Back Training Flashcards
The _____ muscles resist anterior shear of the vertebra and control rotation of the vertebra.
The 2 functional muscle groups of the spine are the _____.
Transversopinalis and erector spinae
The _____ muscle bridges the spine and the leg.
The iliopsoas shares a reflex neurological relationship with which organ?
Unilateral shortening in the _____ tends to hike up the hip.
Quadratus lumborum
The _____ muscle bridges the spine to the humerus.
Latissimus dorsi
When lifting an object from the floor, the first 45 degree of trunk extension is provided by which muscles?
Hamstrings and gluteus maximus
The abdominal wall has _____ nerve innervations.
If the external oblique and internal oblique on the same side contract, they will produce _____.
Side flexion
Tonic muscles tend to _____ and _____.
shorten; tighten
When shortened, the anterior fibers of the gluteus medius and the tensor fascia latae will restrict which motion at the hip?
External rotation
When squatting, a plumb line dropped from the end of the bar should _____.
Always stay within the space occupied by the feet at any time during the squat.
Which muscles below are primarily phasic?
Peroneals, wrist extensors, abdominals
When the abdominals are deficient, the _____ muscles have to help stabilize the spine.
The _____ muscles control thoracic curvature.
Which muscles want to pull a load toward you when lifting it from the floor?
Latissimus dorsi
Increased _____ kyphosis increases the angle in the _____.
thoracic; first rib
A man with a 16-pound head, that has a forward head posture of 2 inches, has a load of ______ on his _____.
32 pounds; neck extensors
During a Bent-Over-Row it is important to have complete shoulder ______.
According to Janda, the _____ muscle(s) is the most common site of muscle imbalances in the body.
The first _____ degrees of load, going from standing to bending, is primarily controlled by the _____ system.
45; muscular
It is best to use a rounded back lifting posture when the load is light enough that you can lift it _____ times.
The knee needs to bend _____% to recruit the ______.
20; gluteus maximus
The Inner Unit is composed of the _____ muscles.
Diaphragm, Multifidus, posterior fibers of the internal obliques, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis.
The thoracolumbar fascia is a buffering system to control the transfer of forces from _____ to ____ and vice versa.
muscles; ligaments
If a client draws his/her belly button in, without any load, and it creates pain, he has a _____.
compression pathology
Which exercise below would be the best choice for working the posterior oblique system?
lateral lunge pull with cable.
Pain in the right adductor may shut down the _____.
left external oblique
The lateral system is made up of the _____.
Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, ipsilateral adductors and opposite quadratus lumborum, external and internal obliques
Which system stabilizers the stance leg in gait?
The _____ system is designed to support the body and buffer shock away fro the joints.
deep longitudinal
When you bend over, functional cause _____ in the _____.
force closure; pelvis
When you bend forward, the lower abdominals rotate the pelvis _____ and this tightens the _____.
posteriorly; sacrotuberous, sacrospinous and sacroiliac ligaments
When a child is born, the first spinal curve he/she develops is the _____.
Walking too soon as an infant/toddler forces the child to skip the _____ phase of crawling.
Inhalation is coupled with _____.
Which exercise would be the best choice for training the vestibular system?
single leg swiss ball lunge
Which system controls righting and tilting reflexes?
The most common dysfunction you see from an atlas subluxation is a _____.
lumbo-pelvic sysfunction
The _____ system has the power to override the entire system.
You need to place a _____ degrees or larger bend in the knee during the ankle dorsiflexion test to find the end range of the _____.
15; soleus
During the hamstring flexibility test at the knee it is important to place your finger on the _____ vertebra.
During the Sit Reach Test you are looking at _____.
lumbar flexion
More than a _____% difference from left to right in comparative range of motion testing is a cause for concern.
The Hip Adduction Test is assessing the _____.
hip abductors
When you see striation in the _____ (wash boarding) it usually means the vertebra are sliding _____.
Multifidus; forward
If the trunk cannot rotate at least 90 degrees during a swinging motion, such as a tennis racket swing, it will most likely place torque on the _____.
For the Internal and External Hip Rotation Test, direction of rotation is indicated by the ______.
The Standing Side Flexion Test is assessing the flexibility of the _____.
quadratus lumborum
During the Forward Bend Test, structural scoliosis is identified when the client has _____.
a rib hump on one side
When a client’s right hip is higher than the left is causes a side bend _____ which is coupled with _____.
right; left rotation of the lumbar spine
The Lumbopelvic Rhythm Test assess _____.
