BA 466 Flashcards
New entry
New entry – The BA wearer has cylinder contents above the minimum entry pressure (240 bar)
when reporting to the entry control officer
re entry
Re-entry – Following withdrawal and closing down, the BA wearer is required to re-enter the risk
area to perform a specific task (minimum cylinder contents 190 bar, maximum duration 15
Exceptionally, there may be operational circumstances where one firefighter wearing BA for
firefighting would suffice. In these circumstances a minimum of BA stage I control will be applied
even though only one firefighter is wearing BA. Examples of these circumstances are:
a) car fires
(b) Rubbish fires.
(c) Working a monitor at the head of an aerial appliance etc.
This procedure can only be applied in the following circumstances;
(i) In the open air.
(ii) In line of sight from the ECO.
The incident commander should nominate BA team leaders. Whenever possible
they shouod be CM
At fires, BA teams should not be committed without extinguishing media. BA teams should only
be committed without extinguishing media to
to carry out support functions such as hose
management and ventilation following a risk assessment (RA) by the IC.
Standard duration breathing apparatus (SDBA) weighs approximately and EDBA
15.5 kg
22 kg
Research has identified that there are various methods to limit heat build up, and to ensure that
these effects are minimised. Where possible:
(a) Establish a shaded holding/recovery area, away from the immediate risk area, where BA
wearers can muster/rest.
(b) BA wearers within the holding/recovery area should relax their dress until called forward for
c) drinking water at Hazmats on advice HMEPO only
(d) Where emergency teams are standing by at the incident, they are to remain fully rigged.
(e) Recognise the stresses of the tasks that BA wearers are required to complete. Ensure that
BA teams are relieved at appropriate intervals
(f) Where possible firefighters intended to be used as BA wearers should not be used for other
functions requiring high levels of physical effort e.g. firefighting prior to wearing BA or
transporting equipment up stairs during high rise incidents.
Duties of a watch manager
8.1 At the start of every shift, the watch manager must ensure the following are carried out and
(a) Nominate BA wearers and, where appropriate, an entry control officer (ECO) for each BA
carrying appliance.
(b) Allocate BA radio communications sets. This should be to crew managers where possible.
(c) BA equipment has been tested and that defects are rectified or reported and recorded.
(d) Unallocated BA sets are tested and the cylinder pressure recorded on the BA tally. In the
name section, the word ‘spare’ is to be inserted. The BA log book is to be completed by the
(e) The names of the ECO’s and the nominated wearers of BA sets and communications
equipment are recorded in the station log book along with the nominated gas tight suit
(GTS) wearers.
Where are second set bags
If EDBA is required the IC should consider the amount of resources required and send the
appropriate message is accordance with Policy number 516. There are two levels of EDBA
• Incidents that require a small number of EDBA wearers, the IC will request the appropriate
number of Fire Rescue Units (FRUs). For example: “From………… at…………; 2 FRUs required
for EDBA; tactical mode…………” (there are four EDBA wearers per FRU).
• Incidents that require a large number of EDBA wearers, the IC will send the following
message: “From………… at…………; EDBA required; tactical mode…………” this will attract the
attendance of two FRUs plus six supporting pumps riding two EDBA qualified wearers per
pump plus a bulk supply of EDBA sets via the duty RPELO
briefing and de-briefing is the responsibility of ?
IC delegated Officer
ECO to be made fully aware of brief
resource availableIncident commanders are responsible for establishing firefighting tactics and including these in
briefing and debriefing BA teams; briefing and de-briefing is not the responsibility of the
ECO. If the IC cannot undertake these duties they must be delegated to an appropriate officer
(excluding the ECO) who should liaise directly with the IC. The IC is to ensure that the ECO is
made fully aware of the BA team’s brief/plan/objective and outcome following debrief.
The IC should consider the following when briefing and debriefing
Brief the whole BA team not just the team leader.
13.13 Brief them before starting up.
13.14 Confirm radio communication availability and ‘comms’ call signs.
13.15 Define what they have to do. This may include:
(a) Search and rescue;
(b) Identifying hazards;
(c) Ventilation;
(d) Firefighting equipment;
(e) Attacking the fire;
(f) Covering jets/spray;
(g) Isolating hazards.
