B767 Flashcards
Aborted Engine Start Drill
Fuel Control Switch-Cutoff
Engine Failure in Cruise
-A/T arm switch off
-Trim adjust
-E/O CRZ select on FMC
-Set drift down alt in window
-E/O CRZ D/D: execute (ensure VNAV)
-Lights on
-ATC advise
PF- turn if required
-call “checklist, engine failure in cruise”
-at altitude capture determine optimum cruise altitude
-adjust thrust as required
proceed to land
Engine Failure on Final (Flaps 20 or less)
“Checklist, engine failure”
continue landing
Engine Failure on Final (Flaps more than 20 or past FAF)
adjust thrust to maintain speed and continue
Call “Stall”
Hold control column firmly
A/P off
A/T off
Gently lower nose to stop shaker/buffet (may need trim, may need to reduced thrust)
when out of stall:
wings level
increase thrust
speedbrakes retracted
maintain configuration (call “flaps 1 if clean during t/o)
when recovered:
adjust thrust as needed
adjust pitch
recover flight path
reengage A/P and A/T if desired
GPWS Caution
Correct the flight path or the aircraft configuration
GPWS Warning
A/P off
A/T off
Aggressively apply maximum thrust
wings level
pitch to 20 degrees
retract speed brakes
(if you’re going to hit something pitch to shaker/buffet)
maintain configuration
Monitor RA
Slowly decrese pitch and accelerate when clear
PM-verify max thrust
-monitor V/S and altitude
look for traffic
maneuver as needed
A/P off
A/T off
Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy RA command
Follow lateral path
Pm “tcas RA”
(if in landing config and a climb is required: max thrust, call for flaps 20 & gear up with “positive rate”)
when clear of traffic return to assigned altitude using a vs of no more than 500fpm
PM advises ATC
Nose High Recovery
A/P off
A/T off
lower nose
Nose down trim
reduce thrust
bank to lower nose if required
when recovered approaching the horizon:
roll level
Check airspeed and adjust thrust
adjust pitch
Nose Low Recovery
A/P off
A/T off
recover from stall
roll wings level
pitch up (trim if required)
adjust thrust and drag as required
Windshear ahead during T/O
Reject T/O
Windshear Escape Maneuver (Manual Flight)
A/P off
“windshear, TOGA”
push GA switch
Aggressively apply maximum thrust
A/T off
wings level
pitch 15 degrees
Retract speedbrakes
follow GA guidance
maintain config
monitor VS and altitude
accelerate when clear
Windshear Escape Maneuver (AutoFlight)
“windshear, TOGA”
push G/A switch
Verify GA mode
Verify GA thrust
retract speedbrakes
monitor performance
maintain config
monitor VS and altitude
accelerate when clear
Airspeed Unreliable
A/P off
A/T off
F/D’s off (both)
Flaps extended: pitch 10, thrust 80% N1
Flaps Up: pitch 4, thrust 75% N1
Dual Engine Failure
Both Engine Start selectors: FLT
Both Thrust: Idle
Both Fuel Control: Cutoff then run
(if engine appears stalled or EGT approaches the standby engine indicator placard limit: fuel control cutoff switch (affected engine): cutoff then run) repeat as needed
Cabin Altitude
Oxygen - on
Communication- establish
Main deck alert- use oxy
RTS/FSB signs- on
If occupants in main cargo- main cargo alert switch push (fin specific)
Non explosive - check cabin alt & rate
Explosive-emergency descent (atc advise, xpdr 7700, 10000’, idle, speed brakes, Vmo)
Engine Limit/Surge/Stall
A/T arm switch -off
thrust lever-confirm and retard
(retard until engine indications stay within limits or thrust lever at idle)
Smoke/fire from a Lithium Battery
Transfer control if required
“Backup to the flight deck, backup to the flight deck” (if passenger flight)
O2 masks- don
communications- establish
Three Green Lights Not On For Landing
If: no “gear disagree” message and “gear” light not illuminated
-accomplish normal landing
