B6.2- Variation and Evolution. Flashcards
How is genetic variation caused?
List some characteristics determined only by genes?
- It comes from the crossing over of chromosomes which leads to genetic variation.
- An organism’s characteristics are determined by the genes inherited from their parents and the genes are passed on in sex cells( gametes) from which the offspring develop and genetic variation is caused when most offspring inherit genes from their mother and some from their father; the mixing of the chromosomes and genes leads to genetic variation.
- Some characteristics determined only be genes could be eye colour, blood group, and inherited disorders.
How do identical twins come to be?
Identical twins are from the same fertilised egg and divide to form 2 genetically identical embryos.
How can characteristics be influenced by the environment? Give examples.
-The environment and the conditions that organisms live and grow in also causes differences between species and this is called environmental variation.
For eg, a plant growing in plenty of sunlight will be luscious and green but the same identical plant grown in darkness would grow tall and have yellow leads and this is due to environmental variation.
-Variation can be affected by nurture which is environmental factors for eg scars, accents
Give characteristics that are both influenced by the genetic and environment?
- Body weight, height, skin colour.
- Max height can be determined by genes but whether it actually reaches and grows that tall depends on its environment.
First, determine what is a mutation; how often does it occur?
How can mutation lead to variation?
-Mutations are changes to the sequence of bases in DNA and they can lead to changes in the protein that gene codes for. Most mutations will have no effect on the protein the gene codes and hence have no effect on the organism’s phenotype.
Some may have a small influence on phenotype so alter characteristics slightly but although it’s v rare, mutations can result in a new phenotype being seen in a species.
-If the enviro changes, the new phenotype makes an individual more suited to a new environment, it can become common throughout the species relatively quickly by natural selection.
What is the theory of evolution?
How does it relate to ‘survival of the fittest’?
States that all of today’s species have evolved from simple life forms that first started to develop over 3 billion years ago.
-‘Survival of the fittest’ concluded that the organisms with the most suitable characteristics for the environment would be more successful competitors and would be more likely to survive due to having an advantage. The successful organisms that survive are more likely to reproduce and pass on the genes for the characteristics that make them successful to their offspring. The organisms that are less adapted will be less likely to survive and reproduce so they will be less likely to pass on the genes to the next generation. Over time, the allele frequency will increase
When answering a 6 marker on Natural selection, what are the 6 points to consider?
1) Variation occurs so natural selection occurs.
2) Competition due to the environment or surroundings.
3) ‘Survival of the fittest’ as variation will give the species an advantage over others.
4) Reproduction- reproduce to pass on the useful alleles to the offspring.
5) Over time, the allele frequency would increase as the offspring with the useful, desired genes would reproduce.
5) Speciation can also occur if a species evolved from another which would help create a new frequency.
How does a mouse get to have good hearing?
A mouse gets to have good hearing due to variation which leads to them having an advantage in the competition by being able to hear predators. This will allow them to survive in the survival of the fittest as variation gives the mouse an advantage over others. They will then reproduce to pass the useful desired alleles to the offspring and overtime, the allele frequency will increase as the offspring will then further reproduce to pass on the desired alleles so on and so forth.
What is the development of new species called?
- Development of new species is called speciation and over a long period of time, the phenotype of an organism can change so much that a completely new species is formed.
- Speciation happens when the populations of the same species change enough to become reproductively isolates and they can’t interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
How can extinction occur?(5)
Extinction can occur:
- the environment changes too quickly.
- new predator kills them all.
- new disease.
- they can’t compete with another new species for food.
- a catastrophic event that kills them all such as a volcanic explosion.
Define selective breeding.
Selective breeding is when humans artifically breed selective plants and animals for desired characteristic.
Why may humans selectively breed plants and animals? (4)
They may selectively breed plants and animals to have features such as:
- disease resistance.
- dogs with good, gentle temperament.
- animals produce more milk or meat.
- decorative plants with big or unsual flowers.
Describe the process of selective breeding?
1) From the exisiting stock, select the desirable trait or characteristics.
2) Breed them with each other.
3) Select the best of the offspring with the desirable traits and breed them together.
4) Continue this process over several generations anf the desirable trait gets stronger and stronger so eventually, overtime, all the offspring will have the characteristic.
How can selective breeding be used in agriculture;
- Wheat
- Cows
- Chickens.
- Wheat: large SA available to give a higher yiled, bred them to be shorter so they are heavier at the top and don’t fall, larger ear so there is more position for more grain.
- Cows: quality of meat- docile cows, high yield of milk, high yield of meat.
- Chickens- breed them to have less feathers, breed for quality and yield of meat, high yield and consistency of eggs.
Main drawbacks of selective breeding? (4)
- Reduces the gene pool and the number of different alleles in a population as the farmer keeps breeding from the best animals or plants which are all closesly related- inbreeding.
- Inbreeding can cause healthy problems because more of a chance of organisms inheriting harmful genetic defects when the gene pool is limited
- Serious problem is new disease- lack of variation as all sstock are closely related to each other.
- dependancy on humans- creates docile animals.