B737 Flashcards
Wind shear (manual flight)
“Wind shear, TOGA”
A/p off
TOGA switch push
Aggressively apply maximum thrust
A/t off
Wings level
Pitch 15 degrees
Speedbrakes retracted
Follow f/d go around commands
Maintain configuration
Monitor v/s
Monitor altitude
Wind shear (auto flight)
“Windshear, TOGA”
Push TOGA switch
Verify TOGA mode
Verify TOGA thrust
Retract speed brakes
Monitor performance
Maintain configuration
Monitor v/s and altitude
Engine failure in cruise and drift down
“Disengage autothrottle, set max continuous thrust” (pm actions)
Confirm max continuous thrust
“Engine out page” (pm selects e/o page, sets e/o alt and speed on mcp)
-at e/o speed select LVL change (pm = lights on & advise ATC)
Turn if required
“Checklist, engine failure” (pm actions checklist)
At level off: determine optimum altitude
Adjust thrust
Land at nearest suitable airport
Look for traffic
Manoeuvre as needed
A/p off
A/t off
Pitch to satisfy RA command
(If in landing configuration: max thrust, flaps 15 and gear up with positive rate)
PM-lights on
Nose high
A/p off
A/t off
Nose down elevator
Nose down trim (if required)
Reduce thrust
Bank to lower nose (if required)
At horizon: wings level
Adjust thrust
Adjust pitch
Nose low recovery
A/p off
A/t off
Recover from stall
Wings level
Nose up
Adjust thrust and drag
GPWS caution
Correct flight path or condition
GPWS warning
A/P off
A/T off
Aggressively apply max thrust
Pitch 20 degrees
Retract speedbrakes
(Pitch to PLI/shaker if needed)
Maintain configuration
Monitor RA
Accelerate when clear
Overrun warning (airborne)
Go around
Overrun warning (ground)
Reject takeoff….
Thrust idle
Max brakes
Speedbrakes up
Max reverse
Hold control column firmly
A/P off
A/T off
Pitch nose down
Wings level
Add thrust
Retract Speedbrakes
Maintain configuration (if on t/o and clean, call “flaps 1”)
Adjust thrust
Establish pitch attitude
Return to flight path
Windshear indications (5 + 4 on HUD)
+/-500fpm v/s
5 degrees of pitch
1 dot displacement
Unusual thrust
Erratic wind vector
Rapid changes to flight path
Opposing acceleration and airspeed vectors
Large differences between airspeed and ground speed
Ground incident
“Remain seated, remain seated”
“Incharge flight attendant call/report to the flight deck”
“Checklist, passenger evacuation”
Aborted engine start
Engine start lever cutoff
Engine limit/surge/stall
A/T off
Thrust lever- confirm and retard until condition stops
Loss of thrust on both engines
Engine start switches (both) - flight
Start levers (both) - cutoff
When EGT decreases:
Start levers (both) - idle
Repeat as needed
Apu fire
Apu fire switch - confirm, pull, and rotate (hold for 1 sec)
Apu switch - off
Engine overheat
A/T off
Thrust lever - confirm and close
Smoke/fire from a lithium battery
Transfer control (if necessary)
“Backup to the flight deck, backup to the flight deck”
Oxygen masks on
Communications establish
Runaway stabilizer
Hold control column firmly
A/P off
A/T off
Control aircraft with pitch and thrust
Use electric stab trim
If runaway stops with A/P disconnect: do not re-engage A/P
If runaway continues: stab trim cutout switches-cutout
If runaway continues: hold trim wheel
Unreliable airspeed
A/P off
A/T off
F/D off
Power & Pitch: flaps extended = 80% and 10 degrees
Flaps up = 75% and 4 degrees
Landing configuration horn
Ensure correct configuration
Warning horn (intermittent)
warning: takeoff/cabin altitude/takeoff configuration
(Above 10,000’ & on the ground)
Above 10,000’ : masks don
Communications establish
On ground: ensure correct t/o configuration
Crew incapacitation
Assume control
A/P on
Tilt back
Slide back
Oceanic diversion (all engines)
Initiate drills and time critical checklists
Declare emergency and request clearance
Follow clearance
Turn 30 degrees R/L
Offset 5NM
Altitude +/-500’
Oceanic diversion (single engine)
Complete drills and time critical checklists
Declare emergency and request clearance
Follow clearance
Turn 30 degrees R/L
Offset 5NM
When offset, descend below FL290 +/-500’