA sequence in Myxobacteria of different species, this means this protein can act as a recognition site for Myxobacteria to recognise that of their own species; as only a TraA from their species can bind with a glycan receptor from the same species. If the interaction shows they are kin, the cells form a fruiting body
What interaction can occur if Myxobacteria establish Kin relationship?
> Can have temporally fusion of outer membranes with neighbouring Myxobacteria to allow exchange of cellular content (allows cells to repair damaged neighbouring cells)
> This ONLY occurs, however, if the two cells express similar alleles of a cell surface protein called TraA. (have to be from the same species)
What are Cyanobacteria?
> Also known as blue-green algae, are a diverse group of photosynthetic prokaryotes found in oceans, lakes and soil.
> Gram-negative photoautotrophs (fix CO2 in the Calvin cycle)
What specialised cell types make up the filamentous cyanobacteria Anabaena and their roles?
- Heterocysts
> Heterocysts are specialized cells that are involved in nitrogen fixation, a process that converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the cell. - Akinetes
Describe the overall structure of a filamentous cyanobacteria?
Although filamentous cyanobacteria are multicellular, each individual cell in the filament is still unicellular. Different cells may specialize to perform different functions, such as nitrogen fixation or spore formation.