Oceanic Diversion - All Engine
Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists
declare emergency and request clearance
either: proceed as per clearance
Turn 30 degrees right and offset 5NM
When establsihed offset +/-500ft
Oceanic Diversion - Single Engine
Initiate applicable drills and time critical checklists
declare emergency and request clearance
Either: proceed as per clearance
turn 30 degrees right and offset 5NM
(when established on offset descent to below FL290 and maintain +/-500ft)
Crew Incapacitation
Assume Control
A/P on
Tilt him back
Slide him back
Secure him (seat belts, away from flight controls)
Remove and replace if able
ETOPS (Minutes and NM)
180 minutes
1293 NM
No reduced thrust when (3):
prohibited by route or MEL
Max diff
minimum altitiude for A/P engagement
Max wind for autoland
headwind: 25kts
Xwind: 25kts
tailwind: 10kts
max altitude with flaps extended
Vfe 1
Vfe 5
Vfe 15/20
Vfe 25
Vfe 30
fuel freeze temp
Jet A :-40
Jet A1: -47
Fuel capacity wings/centre
~19000kgs wings
~38000kgs centre
max ASI differences ground/air
6kts ground
8kts air
max barber pole difference
6kts (ground or air)
max heading differences
HSI-HSI = 1deg
HSI-RMI = 2 deg
HSI-STBY = 10 deg
Max altimeter differences on ground
75’ from published field elevation
Vlo (alternate system)
Vlo (normal system)
Minimum O2
1550psi for 4 people for 180 minutes
maximum wind for main deck cargo door
40kts to open
60kts once opened
minimum oil pressure
maximum oil temperature
175 deg C (15 min b/w 160 and 175 C)
(oil temp must be indicating b/f t/o)
maximum altitude
max t/o and landing altitude
max tail wind
10kts (15kts for fin 675)
max dry snow for t/o
4 inches
max packed snow for t/o
2 inches
max slush/wet snow/water for t/o
1/2 inch
max engine temp
870 deg C
max engine temp continuous
750 deg C
Reject before 80kts for…(11)
• Activation of the master caution
• System failure(s)
• Unusual noise or vibration
• Tire failure
• Abnormally slow acceleration
• Unsafe take-off configuration warning
• Fire or fire warning
• Engine failure
• A side window opens
• The airplane is unsafe or unable to fly
Reject after 80kts for…(4)
• Fire or fire warning
• Engine failure
• The airplane is unsafe or unable to fly
-wind shear
“Glide slope, Glide slope” may be canceled when…(4)
• localizer approach
• visual maneuvering from an ILS
• when conditions require a deliberate approach below glideslope
• unreliable glideslope signal
Turbulence penetration speed
Nosewheel steering angle tiller/rudder pedals
65/7 degrees
Max altitude for Apu bleed
Autobrake speed activation
Minimum oil for dispatch
Fuel config means….(3)
Imbalance of 2000lbs
C tank has 1200+ lbs of fuel & c tank pumps are off
Low fuel
T/o not authorized in …(4)
Heavy ice pellets
Moderate or heavy freezing rain
Landings not authorized in…(2)
Moderate or heavy freezing rain
Max x-wind
Altimeters must agree within ft while in rvsm airspace
Max number of apu starts
Wind shear indications in flight (7)
Below 1000’: 15kt deviation
+/-500’ vs deviation
5 degrees of pitch
1 dot glide slope deviation
Unusual thrust
Wind shear alert
T/o alternate required when….(2)
Below 2600 rvr or 1/2sm
Below landing minimum
Max angle of climb
Vref 30+80/M0.77
Max rate of climb
Minimum clean speed (Vref 30+80) + 50/M0.78
Total passenger count tolerance
X-wind takeoff technique
Rolling takeoff
Thrust levers 70%
Thrust levers to t/o target
N1 engage
Run up required when…(2)
Engine anti-ice is used (visible moisture 1sm or less)
+3C or less
Run up technique
60% for 30 seconds every 30 minutes
TCAS climb RA in landing configuration
A/P off
A/T off
Set maximum thrust
Flaps 20
Pitch to satisfy the RA command
“Gear up” with positive rate