BA style guidelines flashcards LAGER EUROPEAN GERMANIC
German-Style Pilseners are straw to pale. There should be no chill haze. The head should be dense, rich, perfectly white, very stable and show a good cling. A malty residual sweet aroma can be perceived. Very low levels of DMS aroma, usually below most beer drinkersê taste thresholds and not detectable except to the trained or sensitive palate, may be present. Other fermentation- or hop-derived sulfur aromas when perceived at low levels may be characteristic of this style. Fruity-ester aromas and diacetyl aroma should not be perceived. Hop aroma is moderate and quite obvious, deriving from late hopping (not dry hopping) noble-type hops. A malty residual sweet flavor can be perceived. Hop flavor is moderate and quite obvious, deriving from late hopping (not dry hopping) noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium to high. Similarly very low levels of DMS flavor, usually not detectable to all but well trained palates, may be present. Low levels of other fermentation- or hop-derived sulfur flavors, may be characteristic of this style. Fruity-ester flavors and diacetyl should not be perceived. These are well attenuated beers. Body is medium-light.
German-Style Pilsener
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.044 - 1.055 (11 - 13.6) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.006 - 1.012 (1.5 - 3.1) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.60% - 4.20% (4.60% - 5.30%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (25 - 40) _ Color SRM (EBC) 3 - 4 (6 - 8)
German-Style Pilsener
Bohemian-Style Pilseners are straw to light amber. There should be no chill haze. Its head should be dense and rich. A toasted, biscuit-like, bready malt aroma with low levels of fermented malt derived sulfur compounds may be evident. Very low diacetyl and DMS aromas, if perceived, are characteristic of this style and both may accent malt aroma. Hop aroma is low to medium-low, deriving from noble-type hops. Slightly sweet malt character is evident. Toasted, biscuit-like, and/or bready malt flavors along with low levels of fermented malt derived sulfur compounds may be evident. Hop flavor is low to medium-low, deriving from noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium. Very low levels of diacetyl and DMS flavors, if perceived, are characteristic of this style. Body is medium.
Bohemian-Style Pilsener
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.044 - 1.056 (11 - 13.8) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.014 - 1.020 (3.6 - 5.1) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.20% - 4.00% (4.10% - 5.10%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (30 - 45) _ Color SRM (EBC) 3 - 7 (6 - 14)
Bohemian-Style Pilsener
Mu_nchner (Munich)-Style Helless are pale to golden. There should be no chill haze. This is a malt aroma and flavor emphasized beer style. Malt aromas and flavors are often balanced with low levels of yeast-produced sulfur aromas and flavors. Malt character is sometimes bread-like yet always reminiscent of freshly and very lightly toasted malted barley. There should not be any caramel character. Hop aroma is not perceived to low. Hop flavor is very low to low, deriving from European noble-type hops, with hop flavor not implying hop bitterness. Hop bitterness is low, deriving from European noble-type hops. Fruity-ester aromas and flavors should not be perceived. Diacetyl aroma and flavor should not be perceived. Body is medium.
Mu_nchner (Munich)-Style Helles
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.044 - 1.050 (11 - 12.4) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.008 - 1.012 (2.1 - 3.1) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.80% - 4.40% (4.80% - 5.60%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (18 - 25) _ Color SRM (EBC) 4 - 5.5 (8 - 11)
Mu_nchner (Munich)-Style Helles
Dortmunder/European-Style Exports are straw to deep golden. Chill haze should not be perceived. Fruity-ester and diacetyl aromas should not be perceived. Hop aroma is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. Sweet malt flavor can be low and should not be caramel-like. Hop flavor is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium. Fruity-ester flavors and diacetyl should not be perceived. Body is medium.
Dortmunder/European-Style Export
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.048 - 1.056 (11.9 - 13.8) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.010 - 1.014 (2.6 - 3.6) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 4.00% - 4.80% (5.10% - 6.10%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (23 - 29) _ Color SRM (EBC) 3 - 6 (6 - 12)
Dortmunder/European-Style Export
Vienna-Style Lagers are copper to reddish brown. Chill haze should not be perceived. Viennas are characterized by malty aroma, which should have a notable degree of toasted and/or slightly roasted malt character. Hop aroma is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. They are also characterized by slight malt sweetness, which should have notable toasted and/or slightly roasted malt character. Hop flavor is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is low to medium-low, clean and crisp. DMS, diacetyl, and ale-like fruity esters should not be perceived. Body is medium.
Vienna-Style Lager
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.046 - 1.056 (11.4 - 13.8) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.012 - 1.018 (3.1 - 4.6) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.80% - 4.30% (4.80% - 5.40%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (22 - 28) _ Color SRM (EBC) 12 - 26 (24 - 52)
Vienna-Style Lager
German-Style Ma_rzens are pale to reddish brown. Chill haze should not be perceived. Bread or biscuit-like malt aroma is acceptable. Fruity-ester and diacetyl aromas should not be perceived. Hop aroma is low. Sweet maltiness is medium low to medium and dominates over clean hop bitterness. Malt flavors should be light-toasted rather than strongly caramel; low level caramel character is acceptable. Bread or biscuit-like malt flavor is acceptable. Hop flavor is low. Hop bitterness is medium low to medium. Fruity-ester flavors and diacetyl should not be perceived.
German-Style Ma_rzen
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.050 - 1.060 (12.4 - 14.7) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.012 - 1.020 (3.1 - 5.1) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 4.00% - 4.70% (5.10% - 6.00%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (18 - 25) _ Color SRM (EBC) 4 - 15 (8 - 30)
German-Style Ma_rzen
German-Style Oktoberfest/Wiesns are straw to golden. Chill haze should not be perceived. Fruity-ester and diacetyl aromas should not be perceived. Hop aroma is very low to low. Sweet maltiness is low. Hop flavor is very low to low. Hop bitterness is very low to low, clean and equalizing the low sweet maltiness. Fruity-ester flavors and diacetyl should not be perceived. Today’s Oktoberfest beers are similar or equal to Dortmunder/European-Style Export. Body is medium.
German-Style Oktoberfest/Wiesn
Original Gravity (oPlato) 1.048 - 1.056 (11.9 - 13.8) _ Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (oPlato) 1.010 - 1.014 (2.6 - 3.6) _ Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 4.00% - 4.80% (5.10% - 6.10%) _ Bitterness (IBU) (23 - 29) _ Color SRM (EBC) 3 - 5 (6 - 10)
German-Style Oktoberfest/Wiesn
European-Style Dark/Mu_nchner Dunkels are light brown to dark brown. Chill haze should not be perceived. Malt aroma is low to medium, with chocolate-like, roast malt, bread-like or biscuit-like aromas from the use of Munich dark malt. Fruity-ester and diacetyl aromas should not be perceived. Hop aroma is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. Chocolate or roast malts can be used, but the percentage used should be minimal. Hop flavor is very low to low, deriving from noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium-low to medium. Dunkels do not offer an overly sweet impression, but rather a mild balance between malt sweetness and hop character. Fruity-ester and diacetyl flavors should not be perceived. Body is low to medium-low.
European-Style Dark/Mu_nchner Dunkel