Background Flashcards
What is the incidence of oral cavity cancer (OCC) in the United States?
∼24,000 cases/yr of OCC in the United States
What % of H&N cancers are OCCs?
OCCs comprise 25%–30% of all H&N cancers.
What are the anatomical borders and of what structures does the OC consist?
Lips, gingiva, upper/lower alveolar ridge, buccal mucosa, retromolar trigone (RMT), hard palate, floor of mouth (FOM), oral tongue.
What is the most and least commonly involved site in OCC?
The lower lip is the most common site (38%), and the buccal mucosa is the least common site (2%). The tongue is involved 22% of the time. (Krolls SO et al., J Am Dent Assn 1976)
What CNs provide motor and sensory innervation to the oral tongue?
Motor: CN XII
Sensory: CN V3 (lingual branch)
What CNs provide the tongue with taste sensation?
Ant two-thirds of tongue: CN VII (chorda tympani)
Post one-third of tongue: CN IX
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the lips?
The facial nerve (CN VII) provides motor innervation to the lips.
Where is the ant-most border of the OC?
The vermilion border of the lips is the ant-most border of the OC.
Where is the post-most border of the OC?
The hard/soft palate junction superiorly and the circumvallate papillae inferiorly.
What are some premalignant lesions of the OC, and which type has the greatest propensity to progress to invasive cancer?
Erythroplakia (∼30% progression rate) and leukoplakia (4%–18% progression rate)
What are some risk factors that predispose to OCC?
Tobacco and alcohol. Also, betel nut consumption, periodontal Dz, sun exposure (lip).
What are the sup and inf spans of levels II–IV LN chains/levels?
Level II: skull base to bottom of hyoid
Level III: infrahyoid to bottom of cricoid
Level IV: infra-cricoid to clavicles
Where are the levels IA–IB nodes located?
Level IA nodes are submental (space b/t the ant belly of the digastric muscles), and level IB nodes are submandibular (space lat the digastric muscle and mandible).
Where are the levels V–VI nodes located?
Level V nodes are in the post triangle. Level VI nodes are in the central compartment paratracheal/prelaryngeal region.
What is the Delphian node?
The Delphian node is a midline prelaryngeal level VI node.