13.16 Define any restrictions on what they can do.
13.17 Define the location of their work.
13.18 When available show them on a site plan, outline drawing etc. the building and/or parts of it
which are important to the BA team.
13.19 Brief the BA team where any persons that may be involved were last known to be.
13.20 Inform the BA team where the fire is known or suspected to be.
13.21 Brief them about where other BA teams are working and what they are doing.
13.22 Inform the BA team on the nature and frequency of progress reports required.
13.23 Inform them of any known hazards.
De briefing BA crews
4 Debrief immediately after BA teams close down.
13.25 Obtain an update on all of the elements in the original briefing so that a developing picture can be
13.26 In addition the ’Briefing Officer’ must be made aware of further information gained about the
heat, smoke and fire conditions from the indicators below, as BA teams exit.
13.27 Some of the danger signs are:
(a) Heat damaged and/or steaming fire gear on exiting.
(b) Signs of exhaustion.
(c) Air consumption significantly above the normal consumption taking into account the tasks
It is essential that all information obtained from the debriefing is brought to the
attention of the incident and/or sector commander and used to inform and update the
overall plan.
In the unlikely event that a telemetry signal cannot be established for ALL BA wearers during
initial start up ?
In the unlikely event that a telemetry signal cannot be established for ALL BA wearers during
initial start up, BA teams may be committed using manual calculation duration tables only.
Each and every BA team shall have at least one means of radio communication. BA teams are not
to be committed without communications equipment. I BARIE sets unavailable ?
If dedicated BARIE sets are not available a minimum of one hand
held radio per BA team must be carried and attached to the centre chest loop of the fire tunic.
Hand held radios are not intrinsically safe (IS) and should not be used in flammable or explosive
16.4 The IC will undertake a risk assessment (RA) to determine the possibility of an explosive
atmosphere being present. This RA will be underpinned by the following
(a) Fireground radios may only be used with BA in compartments where a naked flame is
already present. This is on the basis that if a naked flame is present, then any possibility of
the fireground radio presenting an ignition source is irrelevant. They may not be used in any
compartment where an explosive atmosphere may be present; however
(b) Fireground radios may be used with BA in compartments where a survey has been carried
out using appropriate detection and monitoring equipment and it has been advised that it is
safe to do so.
(c) That the RA is reviewed at regular intervals during the incident to ensure its currency.
(d) In any cases of doubt, the incident commander is to ensure that only IS radios are used. If
additional appliances are necessary to support the BARIE function, then these are to be
Radio communications equipment must be worn by
BA team leaders
Ba team looses radio contact ?
If both telemetry and radio signal is lost ?
If communications or contact is lost with any BA team without warning ?
If a BA team loses radio contact with the communications operator/ECO, the team leader will
decide whether to withdraw.
If both telemetry and radio signal is lost the BA team must
If communications or contact is lost with any BA team without warning a BA team will
be committed to investigate. If it is established that the original BA team is in difficulty, the IC
must be immediately informed.
The BA team leader must withdraw the BA team and inform the ECO/communications operator if
any of the following occur:
(a) Any BA team member has an uncontrolled loss of air.
(b) A low pressure warning/whistle sounds.
(c) Any BA team member seems unwell or confused.
(d) Any BA team member’s Bodyguard display becomes faulty or unreadable.
(e) A BA team member’s ADSU/DSU sounds (ECO should also be alerted to this by the ECB).
(f) Any BA team member indicates they may have been exposed to an irrespirable atmosphere
due to a dislodged or defective facemask.
(g) A complete loss of both radio and telemetry signals simultaneously.
At incidents where fallen electrical cables are likely to be encountered the electrical supply should
be isolated as soon as possible.
Where a BA team member becomes entangled and is unable to free themselves they must
• Inform all other BA team member(s) and remain as still as possible to prevent further
• The entangled BA team member must clearly state: “I am entangled in cables”
Note: If any BA team member is in distress as a result of cable entanglement the DSU must be
operated immediately.
Any BA team member being informed that another BA team member is entangled in cables must:
• Clearly state to the entangled BA team member: “Stay still and cross your arms at chest
height” (crossing arms across chest protects BA set hoses);
• Approach entangled BA team member with caution using safe movement procedure;
• Locate cables by completing a head to toe sweep using the back of hands where possible;
• Where possible the rescuer should use their own cable cutters to cut cables if unable to
remove cables by hand;
• Repeat above process until all cables are removed;
• Restow cable cutters.
