B767 Drills Flashcards
Engine Failure in Cruise - PF
- Ensure adequate thrust set and call “Engine Failure in Cruise Drill”
- Adjust trim
- Ensure VNAV engaged and set Engine out altitude in MCP window
- Call “Execute” the Eng Out Crz D/down page
- Initiate a turn
- Call “Checklist, Engine Failure in Cruise”
- At altitude capture determine optimum cruise altitude, manually adjust thrust to maintain Eng Out speed
- Proceed to land at nearest suitable airport
Engine Failure in Cruise - PM
- Select autothrottle ARM switch OFF, CON on TMSP and manually position thrust levers to required thrust
- On FMC CRZ page: ENG OUT select
- Determine drift down requirement and advise PF
- All Exterior lights ON
- ATC Advise
Engine Failure on Final Approach Flaps 20 or Less
1. “Checklist, Engine Failure”
2. Complete normal single engine approach and landing
1. Complete Engine Failure Checklist
Engine Failure on Final Approach - Flaps more than 20 or Past the FAF
Go around
Adjust thrust to maintain speed (+15 knot over previous VRef) and continue approach
Low Energy GO Around
Continue with Normal Go Around procedures
(Ground contact likely/hold landing attitude or tail strike likely/do not climb before obtaining VRef/speedbrakes will retract and auto brakes will disarm as thrust levers are advanced/Flt Dir GA mode may not be available until go-around is selected with GA switch’s after becoming airborne)
- Call “STALL”
- Hold control column firmly, disconnect AP and AT, smoothly apply nose down elevator to reduce AOA until buffet or stick shaker stops
- Nose down trim and/or reduced thrust may be necessary
- When out of stall ROLL shortest direction to wings level
- Smoothly increase thrust (if asymmetric compensate with rudder)
- Check speed brake retracted
- Maintain existing gear and flap config (if in clean config during liftoff call “Flaps 1”)
- When appropriate return to desired flight path and re-enage automation
- Monitor Altitude and Airspeed
- Verify all required actions completed and call out omissions
- Call out trend toward terrain contact
GPWS Caution
PF/PM - correct flight path or aircraft configuration
GPWS Warning - PF
- Call “Firewall”
- Disengage AP
- Disconnect AT
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to initial pitch attitude of 20 degrees
- Retract speedbrakes
- If terrain a threat increase pitch to PLI or stickshaker
- Do not change config until terrain separation assured
- Monitor radio altimeter and when clear of terrain slowly decrease pitch and accelerate
GPWS Warning - PM
- Verify Maximum thrust
- Verify all required actions completed and call out omissions
- Monitor vertical speed and altitude for MSA clearance
- Call out any trend toward terrain contact
1. Disengage AP and disconnect AT
2. Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy RA command
3. After “clear of conflict” promptly return to previously assigned flight path (use vertical rate no greater than 500 fpm)
Advise ATC “TCAS RA” and “Clear of Conflict returning to assigned altitude/FL”
Climb RA in Landing Configuration
- Disengage AP and disconnect AT
- Advance thrust levers forward to ensure maximum thrust and call for “FLAPS 20”
- Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy RA command
- Verify positive rate of climb and call “Gear UP”
UPSET Parameters
+ 25 degrees nose up
+ 10 degrees nose down
+ 45 Bank Angle
Airspeed inappropriate for conditions
Nose High Recovery
- Disengage AP and disconnect AT
- Apply nose down elevator
- Apply appropriate nose down stabilizer trim
- Reduce thrust
- ROLL to obtain nose down pitch rate
- Approaching horizon roll to wings level
- Check airspeed and adjust thrust
- Establish pitch attitude
(PM call out attitude, AS and Alt throughout recovery. Verify all needed actions done and call out deviations)
Nose Low Recovery
- Disengage AP and disconnect AT
- Recover from stall if needed
- Roll shortest direction to wings level (if bank angle more than 90 degrees, unload and roll)
- Complete the recovery by nose up elevator and nose up trim if needed
- Adjust thrust and drag if needed
(PM call out attitude, AS and Alt throughout recovery. Verify all needed actions done and call out deviations)
Wind shear Escape - Manual Flight
- Disconnect AP
- Call “Windshear TOGA”
- Push either GA switch
- Aggressively apply max thrust
- Disconnect AT
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate towards an initial pitch of 15 degrees
- Retract speedbrakes
- Follow Flt Dir GA guidance
- Do not change configuration until windshear is no longer a factor
(PM - Verify maximum thrust and all needed actions done and call out deviations)
Windshear Escape - Automatic Flight
- Call “Windshear TOGA”
- Push either GA switch
- Verify GA mode annunciation
- Verify GA thrust
- Retract speedbrakes
- Monitor performance
- Do not change configuration until windshear is no longer a factor
Aborted Engine Start
During ground start an abort start condition occurs
ABORT START Conditions
- No EGT increase 25 seconds after fuel control switch to RUN
- No N1 rotation by 30 seconds after N2 is stabilized at idle
- EGT quickly nears or exceeds start limit (870 for 40 seconds/740 with no time limit)
- Oil pressure is not normal by the time engine stabilized at idle
Normal Start and Idle Conditions
- N1 25%
- EGT 870 for 40 seconds/750 withno time limit
- N2 65%
- FF 0.6-0.7
Dual Engine Failure
- Engine Start selectors (both) - FLT
- Thrust levers (both) - IDLE
- Fuel Control Switches (both) - CUTOFF, then RUN
- If engine appears stalled or EGT approaches Stby Engine Indicator placard limit - fuel control switch (affected engine) CONFIRM then CUTOFF, then RUN
- Repeat as needed
NOT part of drill:
RAT switch push
APU start
Engine Limit Stall or Surge
- Auto throttle Arm switch OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) CONFIRM and then retard until engine indications stay within limits or thrust lever is at idle
Smoke or Fire from Lithium Battery
If necessary transfer control to the flight crew member seated in the opposite side of the fire
Smoke, Fire or Fumes
- Oxygen Masks and Smoke Goggles (as needed) ON, 100%
- Crew communications Establish
Airspeed Unreliable
- Autopilot disengage switch PUSH
- A/T ARM switch OFF
- F/D switches (both) OFF
- Set the following:
Flaps extended 10 degrees and 80% N1
Flaps UP 4 degrees and 75% N1
Three Green Lights NOT On for Landing
If GEAR DISAGREE message not displayed and GEAR light not on accomplish normal landing
Oceanic Diversion - All Engine
- Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists
- Declare emergency and request clearance
- If clearance obtain proceed as per clearance
- If clearance unavailable turn 30 degrees right and offset 5nm (Russia 16.2nm)
- When established on offset +/- 500 ft
Oceanic Diversion - Engine Out
- Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists
- Declare emergency and request clearance
- If clearance obtain proceed as per clearance
- If clearance unavailable turn 30 degrees right and offset 5nm (Russia 16.2nm)
- Minimize Descent until established on the offset
- When established on offset descend to below FL290 and maintain +/- 500 ft
Crew Incapacitation
- Does not respond intelligently to two communications
- Does not respond to a single verbal challenge
- Significant deviation from standard flight profile exists
1.Assume Control
2. Engage Autopilot
3. Request assistance from supernumerary or crew
4. If practicable remove flight crew member from seat and perform FA (oxygen)/AED