Background theory: Lombroso & Ferrero (1895) Flashcards
Atavism =
biological throwback - BORN CRIMINAL (Lombroso)
Born criminal determined via…
Physical characteristics (skull size, facial features, etc.)
Primitive natures doom them to violate laws
For positivists (like Lombroso) key cause of criminality is
Assumption that women are…
naturally inferior to men
2 categories of women:
1) bad, primitive, masculine - mainly lesbian [prostitutes NOT criminals]
2) law-abiding, civilised & feminine
Female offenders have the..
criminal characteristics of males and worst qualities of women
‘Female offenders’- failed to find ‘abnormal’ characteristics among majority of female offenders, so… all women are less evolved than men, masculine appearance, they did not reproduce so…
female criminality is ‘bred out’ of the population
Also, primitive woman was a…
prostitute not a criminal