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A 55-year-old man with severe coughing is admittedto the hospital. Radiographic examination revealstuberculosis of the right lung, with extension tothe thoracic vertebral bodies of T6 and T7, producinga “gibbus deformity.” Which of the following conditionsis most likely also to be confi rmed by radiographicexamination?⃣ A. Lordosis⃣ B. Kyphosis⃣ C. Scoliosis⃣ D. Spina bifi da⃣ E. Osteoarthritis
B. Kyphosis is characterized by a “hunchback”due to an abnormal increase in curvature of the thoracicregion of the vertebral column. Lordosis, or“swayback,” is an increase in lumbar curvature of thespine. Lordosis can be physiologic, such as seen in apregnant woman. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature ofthe spine with rotation of the vertebrae. Spina bifi dais a neural tube defect characterized by failure of closureof the vertebral arch. Osteoarthritis is a degenerativedisorder that affects the articular cartilage ofjoints and is not specifi cally related to the thoracicregion of the spine.GAS 77; GA 2, 26
A 68-year-old man is admitted to the hospital dueto severe back pain. Radiographic examination revealssevere osteoporosis of the vertebral column, with crushfractures of vertebrae L4 and L5. Which of the followingparts of the vertebrae are most likely to be fracturedin this patient?⃣ A. Spinal process⃣ B. Vertebral bodies⃣ C. Transverse process⃣ D. Superior articular process⃣ E. Intervertebral disk
B. A crush fracture is characterized by compressionof the entire vertebral body. The wedge fractureis similar in that it affects the vertebral bodies, but itinvolves small fractures around the perimeter of thevertebral body. Both of these fractures cause reductionsin overall height. Fracture of the spinal, transverse,or superior articular processes can be due to anoblique, transverse, or comminuted fracture. Intervertebraldisks are associated with disk herniation, notcompression fractures.GAS 84; GA 21-30
A 45-year-old man is admitted to the hospitalbecause of severe pain in the back and lower limb.Radiographic examination reveals spinal stenosis syndrome.Which of the following conditions is most likelyto be confi rmed by MRI examination?⃣ A. Hypertrophy of supraspinous ligament⃣ B. Hypertrophy of interspinous ligament⃣ C. Hypertrophy of ligamentum fl avum⃣ D. Hypertrophy of anterior longitudinal ligament⃣ E. Hypertrophy of nuchal ligament
C. The ligamentum fl avum connects the laminaof two adjacent vertebrae and forms the posteriorwall of the vertebral canal. It is the only answerchoice that is in direct contact with the vertebral foramen.Therefore, hypertrophy of only the ligamentumfl avum would present as spinal stenosis. The supraspinousand interspinous ligaments connect spinousprocesses. The anterior longitudinal ligament connectsthe anterior portion of the vertebral bodies andintervertebral disks. Finally, the nuchal ligament is athickened extension of the supraspinous ligamentabove the level of C7.GAS 84; GA35
A 35-year-old man is admitted to the hospital aftera severe car crash. Radiographic examination revealsan injury to the dorsal surface of the neck and afracture in the medial border of the right scapula. Duringphysical examination the patient presents with thescapula retracted laterally on the affected side. Whichof the following nerves has most likely been injured onthat side?⃣ A. Axillary⃣ B. Long thoracic⃣ C. Dorsal scapular⃣ D. Greater occipital⃣ E. Suprascapular
C. The dorsal scapular nerve (from the ventralramus of C5) is responsible for innervating rhomboidsmajor and minor. The rhomboids are responsible formedial retraction (adduction) of the scapula. Therefore,if this nerve is damaged, individuals present witha laterally displaced (abducted) scapula. In this casethe levator scapular remains functional due to additionalinnervation provided by C3-4 spinal nerves. Theaxillary nerve innervates the deltoid and teres minormuscles. The deltoid muscle abducts the humerus, andthe teres minor laterally rotates the humerus. The longthoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior, whichfunctions to abduct and upwardly rotate the scapula.The greater occipital nerve is mainly sensory and isalso contributing to the innervation of the semispinaliscapitis. In addition, greater occipital nerve is implicatedin occipital neuralgias. The suprascapular nerve innervatesthe supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. Thesupraspinatus abducts the humerus, and the infraspinatusmuscles laterally rotate the humerus. Injury toany of these other nerves would not present with alaterally retracted scapula.GAS 89, 110-111; GA 37, GA 369-371
