B6.016 - Soft Tissue Tumors Prework Part 2 Flashcards
vascular tumors
kaposi sarcoma
what are hemangiomas
majority are superficial lesions, often head and neck, may occur internally especially the liver
types of hemangiomas
capillary hemangioma
pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma)
cavernouse hemangioma
capillary hemangioma
closely packed aggregates of thin walled capillaries
juvenile hemangiomas of the skin of newborns is extremely common
cavernous hemangioma
larger, more frequently involve deep structures like liver
histo: large cavernous vasvcular spaces filled with blood
capillary hemangioma
capillary hemangioma
cavernous hemangioma
pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma)
kaposi sarcoma feautures
HHV8 associated
low to intermediate grade sarcoma, locally aggressive
what are the 4 forms of KS
classic or european
transplant associated
AIDS associated
describe classic/european KS
chronic, indolent coures of older men, skin lesions, not associated with HIV
describe african/endemic KS
protracted, progressive coures, lymphadenopathy, not associated with HIV
describe transplant associated KS
aggressive coures, involves LN, mucosa and internal organs, may resolve after withdrawal of immunosuppression
describe AIDS associated KS
HIV-1 most aggressive form, most common AIDs associated cancer of US
pathogenesis of KS
regardless of clinical subtype 95% of KS are infected iwth HHV8, aka KSHV
KSHV can be trnasmitted sexually as well as by poorly understood nonsexual routes
KSHV is a necessary requirement for KS development but tumor progression also requires a cofactor like HIV
histology of KS and 3 stages/clinical coures
proliferation of slit like vascular channels, lined by plump spindle cells with extravasated RBCs
frequent mitoses
clinically variable
feaures of angiosarcoma
more often in older adults
most commonly involves skin, soft tissue, breast and liver
what is hepatic angiosarcoma associated with
hepatic angiosarcoma: associated with chemical carcinogens (arsenic, thorotrast, polyvinyl chlloride PVC)
what is upper extremity angiosarcoma associated with
lymphedema following axillary lymph node dissection in radical mastectomy for breast cancer
what can angiosarcoma be associated with
radiation (post radiation angiosarcoma)
histo and prognosis of angiosarcoma
histo: vascular channels lined by atypical plump malignant endothelial cells
IHC: CD31+
Prognosos: poor outcome with frequent local recurrence and distant metastasis