BA 001 Flashcards
Intro to RPE
What RPE is used by the LFB
What is an acute respiratory risk
Those that would pose an immediate risk of injury or immediate threat to Health of RPE is removed
What is an chronic respiratory risk
Those that present a longer term risk to Health but do not pose an immediate risk of injury or risk to Health if RPE is removed
What is the purpose of BA
To reduce the risk of respiratory injury to fire fighters and provide safe working practices whenever BA is used.
When should duel purpose facemasks be worn
Where the hazard involves airborne particulars and where conditions are not expected to deteriorate to an extent where BA is needed.
RESPIRATORS are not to be used in oxygen deficient or toxic atmospheres.
Define respiration
Transportation of oxygen from the outside air to the cells within tissues and the transportation of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.
What percentage of oxygen makes up the compressed air in a BA cylinder
Consumption rates vary due to what 3 factors.
Physical exertion
Physical fitness
What 4 ways does the body dissipate excess heat
Radiation - heat naturally flows from a hotter to cooler body.
Convection - cooling by air current flowing over the body.
Vaporization- blood is cooled in the lungs by the inhalation of cool air.
Evaporation - sweat covers the skin and cooling takes place as the sweat evaporates.
How does heat stress effect a human
Deteriation of -
Visual skills
How do fire fighters suffer progressively from heat stress.
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke
What are the various methods to limit heat stroke
Rotate crews
Use a holding area in the shade
Available drinking water
Reserve crews in shade relaxed dress
Radial cooling
Not using fire fighters intended for BA for other physical roles
Attendance of LAS on site.
Air inhaled from the atmosphere or compressed in a BA cylinder contains approx ?? Oxygen and ?? Carbon dioxide.
Exhaled air contains ?? Oxygen and ?? Carbon dioxide.