A 64-year-old man arrived at the clinic with aseverely painful rash and skin eruptions that are localizedentirely on one side of his body, closely followingthe dermatome level of spinal nerve C7. The patientwas diagnosed with herpes zoster virus. In what structurehas the virus most likely proliferated to cause thepatient’s current condition?⃣ A. The sympathetic chain⃣ B. The dorsal root ganglion of the C7 spinalnerve⃣ C. The lateral horn of the C7 spinal cordsegment⃣ D. The posterior cutaneous branch of the dorsalprimary ramus of C7⃣ E. The ventral horn of the C7 spinal cordsegment
B. Herpes zoster is a viral disease that remains latentin the dorsal root ganglia of sensory nerves andpresents as a painful skin lesion. It is associated onlywith sensory nerve fi bers and has no motor involvement.The only answer choice that is solely responsiblefor sensory innervation is the dorsal root ganglion.GAS 110; GA 45-49
A 45-year-old woman states that she has experiencedmoderate pain for 2 years over her left lowerback, pain that radiates to her left lower limb. Shestates that after lifting a case of soft drinks, the painbecame intense. She was admitted to the emergencydepartment. Radiographic examination revealed diskherniation between vertebral levels L4 and L5. Whichof the following nerves was most likely affected by thedisk herniation?⃣ A. L1⃣ B. L2⃣ C. L3⃣ D. L4⃣ E. L5
E. Disk herniation in the lumbar region betweenL4 and L5 affects the L5 spinal nerve roots. Eventhough the L4 spinal nerve root lies directly betweenthe L4 and L5 vertebrae, it exits from the spinal canalsuperior to the intervertebral disk, whereas the L5spinal nerve root lies directly posterior to the disk.GAS 81; GA 32-34
A 3-year-old child is admitted to the emergencydepartment with severe headache, high fever, malaise,and confusion. Radiographic and physical examinationsreveal that the patient suffers from meningitis.A lumbar puncture is ordered. Which vertebrallevel is the most appropriate location for the lumbarpuncture?⃣ A. T12-L1⃣ B. L1-2⃣ C. L2-3⃣ D. L4-5⃣ E. L5-S1
D. A lumbar puncture is performed by taking asample of CSF from the lumbar cistern (the subarachnoidspace below the spinal cord) between vertebraeL4 and L5 or sometimes between L3 and L4. It is donein this region because the spinal cord ends at the levelof L1 to L2 and the dural sac ends at the level of S2.Therefore it is the safest place to do the procedurebecause it lies between these areas and the risk ofinjuring the spinal cord is avoided.GAS 108; GA 34, 44-49
When a lumbar puncture is performed to samplecerebrospinal fl uid, which of the following externallandmarks is the most reliable to determine the positionof the L4 vertebral spine?⃣ A. The inferior angles of the scapulae⃣ B. The iliac crests⃣ C. The lowest pair of ribs bilaterally⃣ D. The posterior superior iliac spines⃣ E. The posterior inferior iliac spines
B. The iliac crests are used as a landmark for locatingthe position of L4 to L5 for a lumbar puncture;they are identifi ed and traced medially toward thevertebral column. The inferior angles of the scapulaelie at vertebral level T7; the lowest ribs lead one toT12; a line between the posterior superior iliac spinescrosses vertebral level S2; the posterior inferior iliacspines lie below S2.GAS 101, 106-109; GA 34, 44-49
A 39-year-old male presents with severe neckpain after a whiplash injury, sustained when his carwas struck from behind. Radiographic studies revealtrauma to the ligament lying on the anterior surface ofthe cervical vertebral bodies. Which ligament is this?⃣ A. Anterior longitudinal ligament⃣ B. Ligamentum fl avum⃣ C. Nuchal ligament⃣ D. Posterior longitudinal ligament⃣ E. Transverse cervical ligament
A. The anterior longitudinal ligament lies anteriorto the vertebral bodies along the vertebral column.The ligamentum fl avum connects the lamina of twoadjacent vertebrae. The nuchal ligament is a continuationof the supraspinous ligament above C7, whichconnects spinous processes. The posterior longitudinalligament lies on the posterior edge of the vertebralbodies. The transverse cervical (cardinal) ligament isassociated with the pelvic region of the body and notthe spinal column.GAS 82-84; GA 35