Th relationship between the lumbar spine and the pelvis with regard to forward bending.
Which mobilization is best for integrating the pelvis with the rest of the body?
Feldenkrais Hip and Pelvis Integrator
Feldenkrais mobilizations help _____.
reestablish motor control
Which mobilization is best for clients with disc injuries?
Mckenzie press-up
During the foam roller segmental mobilization you should mobilize the spine _____.
Right on the segment where the client has difficulty extending
The Dynamic Horse Stance mimics the _____ position.
Mammalian crawl
Holding the arm at a _____ degree angle during the horse stance exercise helps activate the ______.
45; lower trapezius
The Supine Hip Extension Feet on Ball exercise is excellent for training the strength and coordination of the _____ of the body.
extensor mechanism
Over pronation in the Supine Hip Extension Back on Ball exercise indicates the client has _____.
weak external hip rotators
Which exercise would be best for back pain clients that have pain when they bend forward?
reverse hyperextension
Which exercise is best for working the stabilizer in the frontal plane?
swiss ball side flexion
The Supine Lateral Ball Roll works which slings of the body?
Anterior oblique; posterior oblique, lateral, deep longitudinal
During the Forward Ball Roll, the contribution from the hips and shoulders should be as follows:
hips and shoulders move equally the same
The best exercise to integrate the core with the lower extremities is the _____.
prone jack knife
Phase two exercises are done predominantly _____.
standing without axial loading
Which exercise is safest for introducing a rotational load to the spine?
3-point single arm row
The single-are bicep curl activates the _____ on the _____ side of the body.
stabilizers; opposite
Which type oof exercises help people move from Phhase one to Phase two exercises?
A Lat Pull Down with a client who has an injured spine, should be performed in which position?
When the pelvis tips forward during the Straight Arm Lat Pull Down it is an indication that the _____ is/are not working properly.
The sequence of any cable push or pull exercise is:
weight shift, twist to 90 degrees, push or pull naturally, reciprocity
Adding a reciprocity movement in a pushing or pulling exercise does what to the spine?
reduces rotational torquee
Which exercise is the best choice for preparing someone for the dead lift?
low row
Before someone can perform a reverse wood chop safely, they need to be able to pass the _____ test.
thoracic arm raise
During the wood chop exercise, the _____ works with the _____.
glutes; contralateral
If a client, such as a golfer, has rotational challenges you could have them do the _____ in the opposite direction.
reverse wood chop
During the squat assessment, you are looking for when a client switches from a _____ lifting posture to a _____ lifting posture.
kyphotic; lordotic
Phase three exercises introduce _____.
axial loading beyond body weight
When coming through the sticking point of the squat, it is important to _____.
let the air out through pursed lips
When the pelvis tips forward during a squat, it causes _____.
femoral anteversion
During a back squat, the bar should rest _____.
just above T1 and T2
The rack height of the bar in a squat should be _____.
between the nipple line and collar bone
During the squat, the eyes should be _____.
looking 15 degrees above the horizon
It is important to initiate the squat with the _____.
If the abdominal wall is not activating on command, you could also tell the client to tighten the _____.
A plumb line dropped between the cheeks of the squatting athletes gluteus Maximus should _____.
always fall an equal distance between the feet at any point in the squat
A Front Squat puts a tremendous amount of work at the _____.
apex of the thoracic curvature
During the Sumo Dead Lift, the bar and the _____ should touch.
Conventional dead lifts tend to put excessive _____ on the body, causing tremendous stress to the _____.
forward lean; SI joint
During the sumo squat, the hips are _____.
Which assessment do yo use to determine if a client needs blocks for a dead lift?
waiters bow
When lunging forward,, it is important to take a _____ step.
During the bent-over-row, the trunk should be at a _____ degree angle.
During the Bent-Over Row, the knees should be bent _____ degrees to activate the _____.
20; glutes
Spindle cells are responsible for telling the brain about the _____.
length of the muscle
The abdominal wall has _____ nerve innervations.
The nervous system remembers the last _____ rep(s) of an exercise set.
1 (2)
Which types of muscles are postural in nature?
Most lumbar disc bulges are _____.