Background and Allusions Flashcards
Queen Bess: Elizabeth of England, 1533-1603. Ruled during the grandeur of the English Empire beginning with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588
Representative of the grandest of all time periods in the modern era in western civilization- the arts and literature flourished during the Elizabethan Era.
Aristotle: Greek philosopher and student of Plato. He was a philosopher of moderation and common sense and thought the heart to be the seat of intelligence. Not mathematically inclined
Great Greek philosopher who may rely upon the heart as well as common sense for direction
Hannibal: 247-183 BC. General of Carthage sworn to eternal enmity toward Rome. He crossed the Alps in Italy with elephants in a 15 year campaign–he eventually committed suicide
Represents a daring plot to wage war against a most formidable enemy. Despite the failure to conquer Rome, he is remembered for the success in using elephants against Rome
Belial: personified as the spirit of evil in the Bible
satan, satanic, devil
Pequod: Indian tribe along the CN coast in the 17th century around the Mystic River. Nearly exterminated in 1637
usually implies a foreshadowing of doom–extermination, destruction, some kind of complete disaster is suggested
Jove: Poseidon
King of all gods, equivalent of Zeus, all-powerful, the controller of the universe
Narcissus: a beautiful youth who after Echo’s death pines away for love of his own reflection in a spring
excessive self-love and interest in one’s appearance or importance leads to disaster. Vanity corrupts
Ahab: provoked the anger of Elijah by agreeing to worship of Baal and Astarte–gods of the underworld. Idolatrous king
swayed by things negative and sinful, suggest a dark, evil inclination
pan: god of pasture and flocks usually pictured as half man and half goat and playing a flute
“panic.” he liked to surprise people in the forest and cause them to panic
Achilles: he killed Hector, and was killed by Paris with an arrow striking his vulnerable heel that had not been dipped in the Styx at his birth
despite all attempts to make him invincible, he fell victim to one solitary vulnerability
Sisyphus: Punished in Underworld by having to push a huge rock to the top of a hill
everlasting repetition of a task becomes never-ending as a punsihment for wrong-doing and deceptions
John Locke: English philosopher. Things, events, conditions perceived by the senses are the origin of all knowledge, piety is a check on the passions
origins of all knowledge comes from the senses
Immanuel Kant: German philosopher
knowledge is not derived from the sense–man should avoid the extremes
Gabriel: one of the seven archangels, God’s messenger and interpreter. Angel of mercy; he will announce the arrival of the Judgment Day
Angel of Mercy
Fates: control human destiny and life
control life–notion does not allow reference to free will
Euroclydon: a violent wind. Caught Paul’s ship in Acts. All prisoners including Paul survived.
A disastrous wind that stirs the waters violently
Vishnu: “Preserver” and second member of Hindu trinity.
usually related to India,
Andromeda: Ethiopian princess rescued from a sea monster by Perseus whom she married
princess or person rescued from a “monster”
Benedict Arnold: American army officer and traitor who served with Allen–he was a hero at Ticonderoga, later court-martialed fleeing to England where he lived the rest of his life in disgrace and poverty
American representative of all that a traitor stands for
Cerberus: three-headed doggy
most monstrous of fears and conflicts may be overcome through ingenuity and cunning