A 65-year-old male complains of severe back painand inability to move his left lower limb. Radiographicstudies demonstrate the compression of nerve elementsat the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 andS1. Which structure is most likely responsible for thisspace-occupying lesion?⃣ A. Anulus fi brosus⃣ B. Nucleus pulposus⃣ C. Posterior longitudinal ligament⃣ D. Anterior longitudinal ligament⃣ E. Ligamentum flavum
B. Compression of nerves at the intervertebralforamen indicates a disk herniation. A disk herniationis characterized by protrusion of the nucleuspulposus from the anulus fi brosus posterolaterallyinto the spinal canal or intervertebral foramen. Theligaments may be affected by the herniation but arenot responsible for the compression of the spinalnerve roots.GAS 79-81; GA 32-35
A 27-year-old man is admitted to the emergencydepartment after a car crash. Physical examination revealsweakness in medial rotation and adduction of thehumerus. Which of the following nerves was mostprobably injured?⃣ A. Thoracodorsal⃣ B. Axillary⃣ C. Dorsal scapular⃣ D. Spinal accessory⃣ E. Radial
A. The thoracodorsal nerve innervates the latissimusdorsi, one of three major muscles that adductand medially rotate the humerus. The axillary nervesupplies the deltoid muscle, the dorsal scapular suppliesthe rhomboids and levator scapulae, whereasthe spinal accessory innervates the trapezius. Noneof these nerves medially rotates or adducts the humerus.The radial nerve is responsible for the innervationon the posterior aspect of the arm. The medialand lateral pectoral nerves and the lower subscapularnerve supply the other two medial rotators of thehumerus.GAS 89-90; GA 371
A 39-year-old woman complains of an inability toreach the top of her head to brush her hair. Historyreveals that she had undergone a bilateral mastectomyprocedure 2 months earlier. Physical examination demonstrateswinging of both of her scapulae. Whichnerves were most likely damaged during surgery?⃣ A. Axillary⃣ B. Spinal accessory⃣ C. Long thoracic⃣ D. Dorsal scapular⃣ E. Thoracodorsa
C. The long thoracic nerve innervates the serratusanterior, which is responsible for elevation andabduction of the scapula beyond the horizontal levelwhile maintaining its position against the thoracicwall. Along with the thoracodorsal nerve, the longthoracic nerve runs superfi cially along the thoracicwall and is commonly subject to injury during mastectomyprocedures. The axillary nerve, the spinalaccessory nerve, and the thoracodorsal nerve supplythe deltoid muscle, trapezius muscle, and latissimusdorsi muscles, respectively. The dorsal scapular nerveis responsible for innervation of the rhomboids andlevator scapulae. Aside from the long thoracic andthoracodorsal nerves, the remaining nerves do notcourse along the lateral thoracic wall.GAS 89-90, 139, 688-690; GA 371
A 19-year-old man is brought to the emergencydepartment after dislocating his shoulder while playingfootball. Following treatment of the dislocation, he cannotinitiate abduction of his arm. An MRI of the shouldershows a torn muscle. Which muscle was mostlikely damaged by the injury?⃣ A. Coracobrachialis⃣ B. Long head of the triceps⃣ C. Pectoralis minor⃣ D. Supraspinatus⃣ E. Teres major
D. The rotator cuff muscles are common sites ofdamage during shoulder injuries. These muscles includethe supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor,and subscapularis (SITS). Initiation of abduction ofthe humerus (the fi rst 15 ° ) is performed by the supraspinatus,followed by the deltoid from 15 ° to 90 ° .Above the horizontal, the humerus is abducted by thetrapezius and serratus anterior. The teres major andthe pectoralis major are responsible for medial rotationand adduction of the humerus. These musclesare therefore not involved in abduction at the glenohumeraljoint.GAS 674-678; GA 356-358, 362-366
A 1-year-old girl is brought to the clinic for a routinecheckup. The child appears normal except for adimpling of the skin in the lumbar region with a tuft ofhair growing over the dimple. You reassure the motherthat this condition is seen in 10% to 25% of births andnormally has no ill effects. What is this relatively commoncondition that results from incomplete embryologicdevelopment?⃣ A. Meningomyelocele⃣ B. Meningocele⃣ C. Spina bifi da occulta⃣ D. Spina bifi da cystica⃣ E. Rachischisis
