BA12 Adjusting Beneficiary Record Flashcards
What is 0-Y line?
Coded on awards indicating prior entitlement on another record that has terminated. Always coded on first line. Input XSSN and XBIC
What is 0-N line?
Coded for later MOE change on the first line. Usually with SIC 1 (incorrect MOE). Input old DOE and month before new DOE.
What is AU/ UA death UP?
AU pays deceased persons UP to another beneficiary. UA removes deceased persons UP.
What is OR (overpayment recovered) SIC?
Coded on a suspension or termination line to prevent posting OP on MBR, and OP refunded/adjusted on same or different record.
What are death termination codings?
T-1-CLMDTH for NH death. X-1 for uninsured death
What is REENT and RESUM?
Reent used when theres a break in entitlement or entitlement rype change. New DOE. No reent if different trust fund or Bic.
Resum reinstated erroneous termination. Code ARC R (pay from non pay status), and reinstatement date in ENB.
What is OP and OB?
Special entries. OP recovers own OP. OB recovers someone else’s OP.
How much can Macade pay out?
$29,999.99. Macade lines go up to $9,999.99 and the remaining goes to the next line. $30,000 requires SPS.
What is ARC C, R, and S?
C is PIA decrease. S is PIA increase. R is non pay to pay status.
Partial Recovery withholds some benefits to recover an OP. What is the coding?
PR Sic for full and partial months. IRA shows initial recovery amount. RCD is last month of withholding. MRA is amount withheld.
What is DE SiC?
Places beny from deferral to LAF C. Needs Pete approval.
*Needs editing
What does Monet do?
Make annotations changes. Cannot change HST or adjust payment.
What is SPS?
Payments outside Macade that don’t affect MBR. Captured by PHUS. PMA’s over $29,999.99. Pays non benys not on MBR. Pays benys in LAF S/T or deferred. Reissue LSDP. Use RFD X on Macade.
What is DR?
Direct remittance used to credit/cover OP. A check the NH sent back. Ex: Can be seen in Heinz.
What is RC?
To credit a return check. Use date it was for.