Back pain and radiculopathy (refer to MSK week 4 flashcards on the spine)
Go over the anatomy of the spine

What are the main causes of lower back pain ?
- Truama
- Degeneration
- Infections
- Tumours
- Referred pain
- Inflammatory

What is the 2nd most common reasons for someone to seek medical help ?
Back pain - hence its really really common
What are the 3 main classifications of back pain ?
- Acute
- Sub-acute - pain lasting > 6weeks but < 3 months
- Chronic - pain lasting > 3 months

What are some of the traumatic causes of back pain ?
- Musculoligamentous trauma
- Lumbosacral trauma
- Osteoporosis suspect this as the cause if minimal trauma
- Traumatic spondylolisthesis - condition in which one bone in your back (vertebra) slides forward over the bone below it.
- Post-op
What are some of the degenerative causes of back pain ?
- Disc disease - e.g. herniation or degeneration of disc
- Spondylolisthesis
- Spinal stenosis
- Facet joint arthrosis
- Scoliosis & structural
What are the infectious causes of back pain ?
- Discitis
- Vertebral osteomyelitis
- Epidural abscess
- Paraspinal abscess
What are some of the different tumours which can affect the back resulting in back pain ?
- Bony tumours – primary (myeloma) or metastatic (lung, breast)
- Extradural tumours – lymphoma
- Intradural extramedullary (Meningioma, neurofibroma)
- Intradural intramedullary (ependymona, astrocytoma etc..)

What are some of the inflammatory causes of back pain ?
- Sacroiliitis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Any rheumatological condition affecting spine
- Arachnoiditis (post-meningitis, post epidural)
Referred pain from where can cause back pain?
- Aortic dissection
- Retroperitoneal disease – pancreas
- Perispinal disease e.g. tumors & abscesses
- Ovarian / gynaecological
What are the red flags of back pain ?
- Acute, rapidly progressive worsening
- Constitutional symptoms - weight loss, fevers, chronic pain, fatigue, dyspnea, and malaise.
- History of malignancy / ? family history
- Bladder / bowel
- Bilateral pain / weakness
- Pain on lying flat
- First time presentation
Management of back pain
- NSAID’s good for inflammatory pathology
- Muscle relaxants act synergistically with NSAIDS on pathology level
- Amitryptaline / gabapentin for nerve pain
- Opiates and derivatives good for acute lower back pain. Need to monitor use. Consider rotation.
Physiotherapy & exericses
Long acting anaesthetic (e.g. chirocaine) / steroid
Facet joint injections
- Diagnostic: ? Contribution of facet joints to back pain
- Therapeutic: Temporary / permanent control to enable mobility
Peri-root injections
- Diagnostic: patient with multi-level disc protrusions, etc…
- Therapeutic: Temporary / permanent control to enable mobility esp In unfit pts.
Caudal epidural for non-diagnostic / L5-S1 root problems
Surgery - laminectomy, vertebroplasty, decompressive surgery (useful for radicular compression from a prolapsed disc)