C. Spina bifi da is a developmental condition resultingfrom incomplete fusion of the vertebral archeswithin the lumbar region. Spina bifi da occulta commonlypresents asymptomatically with a tuft of hairand a small dimple in the overlying skin. More severeforms (spina bifi da cystica) are categorized into threetypes: Spina bifi da cystica with meningocele presentswith protrusion of the meninges through the unfusedvertebral arches. Spina bifi da with meningomyeloceleis characterized by protrusion both of the meningesand CNS tissues and is often associated with neurologicdefi cits. Rachischisis, also known as spina bifi dacystica with myeloschisis, results from a failure ofneural folds to fuse and is characterized by protrusionof the spinal cord or spinal nerves and meninges.GAS 76; GA 21-35
Which nerve fi bers carry the sensation of a mosquitobite on the back, just lateral to the spinous processof the T4 vertebra?⃣ A. Somatic afferent⃣ B. Somatic efferent⃣ C. Visceral afferent⃣ D. Visceral efferent⃣ E. Somatic efferent and visceral afferent
A. Somatic afferents are responsible for conveyingpain, pressure, touch, temperature, and proprioceptionto the CNS. Afferent fi bers carry only sensorystimuli, whereas efferent fi bers convey motor information.Visceral innervation is associated with theautonomic nervous system. Visceral afferents generallycarry information regarding the physiologicchanges of the internal viscera whereas visceral efferentsdeliver autonomic motor function to threetypes of tissue: smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, andglandular epithelium.GAS 35-42, 40-41; GA 44-45
A 15-year-old female was suspected to have meningitis.To obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fl uid byspinal tap in the lumbar region (lumbar puncture), thetip of the needle must be placed in which of the followinglocations?⃣ A. In the epidural space⃣ B. Between anterior and posterior longitudinalligaments⃣ C. Superfi cial to the ligamentum fl avum⃣ D. Between arachnoid mater and dura mater⃣ E. In the subarachnoid space
E. Cerebrospinal fl uid is found within the subarachnoidspace and is continuous with the ventriclesof the brain (CSF fl ows from the ventricles to the subarachnoidspace). The epidural space, positioned betweenthe dura mater and periosteum, is characterizedby fat deposits and contains the internal vertebral venousplexus (of Batson). The subdural space, betweenthe arachnoid mater and dura mater, exists only as apotential space and does not contain cerebrospinalfl uid. The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligamentstraverse the length of the vertebral body.GAS 106-108; GA 47-51
In the event of intervertebral disk herniation inthe cervical region, which of the following ligaments isin an anatomic position to protect the spinal cord fromdirect compression?⃣ A. Supraspinous⃣ B. Posterior longitudinal⃣ C. Anterior longitudinal⃣ D. Ligamentum fl avum⃣ E. Nuchal ligament
B. The posterior longitudinal ligament is theonly ligament spanning the posterior aspect of thevertebral bodies and intervertebral disks. With intervertebraldisk herniation, the nucleus pulposus of theintervertebral disk protrudes posterolaterally. The anteriorlongitudinal ligament traverses the anterior sideof the vertebral bodies and thus would not protect thespinal cord from direct compression. The supraspinousand ligamentum fl avum ligaments connect thespinous processes and the laminae of adjacent vertebrae,respectively. The nuchal ligament is a continuationof the supraspinous ligaments near the C7 vertebraeand runs to the occipital protuberance.GAS 82-84; GA 35
In spinal anesthesia the needle is often insertedbetween the spinous processes of the L4 and L5 vertebraeto ensure that the spinal cord is not injured. Thislevel is safe because in the adult the spinal cord usuallyterminates at the disk between which of the followingvertebral levels?⃣ A. T11 and T12⃣ B. T12 and L1⃣ C. L1 and L2⃣ D. L2 and L3⃣ E. L3 and L4
C. L1 and L2. This is the location of the conusmedullaris, a tapered conical projection of the spinalcord at its inferior termination. Although the conusmedullaris rests at the level of L1 and L2 in adults,it is often situated at L3 in newborns. The caudaequina and fi lium terminale extend beyond the conusmedullaris.GAS 101-102; GA 44-51
