Bacterial Anatomy And Physiology Flashcards
Difference between capsule and slime layer?
Capsule - tough and demarcated - so donot let the bacteria kill by phagocytosis by preventing oppsonization
Slime layer is loose and undemarcated
Capsulated organisms ? ( Preety NIce CAp )
All P organisms like -
pneumonia Streptococcus
pneumonia klebsiella
Pertussis bordetella
Parahemolyticus vibrio
Perfiringes clostridium
Pestis yersinia
N- neisseria meningococcus
I- influenza hemophillus
C- cryptococcus
A- aureus . S
Anthracis Bacillus
All capsules are Polysaccharide except ?
Yersinia pestis - F1 peptide
Bacillus antracis - polypeptide
S aureus - microcapsule
S pyogenes - has capsule made of hyaluronic acid
What is the procedure used for demonstration of capsule?
McFadyens reaction
Quellung reaction / Neufeld reaction ( swelling )
Mc Faudens reaction stain used?
Add polychrome methylene blue stain to bacteria —- gives purple colour
Which microorganism has both capsule and slime layer?
Streptococcus salivarius
Modification of slime is called?
And its advantages
Bio film
Helps in adherence
Anti phagocytic
Antibiotic resistance
Biofim is present in which organism?
Streptococcus mutans - in mouth - cause dental caries
Staph epidermis - causes prosthetic valve endocarditis
Also shown by pseudomonas aeruginosa
What avout gram positive cell wall?
Memonic - PPPT
P- positive
P- peptidoglycan
P- pentapeptide cross bridge
T- teichoic acid ( helps in adhernce)
100 layers thick
NAM-NAG present
Gram -ve cell wall?
Contains LPS
Outer membrane present
Periplasmic space present + porins
What Lipopolysaccharide contains from outside to inside?
O- o antigen - most variable part eg- salmonella typhi - widal test
P- polysaccharide
A- lipid A - have endotoxin
Only in gram -ve
Have lethal effect , pyrogenicity
Demonstration of cell wall?
Registered Medical Practioner Dr
R- reaction of antibody
M- mechanical rupture of cell , microdissection
P- plasmolysis
Dr.- differntial staining
Gram staining
Present in lipid a ( in gram -ve cell wall)
Gram -ve bacteria
Heat stabile
Low antigencity
Cannot produce toxoid
Needed in large amounts to create effects
Produce constant effect
Release on lysis of cell
In both g+ and g-
Heat labile
High antigenicity
Toxoid production possible for live vaccine
Small account — large effect
Release as secretions
Exotoxin is released as secretions except ?
Botulinum toxin - released on lysis of cell
Only gram + that shows endotoxin ?
Cell wall deficient forms aka?
L forms
Types of L forms
Unstable - lose cell wall when treated with penicillin , can revert back to its original form
1. Protoplast - g+ ( whole Cell wall lost)
2. Spheroplast- g- ( half / some part lost)
Stable l forms-
Permanent losses cell wall
Unable to revert to original form
Outer membrane is present only in ?
Gram -
What is the respiratory unit of bacteria ?
Dip in cell membrane - mesosomes / chondroids
Nucleus in bacteria?
Is single circular
Ds dna
H antigen is test in widal test is for ?
Flagella in s. Typhi for typhoid
Endoflagella is present in?
Originate from periplasmic space
Endoflagella is seen in g+ or g- ?
Monotrichous flagella seen in ?
Lophotrichous seen in ?
Peritrichous seen in?
PERI - trichous
PR - proteus
E- e coli
Tumbling motility seen in
Darting motility seen in
Like shooting star
Corck screw motility?
Twitching motility?
Trachomonas vaginalis - causes strawberry cervix
Falling leaf motility?
Giardia lamblia
Differential motility
Motile at 22-25 *c
Non motile at 37
Yersiniosis , listeriosis
Swarming motolitu in blood agar
P- proteus
V - vibrio parahemolyticus
Vibrio alginolyticus
C- clostridium tettani
Bacillus cereus
S - serratia
Prokaryota lacking cell wall and has sterols in their cell wLl?
Prokaryota laking muramic acid ?
Spore parts from outside to inside
Coat ( makes chemical resisitant)
Inner membrsne
Core - dipicolinic acid ( heat resistant)