Where a wearer cannot be freed from entanglement
the ECO must be informed
(information should be provided to assist the emergency team i.e. location, prevailing conditions,
Bodyguard pressure reading) and the entangled wearer’s DSU must be operated.
Where an individual BA wearer becomes entangled and the wearer is unable to make contact
with other BA team member(s) they should make every effort to release themselves from the
cables. In these circumstances the entangled wearer should
• Inform the ECO of entanglement and the location of cables encountered
• Remain as still as possible to prevent further entanglement
• Actuate DSU
• Locate the cables causing the entanglement by sweeping down either side of the body (it may
be easier to locate the cables at arms length)
• Use own cable cutters to cut cables if unable to remove cables by hand cut the cables as far
away from the body as possible
ECO’s being informed of BA team cable entanglement must:
IC’s being informed of BA team entanglement must:
- Commit Emergency Team;
- Inform IC.
• Consider firefighter emergency procedure (see Policy number 496 - Firefighter emergency,
emergency evacuation and tactical withdrawal).
• Consider isolation of electrical supplies.
• Commence accident investigation.
If the Bodyguard ‘Reduced Battery Level’ icon and alarm actuates prior to booking in at Entry Control Point, the wearer must:
If the Bodyguard ‘Reduced Battery Level’ icon and alarm actuates when the BA set is being worn
in an incident:
a) Inform the ECO immediately.
(b) Withdraw from the Entry Control Point.
(c) Take set ‘off the run’ and replace onto the appliance to recharge
(a) Inform the ECO immediately.
(b) The BA wearer can continue to operate the set normally.
(c) Following withdrawal from the incident the BA set should be taken ‘off the run’ and replaced
onto the appliance to recharge.
If any member of a BA team has an accidental actuation of their BA set Bodyguard ADSU/DSU the BA team must take the following actions:
The ECO must take the following actions:
a) Make radio contact with the ECP to confirm accidental actuation, so that the ECO does not
unnecessarily commit a BA emergency team.
(b) Withdraw and report to ECP.
(c) Inform other BA teams committed of accidental actuation.
(d) Instruct the BA team to stay under air.
(e) Cancel the ADSU/DSU with the affected wearer’s Bodyguard key taken from the ECB.
(f) Manually log off that BA wearer and then reinsert the BA tally into the same BA tally position
on the ECB and release the BA team back into the risk area if appropriate (
The low cylinder pressure warning device/whistle operates when sufficient air remains for ?
12 minutes consumption with SDBA and 18 minutes consumption with EDBA (approximately 84 bar
on the Bodyguard for SDBA/EDBA) at a consumption rate of 50 litres per minute for SDBA and
56 litres per minute for EDBA.
Basements, underground complexes and complicated buildings – IC should consider the early
deployment of
both repeaters and leaky feeder at this type of incident
Large industrial properties – IC should consider the early
deployment of repeaters at this type
of incident.
Re-entering an incident in BA. If after withdrawing and closing down, a BA team is required to re-enter the risk area to perform a
specific task, they may re-enter provided that:
(a) All BA team members are fit for ‘re-entry’.
(b) All BA team members have a cylinder content of at least 190 bar. Pressures in excess of 190
bar will be recorded on the BA tally by the ECO as 190 bar for the purposes of the task and
for control of the team.
(c) The task will be of short duration and the incident commander considers the BA wearers
have sufficient air to complete it without impinging on the safety margin. The ’time in’ will be
recorded on the BA tally and a TOW for 15 minutes later entered into the ‘Location’ column
The words ‘re-entry’ and the task being performed must be entered in the ‘Remarks’
Making a “New” entry in BA:
In exceptional circumstances the IC can re-use BA wearers at the same incident if no fresh BA
wearers are available and there is no reason to doubt those wearers fitness.
Incident commanders must /
Can EDBA have new entry
carry out an assessment in consultation with the BA
wearers in order to be satisfied that the team are rested, re-hydrated
fit for a subsequent entry.
Fresh records are required.
Except in exceptional circumstances EDBA wearers should not be used for ‘Re- Entry’
or for a ‘New Entry’ in either SDBA or EDBA.
Note: BA wearers must inform the ECO if they have already worn BA at the incident