A 22-year-old female is diagnosed with Raynaud’sdisease. In such a case the patient suffers chronic vasospasmin response to cold. This can lead to arterialconstriction and painful ischemia, especially in thefi ngers or toes. Relief from the symptoms in the handswould require surgical division of which of the followingneural elements?⃣ A. Lower cervical and upper thoracic sympatheticfi bers⃣ B. Lower cervical and upper thoracic ventralroots⃣ C. Lower cervical and upper thoracic dorsalroots⃣ D. Lower cervical and upper thoracic spinalnerves⃣ E. Bilateral spinal accessory nerves
A. Lower cervical and upper thoracic sympatheticfi bers. The sympathetic division of the autonomicnervous system is primarily responsible forvasoconstriction. Separation of ventral or dorsal rootswould lead to undesired consequences, such as a lossof motor or sensory activity. Similarly, surgical divisionof spinal nerves would also have unwanted consequences,but such are not related to the increasedarterial constriction and the painful ischemia in thedigits. Division of selected sympathetic chain ganglia,however, would decrease the sympathetic outfl ow tothe upper limbs.GAS 41-42; GA 44-45
A 69-year-old female visits her physician due tosevere neck pain. Radiographic studies reveal bonygrowths (osteophytes) in the intervertebral foramenbetween vertebrae C2 and C3. Which of the followingmuscles would be most likely affected by thiscondition?⃣ A. Rhomboid⃣ B. Serratus anterior⃣ C. Supraspinatus⃣ D. Diaphragm⃣ E. Latissimus dorsi
D. The diaphragm is innervated by the phrenicnerve, which arises from C3 to C5. The rhomboid,serratus anterior, supraspinatus, and latissimus dorsiare innervated by the ventral rami of the brachialplexus (C5 to T1).GAS 157-158; GA 110
A 42-year-old female is diagnosed with constrictionof the cervical vertebral canal. A laminectomy oftwo vertebrae is performed. Which of the followingligaments will most likely also be removed?⃣ A. Anterior longitudinal⃣ B. Denticulate⃣ C. Ligamentum fl avum⃣ D. Nuchal⃣ E. Cruciate
C. The anterior longitudinal ligament runs alongthe anterior-most aspect of the vertebral column fromC1 to the sacrum and would therefore be unaffected bylaminectomy. Denticulate ligaments extend laterallyfrom the pia mater to the arachnoid mater along thelength of the spinal cord. The ligamentum fl avum isone of the two ligaments found in the vertebral canaland is adherent to the anterior aspect of the vertebralarches. It is thus simultaneously removed upon excisionof the lamina. The nuchal ligament is a thicklongitudinal extension continuing from the supraspinousligament at the level of C6 to the external occipitalprotuberance. The cruciate ligament is an incorrectanswer because it is located anterior to the spinal cord,and thus would not be involved in laminectomy.GAS 82-84; GA 21-27
A 28-year-old pregnant woman is admitted to theobstetrics department for delivery. In the fi nal stages oflabor a caudal anesthetic is administered via the sacralhiatus. Into which of the following spaces in the sacralcanal is the anesthetic placed?⃣ A. Vertebral canal⃣ B. Vertebral venous plexus⃣ C. Epidural space⃣ D. Subarachnoid space⃣ E. Subdural space
C. The vertebral canal is the longitudinal canalthat extends through the vertebrae, containing themeninges, spinal cord, and associated ligaments. The vertebral venous plexus is the valveless network ofveins extending longitudinally along the vertebralcanal. Neither of these answer choices describes aspecifi c space. The epidural space is found superfi -cially to the dura mater. It is a fat-fi lled space extendingfrom C1 to the coccyx. The subarachnoid space isa true space containing CSF. It is found within theCNS and extends to the level of S2. The subduralspace is a potential space between the dura and thearachnoid mater. Normally these two layers are fuseddue to the pressure of CSF in the subarachnoidspace.GAS 106-109; GA 44-49
A 12-year-old child was brought to the emergencydepartment by his parents because he has been sufferingfrom a very high fever and severe stiffness in hisback. The initial diagnosis is meningitis. The attendingphysician orders a lumbar puncture to confi rm the diagnosis.Upon microscopic examination of the cerebrospinalfl uid, hematopoetic cells are seen. Which of thefollowing ligaments is most likely to be penetrated bythe needle?⃣ A. Supraspinous⃣ B. Denticulate⃣ C. Anterior longitudinal⃣ D. Posterior longitudinal⃣ E. Nuchal ligament
