Back pain and sciatica Flashcards
Causes of mechanical back pain
Muscle or ligament sprain
Facet joint dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Herniated disc
Spondylolisthesis (anterior displacement of a vertebra out of line with the one below)
Scoliosis (curved spine)
Degenerative changes (arthritis) affecting the discs and facet joints
Causes of neck pain
Muscle or ligament strain (e.g., poor posture or repetitive activities)
Torticollis (waking up with a unilaterally stiff and painful neck due to muscle spasm)
Whiplash (typically after a road traffic accident)
Cervical spondylosis (degenerative changes to the vertebrae)
Red flag causes of back pain
Spinal fracture (e.g., major trauma)
Cauda equina (e.g., saddle anaesthesia, urinary retention, incontinence or bilateral neurological signs)
Spinal stenosis (e.g., intermittent neurogenic claudication)
Ankylosing spondylitis (e.g., age under 40, gradual onset, morning stiffness or night-time pain)
Spinal infection (e.g., fever or a history of IV drug use)
Ruptured AAA
Non-spinal causes of back pain
Ruptured AAA
Kidney stones
PID, Endometriosis
What is the sciatic nerve path?
Spinal nerves L4 – S3 form the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerve exits the posterior pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, in the buttock area on either side and travels down the back of the leg.
At the knee, it divides into the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve.
What is the function of the sciatic nerve
Sensation to lateral lower leg
Motor function to the posterior thigh, lower leg and foot
Sciatica symptoms
Unilateral (usually) - pain from the buttock down the back of the thigh
Sharp electrical pain
Paraesthesia (pins and needles)
Motor weakness
Reflexes may be affected depending on the affected nerve root
Common causes of sciatica
Herniated disc
Spondylolisthesis (anterior displacement of a vertebra out of line with the one below)
Spinal stenosis
What may bilateral sciatica indicate?
Red flag for cauda equina syndrome
Back pain history questions to ask
Spinal fracture:
- Major trauma
Ankylosing spondylitis:
- Stiffness in the morning/with rest
- Gradual onset
- Night pain
- Weight loss
- Gradual onset
- Night pain
Cauda equina:
- Bilateral sciatica
- Saddle anaesthesia
- Urinary retention/incontinence
- Faecal incontinence
- History of cancer with possible metastasis (could be the cause)
Spinal infection:
- Fever
Back pain examination findings
Localised tenderness to the spine (spinal fracture or cancer)
Bilateral neurological motor or sensory signs (cauda equina)
Bladder distention implying urinary retention (cauda equina)
Reduced anal tone on PR examination (cauda equina)
What examination can be used to diagnose sciatica?
Sciatic stretch test
Patient supine, leg lifted to limit of hip flexion and dorsiflex ankle
If it recreates sciatic pain - indicates sciatic nerve root irritation
Symptoms improve on flexing knee
Investigations for lower back pain
If mechanical - diagnosed clinically and no investigations
X-ray for spinal fractures
Investigation and management for suspected cauda equina
Same-day referral to on-call orthopaedic team
Emergency MRI spine (within hours of presentation)
Investigation for suspected Ank Spond
Inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR)
X-ray of the spinal and sacrum (may show a fused “bamboo spine” in later-stage disease)
MRI of the spine (may show bone marrow oedema early in the disease)
Management of acute lower back pain
Exclude serious underlying causes
Analgesia - NSAIDs first line, codeine alternative
- Benzodiazepines e.g. diazepam for muscle spasm (up to 5d treatment)
They specifically state not to use opioids, antidepressants, amitriptyline, gabapentin or pregabalin for low back pain
Safety net for red-flag Sx
(Assess risk of developing chronic back pain (e.g. StarT back tool) - if medium/high can consider physio)
Management of sciatica
Initial management same as acute low back pain including analgesia and exercises
Can consider neuropathic agent - amitriptyline or duloxetine (not gabapentin/pregabalin)
Chronic sciatica specialist options: Epidural corticosteroid injections Local anaesthetic injections Radiofrequency denervation Spinal decompression