Back to The Future 1 Flashcards
(one) cut out for (something)
naturally able to do or to be something
a dork
quirky / silly / stupid / social inept person
/ˈɡʌlɪbl/ easily persuaded to believe something
a nun
a member of a religion community of women
a nutcase
a crazy or foolish person
a slacker
a person who avoid work or effort
a totaled car
wrecked car, cost to repair the car is the same or more than value of the car
amorously infatuated with someone
strongly moved by love especially sexual; filled with or marked by a foolish or extravagant love or admiration
an aggravation
intensification of a negative quality or aspect
beat it
go away
persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception
to cut (one) a break
to be lenient or do something that makes a situation easier for someone else
to disown
refuse to acknowledge or maintain any connection with someone or something
get a load of
used to draw attention to someone or something
get out of (outta) town
no way