D. Lumbar puncture is generally performed atthe level of L4, L5. The supraspinous ligament extendsbetween spinous processes on the dorsal aspectof the vertebrae. The needle would bypass this structure.The denticulate ligaments are not correct becausethey terminate with the conus medullaris at thelevel of L2 and are located laterally. The anterior longitudinalligament extends along the most anterioraspect of the vertebral bodies and can be reachedonly ventrally. The posterior longitudinal ligament ispresent at the correct vertebral level but will be puncturedonly if the procedure is performed incorrectly asin this case, where hematopoetic cells were aspiratedfrom the vertebral body anterior to the ligament. Thenuchal ligament extends cranially from the supraspinousligament in the lower cervical region to theskull.GAS 106-109; GA 44-51
A 25-year-old male race car driver is admitted tothe emergency department after a severe car crash.Radiographic studies reveal damage to the tip of thetransverse process of the third cervical vertebra, with asignifi cantly large pulsating hematoma. What artery isthe most likely to have been damaged?⃣ A. Anterior spinal artery⃣ B. Vertebral artery⃣ C. Ascending cervical artery⃣ D. Deep cervical artery⃣ E. Posterior spinal arteries
B. The anterior spinal artery is located anteriorlyalong the spinal cord and is not directly associatedwith the vertebrae. The vertebral arteries run throughthe transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae C6through C1 and are therefore most closely associatedwith injury to the transverse processes. The ascendingcervical artery is a very small branch from the thyrocervicaltrunk of the subclavian artery, running on theanterior aspect of the vertebrae. The deep cervicalartery arises from the costocervical trunk is also avery small artery and courses along the posterior aspectof the cervical vertebrae. The posterior spinalarteries are adherent to the posterior aspect of thespinal cord.GAS 102-103; GA 41
A 79-year-old male retired military veteran presentsto the outpatient clinic with an abnormal curvatureof the vertebral column. He complains that it hasbecome increasingly painful to walk around town.Upon physical examination he has an abnormally increasedthoracic curvature resulting from osteoporosis.Which of the following is the most likely clinical conditionof this patient’s spine?⃣ A. Scoliosis⃣ B. Kyphosis⃣ C. Spinal stenosis⃣ D. Lordosis⃣ E. Herniated disk
B. Scoliosis is defi ned as a lateral deviation ofthe spinal column to either side. Kyphosis is an increasedprimary curvature of the spinal column. Thiscurvature is associated with thoracic and sacral regionsand is most likely this patient’s clinical condition.Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the vertebralcanal and is not directly associated with a displacementof the spinal column. Lordosis is the increasedsecondary curvature affecting the cervical and lumbarregions. A herniated disk is a rupture of the anulusfi brosus of the intervertebral disk, commonly causinga posterolateral displacement of the nucleus pulposusinto the vertebral canal.GAS 77; GA 21
A 42-year-old woman complains of pain and stiffnessin her neck. She was injured sliding into secondbase headfi rst during her company softball game. Radiographsreveal no fractures of her spine. However,upon physical examination her right shoulder is droopingand she has diffi culty in elevating that shoulder. Ifyou ordered an MRI, it would most likely reveal softtissue damage to which of the following nerves?⃣ A. Thoracodorsal nerve⃣ B. Spinal accessory nerve⃣ C. Dorsal scapular nerve⃣ D. Greater occipital nerve⃣ E. Axillary nerve
B. The thoracodorsal nerve innervates the latissimusdorsi, which has no action on the shouldergirdle. The spinal accessory nerve is the eleventh cranialnerve (CN XI) and innervates both the trapeziusand sternocleidomastoid muscles. The loss of CN XIresults in drooping of the shoulder due to paralysis ofthe trapezius. In addition to the clinical fi ndings ofthe MRI, one can test the innervation of this nerve byasking the patient to shrug his or her shouldersagainst resistance (testing the trapezius), as well asturning his or her head against resistance (testing thesternocleidomastoid). The dorsal scapular nerve innervatesthe levator scapulae muscle, as well as therhomboids. The greater occipital nerve is a sensorynerve innervating the posterolateral aspect of thescalp. The axillary nerve is a branch of the brachialplexus and innervates the deltoid and teres minor. Itis not involved in shoulder elevation.GAS 89-90; GA 371