BABOK Techniques Flashcards
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
Used to define requirements, outcomes or conditions that must be met in order for a solution to be considered acceptable to key stakeholders
Backlog Management
used to record, track, and prioritize remaining work items
Balanced Scorecard
used to manage performance in any business model, organizational structure, or business process
Benchmarking and Market Analysis
are conducted to improve organizational operations, increase customer satisfaction, and increase value to stakeholders
used to produce a broad or diverse set of options (6-8 participants)
Business Capability Analysis
a framework for scoping and planning by generating a shared understanding of outcomes, identifying alignment with strategy, and providing a scope and prioritization filter
Business Cases
provides a justification for a course of action based on the benefits to be realized by using the proposed solution, as compared to the cost, effort and other considerations to acquire and live with that solution
Business Model Canvas
describes how an enterprise creates, delivers, and captures value for and from its customers
Business Rules Analysis
used to identify, express, validate refine, and organize the rules that shape day to day business behavior and guide operational business decision making
Collaborative Games
encourage participants in an elicitation activity to collaborate in building a joint understanding of a problem or solution
Concept Modelling
used to organize the business vocabulary needed to consistently and thoroughly communicate the knowledge of a domain
Data Dictionary
used to standardize a definition of a data elements and enable a common interpretation of data elements
Data Flow Diagrams
Show where data comes from, which activities process the data, and if the output results are stored or utilized by another activity or external entity.
Data Mining
used to improve decision making by finding useful patterns and insights from data
Data Modelling
describes the entities, classes or data objects relevant to a domain, and the relationships among them to provide a common set of semantics for analysis and implementation
Decision Analysis
formally assesses a problem and possible decisions in order to determine the value of alternate outcomes under conditions of uncertainty
Decision Modelling
shows how repeatable business decisions are made
used by business analysts and other stakeholders to forecast the cost and effort involved in pursuing a course of action.
Defines key terms relevant to a business domain
Lessons Learned
Process designed to compile and document successes, opportunities for improvement, failures, and recommendations for improving the performance of future projects or project phases
Non Functional Requirements Analysis
examines the requirements for a solution that define how well the functional requirements must perform. It specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system rather than specific behaviors
Vendor Assesment
Asses the ability of a vendor to meet commitments regarding the delivery and consistent provision of a product or service
Bring Stakeholders together to collaborate on achieving a predefined goal. Focused event attended by key stakeholders and SME’s for a concentrated period of time
Focus Group
A focus group is composed of pre-qualified participants whose objective is to discuss and comment on a topic within a context. The participants share their perspectives and attitudes about a topic and discuss them in a group setting. A focus group typically has 6 to 12 attendees
Functional Decomposition
Functional decomposition helps manage complexity and reduce uncertainty by breaking down processes, systems, functional areas, or deliverables into their simpler constituent parts and allowing each part to be analyzed independently.
Glossaries are used to provide a common understanding of terms that are used by stakeholders. A term may have different meanings for any two people. A list of terms and established definitions provides a common language that can be used to communicate and exchange ideas. A glossary is organized and continuously accessible to all stakeholders.
Interface Analysis
An interface is a connection between two components or solutions. Most solutions require one or more interfaces to exchange information with other solution components, organizational units, or business processes.
a systematic approach designed to elicit business analysis information from a person or group of people by talking to the interviewee(s), asking relevant questions, and documenting the responses. The interview can also be used for establishing relationships and building trust between business analysts and stakeholders in order to increase stakeholder involvement or build support for a proposed solution.
Item Tracking
Item tracking is an organized approach used by business analysts to address stakeholder concerns. Stakeholders may identify such item types as actions, assumptions, constraints, dependencies, defects, enhancements, and issues.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
etrics and key performance indicators measure the performance of solutions, solution components, and other matters of interest to stakeholders
Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is used to articulate and capture thoughts, ideas, and information.
Observation is used to elicit information by viewing and understanding activities and their context. It is used as a basis for identifying needs and opportunities, understanding a business process, setting performance standards, evaluating solution performance, or supporting training and development.
Organizational Modelling
Organizational modelling is used to describe the roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures that exist within an organization and to align those structures with the organization’s goals.
Prioritization provides a framework for business analysts to facilitate stakeholder decisions and to understand the relative importance of business analysis information. Grouping,
• Ranking,
• Time boxing/Budgeting, and • Negotiation.
Process Analysis
assesses a process for its efficiency and effectiveness, as well as its ability to identify opportunities for change.
Process Modelling
a standardized graphical model used to show how work is carried out and is a foundation for process analysis.
Prototyping is used to elicit and validate stakeholder needs through an iterative process that creates a model or design of requirements. It is also used to optimize user experience, to evaluate design options, and as a basis for development of the final business solution
Reviews are used to evaluate the content of a work product.